Grand Theft Auto V (Konsol)

Skrivet av Zyriak:

Då bor du på en annan planet...rankas av många som den sämsta portningen till PC genom tiderna (av större titlar), visst efter ett halvår blev det bättre efter ett antal patchar men portningen var fortfarande kass.

Jag förstår inte varför det är det, funkar för mig skitbra. alla mina polare med.


Mästerligt! Sjukt bra första intryck som vanligt, hoppas det håller.

Visa signatur

"A lie is truth, until you recognize it as a lie. To see the truth behind those lies is probably the right thing to do. However, it may not necessarily bring happiness. Lies are Happiness."

Dator: TUF Gaming B550 Pro, Ryzen 5600G, 16GB RAM, Sapphire Radeon RX 5600 XT

Skrivet av Noobenu:

Jag förstår inte varför det är det, funkar för mig skitbra. alla mina polare med.

Läste du ens vad han skrev? I början när det släpptes vad det nästan ospelbart.


visst efter ett halvår blev det bättre efter ett antal patchar men portningen var fortfarande kass.

Skrivet av Noobenu:

Jag förstår inte varför det är det, funkar för mig skitbra. alla mina polare med.

Skrivet av Marcusk:

Läste du ens vad han skrev? I början när det släpptes vad det nästan ospelbart.

Fattar inte hur ni kan få det att flyta på, jag har ~60-65FPS i benchmarken men då jag spelar 20-30 i bästa fall = ospelbart.

Hoppas GTA V blir bättre så man kan spela på PC annars får man väl köpa till PS3 där tycker jag inte det spelar så stor roll med låg FPS. Vet inte om det beror på att man sitter en bit ifrån tv:n eller för att man spelar med en handkontroll. :/

Visa signatur
Skrivet av Marcusk:

Läste du ens vad han skrev? I början när det släpptes vad det nästan ospelbart.

Han skrev ju ändå att portningen fortfarande var kass.


Ska bli intresseant och se vad spelet kommer kräva!


Kan ni inte diskutera kvaliten på tidigare portningar i en annan tråd?

Visa signatur

And now we play the waiting game...

Mount Chiliad?

Verkar även som om tonen i GTA:5 är lättare än i GTA:CousinLetsgobowling

Visa signatur

Everyone hates me because I'm paranoid.

Skrivet av Cartoonhero:

Verkar även som om tonen i GTA:5 är lättare än i GTA:CousinLetsgobowling

vi får hoppas det

fick btw en instant flash back av en cykel flygandes ner för berget när jag såg bilden i din post
saknade bergen och redneck trakterna i gta4

Visa signatur

Chassi: Enthoo EVOLV mATX Moderkort: MSI M75A-E33 CPU: i5 3570K 4.4GHz Kylare: Corsair H75(P&P) Nätagg: FD Newton R2, 650W RAM:Corsair Vengence 16GB GPU: EVGA SSC ACX GTX 970 SSD: Japp Tangentbord: Gigabyte Aivia Ghost (röda brytare) Mus: QPAD 5K Ljud: Turtlebeach Earforce
OS: Win 10 pro Mobil: Motorola G5 Plus.


Verkar som om de skrev ut fjärde maj på en av bilplåtarna. Med tanke på att spelmotorn inte tagit nya höjder, så kan det vara möjligt...

Tror ni man får köpa hus igen?
Det var ju ett hus till salu i trailern. Jets är ju garanterat tillbaka iallafall, kanske styrketräning med, tyckte jag såg några som tränade utomhus...

Animationerna har iallafall mycket mera liv. Tjejen som spanar in bilen och blicken från den mörka killen som står och hänger mot en väg när den andra går förbi. Vilken blick! Mjukheten i killen som är full och blir knuffad. Hoppas på mera såna små detaljer, det ger spelet ett helt nytt liv.

Jag får intrycket av att spelet är riktigt stort, med vägskyltarna de visar och de olika landskapen.

Visa signatur

”Ingen må utsättas för godtyckliga ingripanden i fråga om privatliv, familj, hem eller korrespondens.
Artikel 12, FN:s deklaration för mänskliga rättigheter

Skrivet av jOnÄTÄn:

Någon som vet varför IV och V heter som de gör? För vice city och san andreas räknas knappast som expansioner på GTA III eller?

Rockstar arbetar enligt devisen att sätta en ny siffra på spelen när de genomgår en större förändring. Från trean till VC och SA så består förändringarna främst av en vidareutvecklad spelvärld, med fler fordonstyper och mer saker att göra. Steget från trean till fyran var ju dels ett skifte i konsolgeneration, dels ett större fokus på realism, toppat med multiplayermöjligheter. Och umgängestörstande bekanta.
Spekulationerna som jag har hört gällande vad som särskiljer GTA V från fyran handlar mest om co-op, men det kvarstår att se vad Rockstar har i backfickan.

Skrivet av Fevolas:

Spekulationerna som jag har hört gällande vad som särskiljer GTA V från fyran handlar mest om co-op, men det kvarstår att se vad Rockstar har i backfickan.

Co-Op i t.ex Saints Row var ju grymt kul så jag hoppas det blir lite co-op driveby's i GTA V

Visa signatur

Core i5 3570K@stock||Asus Z77 Sabertooth||16GB 1600mhz G.Skill RipJaws X||5850 1GB||Corsair Force GT SSD 120GB||XFX XXX 650W||CM HAF XB||Opad Mk-85 MX Red||Win7 Ultimate Signature Edition signerad av Steve Ballmer



Jämför gamla San Andreas mot nya! GTA5 ser något bättre ut!

GTA V is almost 2 and a half times larger than Red Dead Redemption.- Sam Houser
enligt JeuxVideo

Ett annat något mindre trovärdigt rykte sätter jag spoiler på.

