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do corsair know any similary problem whit this component?


do corsair know any similary problem whit this component?


My build:
OS: Microsoft Windows 7
CPU: Intel Core i7 4770K
CPU Cooler: Corsair H100i
Memory: Corsair 16GB (2x8GB) CL9 1866Mhz DOMINATOR PLATINUM
Harddriv: Corsair SSD Neutron GTX 120gb
PSU: Corsair AX860i
Case: Corsair Vengeance C70

On of my sata port has broken on my motherboard and i dont understand why.
It started when i was playing BF4. Suddenly my computer shut down and start to reboot. It tryed to reboot 4-5 times but no luck so i cut the power.
When i started my computer the boot-divece led was on red and i was unebel to start my computer... is this something that was made by the PSU? Or is the motherboard just broken from factory? Or is it the SSD what mad the troubel? My computer has been running for 3 months whit out any troubel. Bouth all components new in end of august this year.
All the other sata ports is ok. 1 down 7 workning. Need to find the core-problem so it wont happen aigain.

So my real questuon is if corsair have reported any similary problems around the world whit this components?

Sorry for my bad eng


Detta är ju en svensk sida så finns ingen anledning för engelska. Jag vill att du snyggar till din rubrik och tydligare beskriver vad tråden handlar om.

Moderator Shimonu


alla andra inlägg på denna forums del verkar vara på engelska, kanske att Greybeard inte talar svenska?

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<Sömn filantrop>

Skrivet av Shimonu:

Detta är ju en svensk sida så finns ingen anledning för engelska. Jag vill att du snyggar till din rubrik och tydligare beskriver vad tråden handlar om.

Moderator Shimonu

Detta forum är på engelska
Andreas D


skall den va på eng eller svenska? trodde den skulle va på engelska då alla andra på corsairs forum del är det...

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Corsair Graphite 600T / Corsair TX 850W M / ASUS Z170 Pro Gaming / Intel Core i7 6700K / be quiet! Pure Rock / Corsair 16GB 2133Mhz VENGEANCE / MSI GTX 1080 8GB Gaming X


Denna delen av forumet är väl på engelska, sen kan man väl fråga sig varför tråden är postad i just denna delen...

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i5 750 @ 3.9 GHz | NH-D14 | P7P55D |GTX 960 | Vulcan 8GB | Seagate 600 480 GB | Newton 650w | P280 | Dell U2515H


tänkte att dem på corsair borde känna till mer om sådana här knasiga problem då jag har mesta dels produkter enbart från dem... eller borde jag flytta tråden?


Damn, that moderator. Jag trodde moderatorer höll koll på sådant

Skrivet av Shimonu:

Detta är ju en svensk sida så finns ingen anledning för engelska. Jag vill att du snyggar till din rubrik och tydligare beskriver vad tråden handlar om.

Moderator Shimonu


ONT: Have you tried reseting your bios?

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2600k @ STOCK <|> GTX 970 Omega!<|> Nån samsung 500gb ssd <|> 16 GB Kingston Hyper X <|> BenQ XL2420t
"Det finns inget skrot, bara gamla delar som kan användas på nya sätt" - Mulle Meck


haha nu får moderatorn skämmas :$


Hello Sir Tos,
Sorry for the late reply. It's been a busy week. Anyways, you said the SATA port is broken on your MB? Is that correct? Seems like your are suspecting the PSU for causing this. Pardon me if I'm not fully understanding the issue, I just want to make sure that I have full grasp of the situation before making an assessment.


Np. Sorry for my late replay.

To add info to this story, what my first PSU a AX860i broke after just 1 day. Got a new on warenty and my computer has been running for 3 moths whit out any craches. Was palying BF4 then my computer syddenly died and tryied to reboot it self 4-5 times and after what i cut the power. One sata port is now broken and the question is if it was the PSU. Or if you know any other things it can have been. I hade my memory on XMP. Other wise no overclocking.

Sry for my bad englich.

Skrivet av Sir_Tos:

Np. Sorry for my late replay.

To add info to this story, what my first PSU a AX860i broke after just 1 day. Got a new on warenty and my computer has been running for 3 moths whit out any craches. Was palying BF4 then my computer syddenly died and tryied to reboot it self 4-5 times and after what i cut the power. One sata port is now broken and the question is if it was the PSU. Or if you know any other things it can have been. I hade my memory on XMP. Other wise no overclocking.

Sry for my bad englich.

