Problem med SSID (u can asnwer in swedish if u want ;P )


Problem med SSID (u can asnwer in swedish if u want ;P )

A user took a laptop on vacation and made changes to the configuration in order to use the device at the hotel. The user can reach the Internet, but cannot access any internal network resources. Which of the following is the MOST likely reason?

A. Incorrect DNS
B. Incorrect subnet mask
C. Duplicate IP address
D. Incorrect SSID

what would happend with the incorrect SSID ? what i have found on my book is SSID missmach.

---------------------------------------------my answers--------------------------------

1) If the DNS address is incorrect, the Internet access for the entire network is interrupted. So this one is incorrect.
2) If the subnet mask is incorrect the system is placed in a different subnet all alone, and no communication with the other subnets is possible.

3) Because is a hotel he will probably be using an DHCP address, and DHCP servers cannot assign duplicated IP addresses on a network because they they perform an ARP(Address Resolution Protocol) test looking for duplicates before they finalize an IP address assignment. (Dum fråga)

-----------------------------------------------what i know until now----------------------------------------------------------
that it cant be duplicated IP addres or DNS incorrect so can be between SSID and subnet the answer? am i right?


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Medlem #14


Om DNS-server är satt till en publik DNS-server (t.ex. Google) så kommer han ju åt Internet, men kommer inte kunna göra några namnuppslag på interna records och kommer således inte åt några interna system.

Fel mask eller dubbla IP-adresser kommer innebära att han inte kommer åt Internet heller.

Fel SSID, ja han skulle ju kunna vara ansluten till ett gästnät eller liknande som endast har access till Internet.


ohhh thats right XD if he is on the wrong SSID he still have access to internet but not the the internal LAN of the hotel XD.

thanks zakire that was an amazing help. People should learn from you.

hmmmmm JenzA hmmmm yes is it homework. Any problem to ask for help? when i already went though the whole book and i couldnt fin my answer there and i actually answered 3 of the 4 options ? is that wonrg?

Anyway thanks to both.

Skrivet av Mystogan:

ohhh thats right XD if he is on the wrong SSID he still have access to internet but not the the internal LAN of the hotel XD.

thanks zakire that was an amazing help. People should learn from you.

hmmmmm JenzA hmmmm yes is it homework. Any problem to ask for help? when i already went though the whole book and i couldnt fin my answer there and i actually answered 3 of the 4 options ? is that wonrg?

Anyway thanks to both.

Måste ju fråga, kände igen frågan om när Karen tog med sig sin laptop på semester..

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Medlem #14


anyway thanks to both as i repeat.


Använder inte trådlöst själv mycket, men har för mig att laptops söker och ansluter till första SSID de har åtkomst till. Så om det finns ett öppet gäst nät kommer en laptop alltid ansluta sig till det automatiskt. Men jag kan ha fel


Är det här Lokala nätverk A/B eller nått? Känner inte igen frågan alls från när jag gick i skolan.


Det är en Network+ fråga, kanske han fuskade på certet och frågade här? Vem vet...


lol wtf? how u get to this? no i didnt cheat at all, it is a network+ (i guess) question i am studing IT-säkerhetstekniker in Hermods and the teacher gave us 16 questions from the network+ to study.

so if u want my name is Enrique Padron Martinez, email me. if u want me teacher number is ask me and ill send it to u in pm, but NEVER, NEVER DUDE I WILL cheat. Whats the whole point? and i answer parts of the quiestion. and i ask for help. how can u cheat during the test of network+ . Do your know how that test work verxedRelic? do you know that 1 of those test cost 5k ? do you know that if they get you cheating you are banned for life there`? ,.... why would i risk to pass and pay for that if i am not prepared?

IT WILL BE AMAZING IF U DONT SAY SHITS LIKE THAT. you just pisst someone for no freaking reason. And i will report u so u know.

I GOT MY FREAKING ANSWER ALREADY, so WILL BE amazing if ppl who arent going to post something related to the subjet here, just dont write att all.

thanks and have a nice day. (not u vexedRelic) u can just go to hell.


Det är en Network+ fråga, kanske han fuskade på certet ++++++++++++++++++ why fuskade? could i just make the test and then stilll wounder if i was right or not? and then ask here?

or just because is a network+ quieston i have to cheat? or wait can be cuz i am not swedish and i spell bad english?



Sluta fåna dig, du kan svenska (och du har författat trådar/inlägg på svenska förut) samt är frågan formulerad på vettig engelska till skillnad från dina svar, så det är ganska tydligt att det är fusk det handlar om.

Skrivet av Mystogan:

lol wtf? how u get to this? no i didnt cheat at all, it is a network+ (i guess) question i am studing IT-säkerhetstekniker in Hermods and the teacher gave us 16 questions from the network+ to study.

so if u want my name is Enrique Padron Martinez, email me. if u want me teacher number is ask me and ill send it to u in pm, but NEVER, NEVER DUDE I WILL cheat. Whats the whole point? and i answer parts of the quiestion. and i ask for help. how can u cheat during the test of network+ . Do your know how that test work verxedRelic? do you know that 1 of those test cost 5k ? do you know that if they get you cheating you are banned for life there`? ,.... why would i risk to pass and pay for that if i am not prepared?

IT WILL BE AMAZING IF U DONT SAY SHITS LIKE THAT. you just pisst someone for no freaking reason. And i will report u so u know.

I GOT MY FREAKING ANSWER ALREADY, so WILL BE amazing if ppl who arent going to post something related to the subjet here, just dont write att all.

thanks and have a nice day. (not u vexedRelic) u can just go to hell.

Du gjorde helt klart bort dig här.


You take what people say on the internet way to seriously and I did help you by stating laptops will automatically connect to open wireless connections, although I'm not 100% sure that is the case as I don't deal with wireless all that much. Not only does that give you the correct answer but also an understanding of why such a scenario may exist.

I never stated you cheated, I said maybe... since I found that its a Network+ question, a question that also may come up on the actual certification. It is certainly feasable that it could have been a practice test question given by you teacher, either case I don't really care. I tried to help you and also answer where the question comes from, when someone asked.


didnt like it at all the way u posted, to me it sounded like u were saying that i was "maybe" cheating....... dude this isnt related to the post at all, and i really got my answer from zakire (for real this zakire really knows how to answer a question)... if i missunderstood you, then my apologies.

I JUST REALLY DONT WANNA KEEP going with this. second time i write something here in sweclockers(is not the forums fault, is the ppl that is on it..) and is the second time i get raged, insulted or flamed,...... just cmon............

soooo I AM SO SORRY PEOPLE who posted here, if i missunderstood that u guys "MAYBE" suggested that i cheat... so "maybe " i am sry.


i was ask in PM that if i take some questions from others test i have to say that they are old or to avoid this type to comments, hmmmm well i guess i can have it in consideration. Thanks for the advice.


*Tråd låst*

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