1: The game world is absolutely massive and will push both xbox and PS3 to the very limit in terms of what it has accomplished. Yes, the main city is simply Los Santos however is it AT LEAST 4 times bigger than Liberty City in GTA 4 and that is just Los Santos. The surrounding country side, beaches, etc are massive. For instance, we saw the main character travel by car from the center of Los Santos into the wildnerness and it took over 15 minutes. The views were incredible from farmhouses with cattle, huge wind farms, an oil refinery which appeared to be living and breathing with nearly 100 NPCs working on machinery, operating vehicles, lifting and loaded, etc, unlike the gas works in GTA 4 which seemed to only house a few NPC at a time. The forests are more beautiful than those in RDR and featured people camping, young NPC drinking and dancing around campfires, people riding dirt bikes and jumping over logs, streams, etc. The water effects, forna, plants, trees all looked beautiful.

2: The shooting mechanics have been greatly improved with animations for diving, climbing, rolling and crawling all added for better realism. The re-loading animations for new ammo also look cooler, less static.

3: There is much more climbable elements in the world such as ladders, overhand climbing, etc.

4: There are animals in the game from dogs to cattle but at this time it is not confirmed if you will be able to harm the animals. Rockstar were able to get away with it in RDR as it was a true depiction of the world in which the game was set. Allowing dogs/cattle to die in a game sent in current times may cause headaches with PETA. Its unclear if Rockstar were joking here.

5: There are planes to pilot and they can be crashed into buildings if you choose to do so....

6: Rockstar have included many, many more interior locations such as a shopping mall, college campus, police station, a huge hospital and there is also a vast underground sewer network which one mission later in the game involves a jet ski chase that culminates in a Fugitive-esque waterfall jump ( there are nods to the ridiculous but awesome Ballad Of Gay Tony missions)

7: The city is full of NPCs jogging, weight-lifting, hitting on women, being chased on foot by cops, shopping, washing cars, fixing fences, moving home, filling up their cars, etc.


1: Cars can be upgraded/repaired and it has been considered to have a car have fuel forcing the player to fill her up.

2: The dating aspect of the game is gone. You still have a cell-phone but only people you will meet in the game will call you to ask you to do a mission or to ask you to do something else before the mission.

3: Weapons include the usual arsenal you'd aspect but the flamethrowers, remote mines, laxer trip mines and claymores are included. It is possible now to pick up random objects in a street/buidling to use as a weapon. There is also a museam where it is possible to steal old age swords, axes, etc.

4: it is possible to rupture a fuel line and if you shot at the trail of gasoline it will lead straight back to the car blowing it up.

5: mini games such as bowling, darts, etc have all gone. You can play basketball, weight train, arm wrestle, gamble and cage fight, enter triatholons, water races, cannoing, ab-saling, rock climbing, base jumping, ski diving. More to be confirmed.

6: Character customisation is back but only in terms of clothing, body weight, etc. The player you start off which, much like CJ, can't be altered by race, age, height, etc.

7: Rockstar said burglary missions may return but only as part of missions and not on neigbourhood houses.

8: No children NPC at all. Ever.

9: There is now an ability to grab people and use as sheilds or in "hostage" situations.

10: The cops are much, much, much more realistic. If you kill somebody when you know there are no cops around you will not run the risk of a one star as often as you would in GTA4. The cops will use smoke and tear gas, dogs, riot gear and rams to knock down the doors of buildings you are hiding in.

11: You can enter some buildings and lock doors, push objects in the way to barricade.

12: You become better at things as the game progresses. If you only ride motorbikes then you will increase your skills, same as individual weapons.

13: Certain weapons can be customisable and some even home-made.

14: One mission involves breaking out a very familiar GTA icon from a previous game...

15: Torrential rain fall and sunshine and even tremors will appear in the game.

Dold text


Visa signatur

”Ingen må utsättas för godtyckliga ingripanden i fråga om privatliv, familj, hem eller korrespondens.
Artikel 12, FN:s deklaration för mänskliga rättigheter


Wow börjar verkligen se framemot GTA V nu. Jag upplevde IV så stelt och tråkigt att jag gjorde några uppdrag och lekte lite sedan la jag ner det spelet. Jag saknade San Andreas känslan. IV kändes som att kliva bak i tiden förutom det grafiska då.

Visa signatur

Intel Pentium 2 MMX 233 @263 MHz, 192 mb, Nvidia TNT 16mb, 40gb hdd


jaha nytt gta igen...
och enl traditionen så ska alla företrädarna liras igenom innan (gta 1-gta2 får man hoppa över)
ps2an avdammad och gta 3 påbörjat

Visa signatur

"Mod är vad den fege tar till när han inte törs"- Sven-Erik Ivar Marklund


När kommer nästa trailer ut?

Skrivet av Fredag:

Kom ihåg att detta endast är rykten:

1: Spelvärlden ska vara enorm och kommer pressa ut allt från dagens konsoler. Den enda staden är Los Santos, men den sägs vara minst 4 gånger större än Liberty City i Grand Theft Auto IV. Vidare kommer vi också kunna besöka den omgivande landsbygden, stränder och massa mer.

Publikationen ska ha sett huvudkaraktären åka från Los Santos ut i vildmarken, och bara det tog runt 15 minuter. På vägen dit såg de bondgårdar med djur, stora vindkraftverk, ett oljeraffinaderi och allt kändes tydligen väldigt levande.

Skogarna är tydligen vackrare än de i Red Dead Redemption och tidningen såg människor tälta, människor som cyklade och hoppade över stockar och bäckar. Vatteneffekter, växter, och träd såg bättre ut än någonsin.

2: Skjutmekaniken har förbättrats avsevärt sedan Grand Theft Auto IV, med animationer för dykning, klättring, rullning och krypning, alla tillsatta för bättre realism.

3: Det finns mycket mer klätterbara element i världen som stegar, med mera.

4: Det finns djur med i spelet, allt från hundar till bondgårdsdjur, Rockstar har dock inte berättat om man kan skada djuren. I Red Dead Redemption kom Rockstar undan med detta pga att det var en sann skildring spelvärlden. Att låta spelare döda djur i ett spel som utspelas under vår tid kan orsaka problem med PETA. Det är oklart om Rockstar skämtar angående detta.

5: Flygplan är tillbaka. Vi ska kunna styra dem.

6: Det finns mer ställen att besöka i spelet, såsom köpcentrum, polisstationer, och även ett underjordiskt avloppsnät. Under ett uppdrag i spelet jagar du en person på en vattenskoter, vilket leder dig in i avloppsnätet och avslutas med ett jättehopp ner från ett vattenfall.