Kan du se några kortslutnings skador, t.ex brända kontakter eller andra skador på moderkortet? Om ja, var är skadan?
Hur är strömmen i huset du bor i? Ibland kan man få brown-out som kan orsaka skada på samtliga komponenter i en dator. Hade du problem i stormen vi hade för ett tag sedan t.ex?

For Corsairs rep:
Can you see any apperent short circuit damage, like burnt components or similar damage on the motherboard? If so where?
How is the power output in your house? Sometimes a brown-out can do damage to almost all components in a computer. Did you have any problems during the storm we had in sweden a couple of days ago?

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Skrivet av Sir_Tos:

Np. Sorry for my late replay.

To add info to this story, what my first PSU a AX860i broke after just 1 day. Got a new on warenty and my computer has been running for 3 moths whit out any craches. Was palying BF4 then my computer syddenly died and tryied to reboot it self 4-5 times and after what i cut the power. One sata port is now broken and the question is if it was the PSU. Or if you know any other things it can have been. I hade my memory on XMP. Other wise no overclocking.

Sry for my bad englich.

Even though you mainly use Corsair products, i think a better place for this thread would be in the general troubleshooting forum here at sweclockers.

It will be easier for people to help you solve your problem or find out what might be wrong so you can do a proper RMA for whats broken.
Start a new thread in the teknisk support forum under stationära datorer where you describe your problem and answer the questions:

How far are you booting? do you get past the post screen or as far as loading windows? are you getting any errors while booting, like "No harddrive detected" or similar?
Whats in your system, we need to know exactly whats in your system when it comes to hardware.

if you do a bios reset, does it do anything? how to do this should be in your motherboard manual! after reseting Bios and using a SSD, you might have to set the the hardrive mode back into AHCI /IDE (whatever you installed windows in) for it to work.

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Citera mig för svar :D
- Årets Citat: Vattenulf -
"Pumpen snurrar inte den står stilla i botten på chassit. Om den hade snurrat skulle slangarna blivit vridna så det vill man ju inte."

Skrivet av Sir_Tos:

Np. Sorry for my late replay.

To add info to this story, what my first PSU a AX860i broke after just 1 day. Got a new on warenty and my computer has been running for 3 moths whit out any craches. Was palying BF4 then my computer syddenly died and tryied to reboot it self 4-5 times and after what i cut the power. One sata port is now broken and the question is if it was the PSU. Or if you know any other things it can have been. I hade my memory on XMP. Other wise no overclocking.

Sry for my bad englich.

No problem at all. Is the port physically broken? or burnt? If it's physically broken, then there must have been a good amount of pressure from the PSU connector causing it to break. And when you said the computer suddenly dies, does it just cut power or it just crashes like BSOD? It's hard to say that it is the PSU at this point, MB could also be the reason. If you have a spare PSU, maybe swap them out and see if you get the same behavior. Photos would also help to describe on what you meant by broken SATA port.


This problem started 3dec befor the storm. And during the storm there was no energized around my area. I have reset bios. But it want help. Sata port still broken. When i start my computer it takes some sec to check al components. I see all onboard led lights (one after one)go from red to black in just a sec. But then it comes to onboard boot divece led it stays on red and it will now show a message on my screen what say computer cant find any boot divce and ask me to change in bios. In bios i cant find my ssd. But if i change sata port, bios will find my ssd and i can start my computer. However the onboard boot led stays on red 3-4 sec befor it goes black and my computer will start then i use a wroking sata port. I will make a video of my problem and post it here in some days or two, and i will also make a new thread on the teknisk support forum under stationära datorer. Mosly for my bad englich. I dont know if my sata port is physically broken. How can i check what? Its no crashes like BSOD. More like if someone press the reset botton many times in a row.

Sry for my eng. maby my problem will be easy to find then i will explan it in swe

Skrivet av OskarW90:

Whats in your system, we need to know exactly whats in your system when it comes to hardware.

if you do a bios reset, does it do anything? how to do this should be in your motherboard manual! after reseting Bios and using a SSD, you might have to set the the hardrive mode back into AHCI /IDE (whatever you installed windows in) for it to work.

Whats in my system you will find on top of this thread.

Then i have reset bios the hard drive mode is on AHCI and i instald it on AHCI. And 1 port is broken not all of them.

Skrivet av Sir_Tos:

Whats in my system you will find on top of this thread.

Then i have reset bios the hard drive mode is on AHCI and i instald it on AHCI. And 1 port is broken not all of them.

You may have to contact your motherboard manufacturer, if you have confirmation that one of the SATA ports is faulty.