7: Staden är full av personer som joggar, lyfter tyngder, flörtar, blir jagade till fots av poliser, shoppar, tvättar bilar, fixar staket, flyttar hem, tankar sina bilar med mera.

8: Bilar kan uppgraderas och repareras, Rockstar funderar också på ett bensinsystem som gör att du måste tanka din bil.

9: Du kan inte längre gå ut på dejter med tjejer. Mobiltelefonen är tillbaka i spelet men de enda som kan kontakta dig är personer du träffar som ger dig uppdrag.

10: Vapnen i spelet är vad vi kan vänta oss, men du kan också plocka upp olika objekt på gatorna eller i ett hus för att använda som vapen. Det finns också ett museum i spelet där du kan ta ett svärd eller en yxa.

11: Det är också möjligt att ta sönder en bränsleledning, om du sedan skjuter på spåret av bensinen kommer det leda tillbaka till bilen och sedan spränga den i bitar.

12: Minispel som bowling och dart är borta. Nu kan du spela basket, lyfta vikter och spela på kasinon. Du kan också tävlingssegla, bergsklättra och mycket mer.

13: Karaktärsanpassning är tillbaka men bara i form av kläder, kroppsvikt och liknande. Spelaren startar ungefär som CJ. Du kan inte ändra ras, ålder och sånt.

14: Rockstar sa att inbrottsuppdrag kan återvända, men endast i ett uppdrag i så fall. Du kommer inte kunna göra inbrott i vilket hus du vill.

15: Inga barn i spelet, överhuvudtaget.

16: Du kan nu använda människor som sköldar, eller i gisslan-situationer.

17: Poliser beter sig nu mycket mer realistiskt, om du dödar någon när en polis inte är i närheten så riskerar du inte att få en stjärna. Poliser kommer också använda rök, tårgas, hundar, kravallutrustning, och murbräckor för att slå ner dörrar i hus där du gömmer dig.

18: Du kan gömma dig i hus, låsa dörren och sedan ställa föremål framför dörren.

19: Du blir bättre på saker under spelets gång, om du bara kör motorcykel blir du bättre på att styra och så vidare, samma gäller för alla vapen.

20: Vissa vapen kan bli anpassningsbara, och en del hemgjorda.

21: Under ett uppdrag räddar du en väldigt känd GTA-karaktär från ett tidigare spel.

22: Häftiga regn och till och med jordbävningar kommer ske under spelets gång.

Maj låter som en lämplig månad då Rockstar har dominerat den månaden de två senaste åren med Red Dead Redemption och L.A. Noire.

Om bara några av dessa stämmer så skulle jag vara riktigt nöjd, längtar galet! Kanske man borde sätta sig och klara GTA IV på PS3...

Skickades från


It has recently been brought to our attention that a poster over on the official GameSpot forums have posted a massive list of unreleased information about the future title, Grand Theft Auto V. Through a post, that has since been deleted by the forum moderators over on the GameSpot forum, along with the poster, a user by the name of Gloggle has revealed that he is a friend of an ex-RockStar employee that was fired for misconduct. Now, it seems that the ex-RockStar employee now has the intentions of leaking information on GTA V.

As for the information that was listed, you can find the post as a whole below or you can view a Google cache version here.


I am a friend of someone who recently got sacked from RockStar North for general misconduct. Because one contract to RockStar covered everything, including secrecy, and his contractual obligaton was now removed, he was legally allowed to spill the beans on Rockstar's upcoming GTA V. And he is making damn sure everyone knows about it.

Here is the info you really want:

1. The protagonist will be one character, and one character alone. His name is (as some rumours said) Albert De Silva. He's a half hispanic man who was once part of a crime family in Vice City. He decided to settle down and have kids in Los Santos. He has one son called Kevin De Silva who is your stereotypical CoD player. He's lazy, useless and shouts racial abuse online and is really into FPS games. Kevin does admire his Dad though.

2. Multiplayer will hold 32 people on the Xbox and PS3. I wasn't told how many were able to be on the PC. Just like in RDR, players will be able to form Gangs. These gangs are not ranked through XP anymore, but via Reputation. Instead of gang hideouts, you can do jobs that range from robbing a launderette to breaking into a military base and stealing state-of-the-art weaponary. The Gang leader has much more control over his or her gang by being able to rank members of their gang and setting more specific objectives to specific members of their gang. Gangs can have their own terratory but this only applies to areas inside the city of Los Santos.

3. The map is about 5x as large as the GTA IV map and the City of Los Santos takes up just under half of this area (so it's a bit bigger than 2 GTA IV Liberty Cities).

The map is (like most GTAs) seperated into three different sections. 4. Planes are flyable, they range from World War 2 fighter planes to Private Jets.

5. Cars and guns are customisable to an extent, for example, you can cusomise a gun to have a supressor on it and you can install nitrous into cars.

Here's some stuff you might like:

1. The protagonist is the "rich guy" from the GTA V debut trailer. You get to learn more about this man in the second when he talks about his troubles. You only see the protagonist twice in the trailer. First time is the side of his face and second time is when he is driving a Deceptor (Audi R8). The people robbing the jewellery store are just with the protagonist. He is driving the van ready to get away.

2. Gunfights are more realistic. When you are shooting a gun out of a window of a car, depending on how fast it's going you will have troubles aiming due to shaking cameras.

3. The game is due in May 2013. A more specific date has not been decided because the game is still needing 6 months to be fully developed. They will have a playable demo at E3.

4. Police chases are now way more than either running or driving. Depending on how wanted you are, police may bring out riot shields and flash bangs. 5. When someone reaches 4 star wanted level, there will be a radio warning on some stations.

6. Radio stations now do traffic reports that are actually correct. So if you don't know what route to take, you can check the traffic reports on your phone or the radio. 7. The in-game TV now has many more channels

8. The protagonist DOES NOT die unlike in the last two Rockstar games.

9. The underworld actually has a working economy that you can contribute too by buying and selling drugs, weapons and illegal cars in single player.

10. The protagonist can take drugs which will have some effects. But smoking weed on the streetwalk will lead to getting a one star wanted level.

11. Police cars will go after you if you're obviousely breaking the speed limit. Having high speed crashes will also damage your health.

Wanted levels:

1 star - police follow you on foot and try to make an arrest. No sirens, no car chases (unless you are speeding).

2 star - police will still attempt to make an arrest. If a weapon is drawn then the police will begin opening fire. Police will use stun guns if a weapon is not drawn.

3 star - Chases begin and the police don't care how they stop you, they just want to do it.

4 star - road traps, radio stations and much more hostile police.Even when you have evaded them, they will still search for 24 in-game hours for someone matching your description.

5 star - shoot to kill, arrest only if it's made very possible. Even when you have evaded them, they will still search for 48 in-game hours for someone matching your description. Few missions become unavailable if you are wanted.

6 star - military vehicles come after you. Even when you have evaded them, they will still search for 72 in-game hours for someone matching your description. Some missions become unavailable if you are wanted.

Dold text

Visa signatur

WS: i9 13900K - 128GB RAM - 6.5TB SSD - RTX 3090 24GB - LG C2 42" - W11 Pro
LAPTOP 1: Lenovo Gaming 3 - 8GB RAM - 512GB SSD - GTX 1650
LAPTOP 2: Acer Swift 3 - 8GB RAM - 512GB SSD
SERVER: i5 10400F - 64GB RAM - 44TB HDD
NALLE: Pixel 7 Pro


Ännu mera "leaks"


Massive Rumor: Ex-Rockstar Intern Leaks GTA V Info, Confirms Red Dead Rebellion, and More

We recently caught wind of a massive Grand Theft Auto V rumor and it's almost too good to be true.

Yesterday I read a very interesting set of details brought forth by a guy named Brendan who claims to be a graphic designs major at Full Sail University. Mr. Brendan claims to have had a 12 month contractual agreement as an intern for Rockstar Games. Mr. Brendan also claims to have gathered a bit of information on the game and has shared a mouthful of details. Mr. Brendan even goes as far as confirming Red Dead Rebellion, Bully 2, and Wild Metal 2.

Please note that we highly suggest you take the following quoted material with a grain of salt... as a matter of fact why don't you eat a whole bag of it.

The following quoted material is from Ed Elric (Brendan).

"Look, what i've seen can't be unseen. I will share with you the things I now know, which can never be erased from my memory, for I just can't hold it in any longer. Asides from a few of my family, I tried not to share this info with but 3 or 4 close friends. But I just....must...maaaann...Let me introduce myself. My name is Brendan. a Graphic Designs major at Full Sail Academy in Orlando, Florida. I'm on my 3rd year and am an abid gamer. Originally born in Miami, I moved away for college to purssue game design. Got a transfer to NJIT (New Jersey Institue of Technology) on internship for accredited service hours due to an once and a lifetime chance."

"Now The information I share with you aren't another set of pathetic attempts at rumors, 'leaks' or insider talk thats been running rampid on the web, but rather, actual facts I can physically confirm."

"To make long story short, in 2007, about a few months after the actual trailer reveal for IV, I often thought to myself how nice it would be to if someone were to intern for Rockstar. Thats has to be sweet, you just sit back and watch one of your favourite games being made right in front of you. So thinking to myself, maybe if i applied for an internship (in time before the release of IV), I would not only get the position, I'd also find out all there is to know of about IV in the process with maybe a free advance copy for my time at the offices. So that summer I applied for the position, but sadly and appropriately so, not a response to be had from Rockstar. Realisticly, that was to be expected."

"And so I let the time pass and eventually forgot about the plan. Fast foward to about late February/early March 2011. Long forgotten, I check my e-mail just to be unexpectedly struck by utter awe. BAM, an intership acceptance letter requesting immediate availibility for a 12-month contractual agreement as a personal office assistant. Nothing more was needed to be said to pursuade me. I was off to the Manhattan offices in New York."

"Blah Blah Blah....3 months pass......Blah Blah Blah...After months of 'fetch' work (the usually sort this, sort that, get coffee, before actually geting to learn and observe advanced design, texturing, technical protocol and production) I finally became "cool" with some of the guys down at Rockstar NY. No I didn't meet The Houser or anyone like that; but I did chummy it up with some of the assisting animators and programmers. Then my subtle plan was put in motion....."

"I eagerly sat behind desks waiting any paperwork branded with the initials GTA somewhere on the page. If anything did pop up, I'd put it to the side for later reading or a quick skim through if was an email or there was no time. Most of the time it would just be over-heard conversation amongst employees about what they heard or were told about the game. At the luckiest of times. I got to see NON-FUNCTIONAL gamplay as the programmers were tinkering with things (equests from Rockstar North with certain things in the game (i suppose)."

"Most of the time the guys are designing some new textures and worlds all day for other games). Rockstar has had GTA V in production since late 2008 and is close to completion. I'd say about 87% done and what they have cooking feels great. Again long story short, for a whole year i lived in New Jesery ,managed the jungle that is Manhattan, was part of the making of GTA V and now I've been back home for three weeks now and the excitement from what i've seen over the past year is mind blowing and have to tell someone and as an intern, i was unpaid therefore, my contract was not a NDA in regaurds to info leaks. SO HERE I AM PASS ON THE KNOWLEDGE!"

"Am I to be believed? If you choose and I frankly don't care. You are no way inclined to accept what i say at all. That's fine. I'm only here to share what i've seen. I'm doing you a favor. As an intern, I've seen more than I even wanted to see, let alone learn about. As a result i'm now suicidely excited for gaming as an industry. Not only because of GTA V, but as well as confirmation of Red Dead Rebellion (Yes; it's part 3), a new Bully and Wild Metal 2."

"Now on to the featured presentation:"


"No; I DID NOT SEE ANY FUNCTIONING GAMEPLAY; Answering that question first before there is a flood of that kind of stuff. I also no; i do not know anything reguarding story other than the all-around vague premise that most people at the offices would know (even though they will deny it)."


"I've seen the holy grail that is her, the map of GTA V and Yes; Los Santos is the only city. Fortunately, Los Santos is only being used as the focal point in a new southern California twist. The new map is comprised of 5 'main' populaces within the 1 County of Los Santos. As a result Los Santos has grown greatly, becoming a City-County, which will be split into 3 "provinces", in classic GTA fashion:"

"The Greater Naranja Area"
"Los Puerta"
"Greater Los Santos"

"All of which are accompanied alongside smaller surrounding unincorparated areas. Some of which are within close by proximity. Others out in the outskirts of the county."

"All but the City of Los Santos itself will be making a more scaled-down appearance within the County: Santa Ana (aptly re-named Santa Monica), San Diego (San Dignos),Carlsbad (Wadsworth), Chula Vista (Chola Springs), and Anaheim (renamed Alemana, something along those lines, i think i misspelled it though) have been scaled-down drasticly to fit in and around Los Santos. Trust me, it looks believable, and better yet, natural. The Greater Los Santos Area is in fact HUGE and the largest area of the three. Within Greater Los Santos are The San Ventura Mountain Range, Bone Valley, Larry Andreasen Bridge, Lawernce Island, and Santos National Park."

"Los Santos will be the most diverse in terms of neighborhoods, arts/culture, and geography. The San Ventura mountain range is to the northeast which is a play off of the Santa Monica Moutains and San Gabriel Mountains. Lush eviroments and vivid forest back-drop really does just on how far GTA has come from a top-down video game to the critically acclaimed art that it is today. But to me, the true display of how much Rockstar cares about the fans was adding 'Chilliad Peak'. A nice little nod to Mount Chiliad, which no longer exsists as a 'stand-alone', but as a peak within the mountain range itself. Whether there something to do other than scale the peak itself is undetermined by someone like me."

"Alemana, Santa Monica and East Shore/South Central Los Santos make up the smallest province in the game, named The Greater Naranja Area. It's a really suburban area with beautiful mansions to the south/southeast-ish (looks similar to the Westdyke area in Alderney), the central portion is more modernized with the more urban areas to the north. Beaches to the west with "Charlie Harper" type of real estate bordering the shores. Since i've never been to California ever, thats the best description i can give."

"The southern most points in Los Santos County are known as Los Puerta. Incorporating this area is Wadsworth, Chola Springs, and San Dignos. To the south is blocked off by unpassable mountains with a fence along the range. Though clearly a reference to the Mexican-American border, sorry folks, no Mexico. Closest thing to Mexico is pprobably the architecture in this area with old pueblo towns, pedestrians horse back in the distant outskirts, cactal flora, and the all-around "borderlands" atmoshpere. But other than that, no Mexico."

"A few of the Los Santos district names have returned, such as Jefferson, Vinewood, Mullholland, and Idlewood. But for the most part, many of the other areas have been renamed. East Shore (East Beach/Long Beach [also could be Laguana Beach to be honest, I don't know]), San Clair (Richman/Bel-Air??), Vesspucci Beach (Verona/Venice Beach). Rockstar has included a virtual rendention of the Staple Center. They are currently on the fences whether to make it 'interactive' (with mini-games I'd suppose), Also Ganton is back. Grove Street is not. At least not the cul-de-sac. Grove Street Family gang does return, or atleast pedestrains that look like the gang members return. Whether they play a pivotal role, once again something somebody like me wouldn't know."

"The map is in fact larger than 3 Libery Citys' smushed together as one area, surrounded by 2 Red Dead maps as countryside (atleast it seems so to me). Two airports, one private airfield, and a military base make up the central tranport hubs for the city. 2 smaller 'airstrips" also are scattered in the coutryside."

Main Character/Summerized Plot:


"If you've watched the reveal trailer, the gentlemen in the scene letting down the convertibles top is indeed the main character. His name is Adrian, just a normal guy, dangerously enticed by the sight of 'easy' money. He is cut throat character, "takes-no-sh*t" kind of attitude. Adrian has pretty much been in the criminal underworld since his late teen years. No stranger to the risk needed to become the guy on top, Adrian made good use with the money, the woman, and the minor fame which have been good to him keeping him at such accliamed success. Seeming untouchable, Adrian is on top until he's approached by an older gentlemen, Albert (man with the suit from the trailer), who views Adrian's wealth as opportunity to expand his own "intrests". This why he mutters "... but you know how it is" in the reveal trailer. Adrian accepts and the craziest ride gamers will ever experience begins."

"Along the story it seems you meet 'strangers' in the streets for side-story/missions and money gaining (ala Red Dead Redemption) but Albert will be the person you gain missions from that either unlocks or progresses the story. I try to think of him as your Billy from Lost and the Damned or Gay Tony from the Ballad. He'll be the main reason for the mayhem in the storyline so it seems. Also choices will return from IV, however, this time their going to be more impactful (i hope) as talks of multiple endings were definitley in the air. As to how many....your guess is as good as mine."

"One thing for sure is the new 'Your Crew' (thats the name im giving it, as there is know name really) aspect of the game with your character. In an effort to build more of a bond with the character and story, you can now forms a 'crew' of 'henchmen' with a lot of the strangers you meet. For instances when meeting some of the 'strangers' in the street, some of them will try and offer there specialties and services to you aside from the mission/task of the player. Qucikc scenerio, one stranger you meet could be a black market arms dealers who is stocked with the finest rare and/or expensive weapons, yet, aslo a highly skilled rifleman. If recruited, you can now use him as a gun man/van when arsenal is needed or as a sniper cover shooter during intense missions. You can also maybe decline just because you dont like the cut of his jib. With every different stranger you met (each with different perks, bonuses and personalities) you have the option to 'recruit' them as a member ofyour crew making every players in-game crews different from each other giving way to many differnet uniques styles of play for every individual to exploit during completion of every mission. The robbery scene in the trailer was an example of this. This offers a way to create varied teams such as: Stealth squads, Run'n'Gun teams, even a calm collected 'mobster-type' family with your crew as hired muscle to rough people up. Once assembled, your crew can then be called upon for a mission, as back-up, or just to hang out, engage in activities and free roam."

"Your character can be customised but the characters in your crew can not. The clothing in GTA V have been vastly improved. Every article of clothing the pedestrians wear will also be available to your character from the beginging. Also Health stats may return. Talks of working out and body building are have been underway. Body Building will not require you to eat, nor will eating affect your working out. Eating is still optional but only as a health pick-up. Over eating will not make you fat, but a lack of working out will diminish your physical physique. As a result, stregnth and stamina will return and provide certain 'perks' that carry-over into the gameplay."

Side-Quests/New and Cool Things:

"Activities and side missions are making a return from GTA IV but only strip clubs/drinking, drug trade, fight club, base-jumping and racing are carrying over. The rest are brand new and quite interesting. Surfing is probably going to be the one that blows peoples minds. Card games, dice, Hang-gliding, rockclimbing, car shows, off-roading, hiking, and 'legal' gambling just to name a few. By release i wouldn't be suprised if more will be addind"

"Burglary will be making a come back. Newly refined, GTA V's buglary missions now operate as two types, Robberies or Heists. When going alone to rob a home or store, all money earned goes to the player upon every successful robbery.Now when doing the same with a 'crew', all proceeding are split with all participating party members. This makes for an intersting bit of gameplay. The more people with you the easier heisting a place will be, but the more people with you the less money you gain. This forces you to either 'hit' larger and more difficult places for more cash or downsize and go it alone with more risk."

"Flight School and the Driver's Course are back. Shooting ranges have now been added as a school to improve weapon stats. As for Boating School, sorry, no cigar."

"Girlfriends will return but with a much more engaging twist. A range of new things to do with them have been added to interupt the monotinous proceedings GTA IV provided. One added feature is you can break-up with them (mainly to end the annoyance of repeated phone calls). All women Adrian dates will have their own unique benifits similar to GTA IV, this time with more variety of attribute boots to unlock. This gives the player more reason to "pick and choose' girls, keeping them or dumping them at will, as maybe her unique skill(s) is of no use to you any longer."

"Adrenaline Pills are back. Only it works like bullet time minus the diving and jumping. Good for evading six star wanted levels as, once injested, it slows down time a bit and giving Adrian adequete time to either escape or get the last shots off. I know...I know. I felt the same way. Hopefully it will work or there will be some sort of tweak to it by release."

"Yes; Assets are attainable for ways to aquire money. That is all......"

"Most ironic tid bit, SAFEHOUSES now all have (that's right you guessed it) SAFES!. This is for the player to hold various items such as money, jewelery, and drugs. Guns will still be 'laying around' for easy access but rare weapons can be placed within the safe too."

"Drugs have returned in the form of a fully realised rendition of The Chinatown Wars' trade system. Adrian will now have a seperate screen that houses certain items like in Chinatown Wars and that of John Marston. While you can go out and SELL drugs per say, you can bartar with strangers who will approach you with propositions. If the stranger is asking for $200 of acid and you have said product in hand then you can make a quick buck and keep strolling, but let's say you left the acid in the safe and only have weed on you, you can either decline to trade and keep moving or hold him up at gun point for his cash and make a break for it (or shoot him, eh, Tomato Tamoto). Drug Suppliers will be scattered all over the map and have icons displaying thier locations and product. Also with enough money grow farms, meth/acid/heroine labs, and crackhouses can all be purchased making you the supplier of your own needs."

"Adrian can get drunk. Adrian does not smoke weed, but however, he can and will be put in situations where he is exposed to it with a potential to get high. For instance, driving in a car with the passenger smoking weed with the windows up results in you getting high. Another case, is maybe tossing molotovs in a field of marijuana and standing in the smoke, once again getting Adrian buzzed. There are many scenerios where the main character can BECOME high as opposed to the player trying to GET high. Other hard drugs are still forbidden to use but are able to be sold within the black market."

"Pedestrians no longer drop money on the floor when knocked out or killed, but rather can now be be pick-pocketed as in Red Dead Redemption. Just as before an 'X' will mark dead pedestrians that have yet to be looted for what they've left behind. They can also sometimes leave behind items other than money........"


"When i say lots and lots of guns. I mean, LOTS AND LOTS OF GUNS. ATLEAST, 48-50 DIFFERENT WEAPONS. I'm not going to lie to you guys, alot of the guns are copy & pasted. Especially weapons from The Episodes and upcoming Max Payne. Only good thing is some of the Red Dead Redemptiion guns will also make an appearnce as rare weapons either found by desert dwellers, antique shops and black market dealers all throught the game."

"Dual weilding weapons are back along with varied loadouts (only limieted to Pistol, Uzi's, and sawed-off shotgun)."

"Weapon Skills have returned and have been greatly (and smoothly) improved. Alot of aspects of the shooting mechanics is accounted for as your experience and XP are increased in a particular gun class. Using a certain weapon over and over increses experience and lowers the effects of recoil, improve aiming speed and reloading times."

"Golf clubs, tools (think Vice City), knifes, bats (aluminum and wooden), shovels, pick-axe, machetes, and have all also returned as melee weapons."

"Brooms, chairs, lamps, boxes traffic cones and barricades are now objects you can pick-up and throw, just as the bricks and bottles on the ground in GTA IV were."

"You can now aim and shoot while climbing on ladders or hanging on ledges, ropes, and vehicles. Minor touch that makes all the difference. Crazy...."

"Last I left, strong opinion of whether or not to change the weapon select in GTA to the weapon wheel Max Payne is using. So far HUD is the same as in GTA IV. Rockstar is trying to go with the GTA1-ness of it. Oh and by the way, Vice City is next and is going to be called Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. They figure we (the fans) will call it Vice City HD anyway and will just know the difference between the two amongst ourselves. eh. I could care less as it will be present day Miami And South Broward, as it was GTA 1. They've already begun sketch art and story ideas. They want to make it a prequel story to the HD era, and the older gentlemen, Albert, will be the main character."

"Human sheilds have been introduced and are now a present option in the game."

"Though Ammu-Nation returns, weapons are not customisable at all, however, already customised guns can be purchased and 'found' throughout Los Santos. Bullet choice is now an option this time around. When purchasing a gun you can now choose betwwen what type of bullets you'd like in your gun. All guns found/picked up will have standard ammo until variant bullets are purchased. Rockstar is carrying over the "every bullet gets rendered feature" from Max Payne 3, so different types of bullets can now be incorporated with different guns to produce a more devastatingly deadly combination."

"As for the aiming, I don't know. It's the same as Max Payne 3 to me. The movements, the cover system, even the 'adrenaline rush' perk seems/looks the same as bullet time to me. And i explained how i felt about that. Haven't any actual 'free-play' shooting, only animations being tested for. Most likely GTA will be more fluid than Max Payne when release time comes around."

"The Wanted Level System has remained the same as well as the HUD. AI has improved though (as expected). Police on foot will now tackle fleeing suspects and use flanking and stealthier tactics to draw out the player when hiding. Other than that all the same. Military will not return, but, tactical APC's and extra body armor will be used at six stars by the authorities."


"Here is a departments i can promise you. as a fan myself, we all will be pleased with. First off, every vehicle in GTA IV and The Episodes of Liberty City will be returning. What makes it all that so sweet is every vehicle will include their 1984, 1986, 1992, 1998, 2001, 2008, and 2012 renditions. Even some of the new vehicles will receive this same treatment, such as the Dewbauchee Zagato GT (red convertible in trailer), the Grotti T2 Widow (black convertible in trailer), Pfister Hannover (Porche Panamera), and the Dinka S-EX (Acura NSX) [get it? Dinka S-EX = 'Think of SEX']."

"Vehicles that will also be making an appearence will be the Pegassi BF Injection (now modeled after T-Rex 14RR), Cheetah, and the Maibatsu Monstrosity (Now a Ford F-650 on monster wheels),"

"Yes; The convertible tops are interactive, along with headlights and a few other forms of vehicular modifications."

"Pedal Bicycles are back. BMX's, beach-cruisers, two seaters and the whole sha-bang! Be excited.....your not ready...."

"Los Santos Public tranportation will be greatly improve since its last go around. Trains, subway systems, busses with scheduled routes and taxis will all be present to aid players in transporting across the vast map. The subway carts will be manuverable this go around (meaning you can walk around in the carts and climb on top or around). Also, the carts themselves, unlike their GTA IV counterparts,. The Brown Streak is back....."

"Aircarfts are flyable and range from passenger planes and private jets to vintage bi-pods and VTOL's. Unfortunately, the blimp seen in the trailer is non-functionig. It's just to add atmosphere as all the blimp does is cirle downtown Los Santos repeatedly. It can however be landed on and shot at, though efforts would be pointless as it is indestructible."

"Returning are a selection of novelty vehicles such as: The Caddy, Journey, Baggage Handler, Kart, Quad, and Vortex are returning aswell."

"Trans-Fender is back and the customisation will be in-depth, from what i've seen and heard, and will allow customisation to motorbikes as well. yet sadly this aspect of the game is not complete as of yet. I'm sure we can all expect it to be better than San Andreas' selections."


"Money will be harder to get this time around yet easily attained with a multitude of things to do to attain it. Everything will be scaled to a near realistic scale in terms of realistic payout amounts, pricing on clothing, food, realty and housing, vehicles, venues, tolls, and business buy-in. For example, the Enus Cognoscenti XLR (based on the Maybach Exelero) will cost a cool 1.2 million dollars and be only availavle online through Auto Eroticar's website. Pricey, but worth it. A safehouse will range from $150 one-time save motels to million dollars homes and anywhere in between. This time around, a safehouse's (whether house, loft, flat, or condo) price range will vary depending on location and be tallied as a whole years worth of rent, example. an apartment with worth 1,000 dollars rent monthly will be 12,000 dollars to buy in-game and so on."

"The drug trade, as mentioned before, will play a big role on how money can be made."

"During certain missions (mainly the robberies and heists) 'special' objects can be obtained. These items store in your (sort of) satchel and can be used to trade or sell for other items or cold-hard cash. A good example is jewelery. Jewelry that has been solen or lifted can now either be worn, stored in your safe, or sold back for cash. For this reason PawnStar Shops have been added to the game. Here, any goods on your person can be sold (and bought back at times) for cash."

"Debate of whether or not to re-do Rampages resulted in non-inclusion of the event. However, Taxi missions, Emergeny vehicle missions, and Assinations have returned."

"More to come soon as i've already type and eyeful......:

"But to sum it all up....GTA V will be the "be all, end all" in the GTA series, and probably gaming for this generation period. In my one year of expeirnce for Rockstar i've come to appreciate that little $60 dollar disc alot more than before I knew how hard a company works to bring you quality. If Rockstar keeps heading in the direction there going....The future might have no choice but to view video games more as art then entertainment."

Are you still there? Good, now we are going to give our thoughts on this very interesting rumor. First off; I did some digging and found a Brendan at Full Sail University. This is the only result I could find, but the problem is the Brendan from the original post didn't state his last name.

The only Brendan I could find is a Brendan Bax who definitely appears to be a graphic designs major after viewing some of his samples of of various video game characters and environments. You can see those for yourself by clicking here.

I also found Brendan Bax's Linkedin page and found that this is more than likely not the Brendan who posted these details, because according to Mr Bax's resume, he has been working at ITT Technical Institute in Arnold, MO since March 2011. This obviously conflicts with the story that was given from the original Brendan.

Now let'ts take a look at the rumor.

First off, I highly doubt Rockstar would let a person walk into one of their studios, let alone work there without signing a NDA. I have happened to visit a couple of gaming studios myself and each time I had to sign a NDA. With that being said I am highly skeptical that Rockstar Games signed Mr. Brendan to a contract that in no way shape or form contained a clause about revealing sensitive information prematurely without being at risk of a lawsuit.

Another reason this rumor is skeptical is that the author was either in a rush to get out this information or has horrible grammar.

However if you can get past the constant misspelling there are a couple of interesting details about the rumor.

The author goes into great detail about a lot of the information that is laid out. I asked the question of how far would someone go just to mess with people by going into extreme details and apparently a few others think the same thing.

One user pointed out the following:

"Larry Andreasen Bridge sounds very plausible, as it turns out Laurence Andreasen was a diver, killed when diving from the Vincent Thomas Bridge in L.A. (which is part of GTA V, jetski scene in the trailer)"

At the end of the day we can only look at this as a rumor and leave it at that until further information proves all of this is false, or the slim chance that it may in fact be true. Let us know your take on this rumor and whether or not you see it as viable information, or a crock of... you know.


Visa signatur

WS: i9 13900K - 128GB RAM - 6.5TB SSD - RTX 3090 24GB - LG C2 42" - W11 Pro
LAPTOP 1: Lenovo Gaming 3 - 8GB RAM - 512GB SSD - GTX 1650
LAPTOP 2: Acer Swift 3 - 8GB RAM - 512GB SSD
SERVER: i5 10400F - 64GB RAM - 44TB HDD
NALLE: Pixel 7 Pro


Given köp till xbox360, orka vänta på pc.
Och ärligt talat så var grafiken på 4 bättre på xbox än pc, maxa på pc:n men prestandan blev skit utan att grafiken blev märkvärt bättre.. Men kanske en skit dator

Skickades från

Visa signatur


Desktop = AMD A10-6800K, 8GB, AMD R9 290 4GB

Skrivet av quattro-2.6:

Given köp till xbox360, orka vänta på pc.
Och ärligt talat så var grafiken på 4 bättre på xbox än pc, maxa på pc:n men prestandan blev skit utan att grafiken blev märkvärt bättre.. Men kanske en skit dator

Skickades från

Eftersom det kommer att komma samtidigt till XBOX360, PS3 och PC så går ju "orka vänta på pc" bort, sen att påstå att grafiken är bättre på XBOX360 varianten stämmer inte, speciellt inte efter lite mods.

Visa signatur

WS: i9 13900K - 128GB RAM - 6.5TB SSD - RTX 3090 24GB - LG C2 42" - W11 Pro
LAPTOP 1: Lenovo Gaming 3 - 8GB RAM - 512GB SSD - GTX 1650
LAPTOP 2: Acer Swift 3 - 8GB RAM - 512GB SSD
SERVER: i5 10400F - 64GB RAM - 44TB HDD
NALLE: Pixel 7 Pro

Skrivet av EpicBoobs:

Eftersom det kommer att komma samtidigt till XBOX360, PS3 och PC så går ju "orka vänta på pc" bort, sen att påstå att grafiken är bättre på XBOX360 varianten stämmer inte, speciellt inte efter lite mods.

Jo men "out of the box" så var det inte mycket att hänga i granen, moddar mm har jag inte testat än.. Men fördelen med PC är just moddar, älskar dom.

Så det blir nog till PC också.

Visa signatur


Desktop = AMD A10-6800K, 8GB, AMD R9 290 4GB


Kommer det på PC också eller? Om det inte gör det så kommer jag fan hänga mig och sätta en lapp på min tröja där det F**K You rockstar


Märker att vissa läser tråden osv...

Skrivet av FERGUS:

Märker att vissa läser tråden osv...

Tråkigt att läsa igenom allt. Kollar bara på bilderna 8)


Vad tror ni spelet kommer att kräva för processor, ram och grafik för att kunna spela på hög grafik?

Visa signatur

Chassi: NZXT Phantom 410 Vit Moderkort: ASUS P8Z77-V PRO CPU: Intel Core i5 3570K GPU: EVGA GTX 580 Superclocked 1536MB SSD: Intel 520 120GB HDD: Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB RAM: Corsair Vengeance Blue 8GB 1600Mhz Nätaggregat: NZXT HALE90 850W 80+ Gold Modulär Blueray: Asus BW-12B1LT Tangentbord: Razer Lycosa Mirror Special Edition Mus: Razer Deathadder Respawn Skärm: AOC i2353FH

Skrivet av Sh4dy:

Vad tror ni spelet kommer att kräva för processor, ram och grafik för att kunna spela på hög grafik?

Om det är lika "kasst" som GTA IV så vette sjutton vad som krävs min burk klarar inte att driva GTA IV i 1080p med >40FPS värdelöst.

Blir förmodligen ett köp till Xbox om portningen är lika kass på detta spel.

Visa signatur

Det verkar som att vissa inte läst speciellt mycket.
Rockstar har meddelat att de vet om att den tidigare portningen av GTA IV till PC vart mindre lyckad och de har lovat att den kommer att bli betydligt bättre i GTA V.

Visa signatur

WS: i9 13900K - 128GB RAM - 6.5TB SSD - RTX 3090 24GB - LG C2 42" - W11 Pro
LAPTOP 1: Lenovo Gaming 3 - 8GB RAM - 512GB SSD - GTX 1650
LAPTOP 2: Acer Swift 3 - 8GB RAM - 512GB SSD
SERVER: i5 10400F - 64GB RAM - 44TB HDD
NALLE: Pixel 7 Pro

Skrivet av EpicBoobs:

Det verkar som att vissa inte läst speciellt mycket.
Rockstar har meddelat att de vet om att den tidigare portningen av GTA IV till PC vart mindre lyckad och de har lovat att den kommer att bli betydligt bättre i GTA V.

Jo det vore ju inte smart att gå ut med att denna portning kommer vara lika kass som GTA IV till pc var, allt dom säger är ju till för att ge bra reklam åt spelet;) Vi får se hur det blir när det kommit ut förhoppningsvis är det lite sanning i vad dom säger i alla fall.

Visa signatur

Ryzen 5 7600
Rx 6650xt


Om nu spelet ska komma i Maj, hade det inte varit en god ide att börja marknadsföra spelet då+ Det är ju om runt en månad, och så lite info som finns tillgänglig tycker iaf jag att ett så tidigt release datum verkar osanolikt

Visa signatur

[Asus P5Q-E] [Q6600 G0 @ 3,6 ghz] [Scythe Yasya] [Gigabyte Gtx 460 1gb] [4x2 Gb Kingston HyperX PC8500] [OCZ ModXstream Pro 700 W ] [Crucial M4 128 gb ]
HTPC - AMD Athlon X2 5050e - M4N78-VM - Kingston HyperX 2 GB - Seagate 7200.12 1 TB - Seagate Green SATA III 2TB