Pimp My Chassis...help me design the Flow 'Extreme' version


Pimp My Chassis...help me design the Flow 'Extreme' version

Hej all - just for fun, I thought I would ask everyone to 'mod' my chassis concept. I'm looking for suggestions as to how you would mod it if you owned one, as extreme as you can imagine - for example liquid nitorogen cooling, massive neon lights etc. OR it can be as subtle as you like, for example I had the idea of making each HDD channel glow when the respective drive is being accessed - do you have any ideas like that?

These ideas won't be in the final design, however I do want to make an 'extreme' version of the Flow concept for the presentation - to show how it can be possibly enjoyed by the modding community so this is where any mods that are interesting enough will be included. I will also make some test visualisations of ideas as they are suggested if possible (I will try!). I could also promote the 'extreme' version as another 'model' of the Flow concept if it seems like it's working out.

All credit will be given to the forum member/s for their contribution (example: I will somehow indicate who thought of which part in the presentation images)

This is an image of the chassis during the development stage

If you haven't seen my concept yet my thread in this section is here: http://www.sweclockers.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8...




One thing I've been thinking about, but have never seen before on a case is integrated watercooling. That would fit perfectly with this idea you have.

What I'm thinking about is to have the entire case be one big radiator. The walls of the case would be the radiators. The walls with the radiator would have to be alot thicker and have some openings where the user can attach fittings. Preferably there should be holes where the fans can blow through the radiatorwall, but if a large enough area acts as the radiator, it should be possible to cool passively.
The downside would be the weight, since it would require quite alot of more material.

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@ Linqon

Hey, I've also been thinking about this - There could be fittings to address individual cooling of CPU etc that came out of the radiator cool liquid tube and back into the hot one, I will definitely look into this, it shouldn't be too hard to visualize either. Weight would be an issue here, but this is why I would like to make an extreme version as when it comes to modding I don't think the common restraints such as weight are such a problem. Also the water cooling could be an add-on

Thanks - more like this would be great



@ Linqon

in fact here's the image that got me thinking the same way as you


Intresting, but I'm not sure what that image shows? It kinda looks like a cpu cooler with alot of heatpipes?

I know Zalman did something similar to what I was thinking about, and with a little help from google I found this:
Watercooling: http://www.hexus.net/content/item.php?item=9012
Completly passive: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/noiseless-computing,741.h...

The first one is what I was thinking about. But I think the cooling could be done more efficient with a bigger loop on the door and some fins to help with the heat exchange. And why not use the other sides of the case for cooling too? And being Zalman, it kinda looks like crap

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I have watched a few episodes of pimp my ride, that's about all I know about pimping things, but I have learnt one thing from that show. If you are going to pimp something you need to have those rims that dont spin when the tires go round and round.
So if you could make some of those, made of chrome of course and place them on the fans that would be awesome


I'd go crazy with the Flow design. Move the HDD's up and add 4 extra channels; 1 to CPU & ram, 2 to the gfx cards and last 1 to PSU. Then submerge the whole thing in mineral oil and add bubblemakers in front of the fans, set that blue/green tinted light and watch the bubbles travel thru the flow channels. Preferred exterior finish: Champagne/Titanium colored, sand blasted aluminium to accompany the red details and the blue-ish light.

Mineral Oil

Just a thought

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Whales are nice!


interesting Kyre...I dread to think what you do to the rest of your home appliances - is everything in your home in a sealed chamber of mineral oil???

as for the rims idea nandai - might make the chassis look a bit too 'gangsta' and im not sure thats the look i want...even in an 'extreme' version

don't forget to vote at http://www.webhallen.com/list_group.php?avd=3&group=1596 for my chassis if you like it...or someone elses if you don't!



My home is a sealed chamber of mineral oil! And a big dose of awesomeness.

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Whales are nice!


haha, that made me laugh. But after spending this long in front of a computer anything could make me laugh...including the length of time I've been in front of this computer....


Computers do that to you after a while
Will there be an exhibition of the models? I'll might pay konstfack a visit then.

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Whales are nice!


There will be a presentation to the project partners around mid november so I think you would be welcome to come and have a look maybe the day after? I can check for you and let you know though but I'm sure the others would be very happy to know people would even come to the school to see their work outside of a formal exhibition.

just finished a part of the 3D model. big change - have turned one of the channels into cooling for the MB - will post in the morning




I thought you guys had exhibitions of almost every project u had. We had ours in the right right hallway if you face away from the cafeteria.

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Whales are nice!


There's always stuff on exhibit, just not sure if ours will be - it's usually fine art as far as I can tell but I really don't know. I'm only here for a year as I'm on exchange from Glasgow School of Art. Will definitely check this afternoon and if there's any info I will post it


I created my own version of this case with inverted motherboard and mirrored harddrive area. This allows for longer Graphics cards without making the case itself very long. If i owned a case like this myself I'd probably build some sort of liquid cooling in it.

The 2 140mm fans in the front makes for a perfect placement of a 280mm radiator, and by using greenpower drives or fewer drives for storage, the air coming in would be pretty cold aswell. When it comes to your case a huge heatsink on the roof would be cool. It could be shaped like modern aircoolers with heatpipes made from cooper running through the case and then swirling through the heatsink fins like a snake. Normally roof-mounted radiators tends to spoil the looks of the machine but if the radiator can be designed to look different then the standard black bricks i think that there's potential.

I had another idea of a sort of cylindrical heatsink where the waterpipe spirals through it. Sortfa like the zalman reserator but with aluminium fins and copper pipes running through it. I couldnt figure out how to cool the heatsink other than passively. A centrifugal fan wouldn't become very efficient if its made that long. It would require that you split the heatsink up in sections of 50mm each or so, so that the fan can suck air from somewhere. I hope you understand what i mean I think this could look really cool. Gonna do some sketches of it when i get time.


NICE!! There's something very cool about being able to see the fins of the flow chamber through the outer shell. BUT...the whole idea was to take cool air from outside in through the HDD's and exhaust them, thus not re-cycling already warm air from any other parts, and also not exhausting any warm air to heat up the other parts - and I think this configuration misses that point but I also think the point your making about managing the space better is something to think about.

It sounds like you know a ton of stuff about chassis / building them - So it would be really nice to get some more input from you. I'm in the middle of another project right now so have to dedicate my time to that but it's not at all as time consuming as this one so I will have a chance to incorporate some of your suggestions in some new models at some point.

keep up the good work!!



P.S please put your render on my main thread, I don't mind it being there at all - make it clear it's your own version so you get the credit for your hard work!

Thanks again!


Does the hdds really need that cold air? Maybe you should do some practical experiments and note the hdds tempature. Make two simple chassis with Cardboard, one with hdds intake from the inside of the chassi and one with intake from outside the chassi.
By the way there is no opticaldrive in your design, patrikringdahl?


patrikringdahl is only showing me what he thinks of some other points, it's not a solution for a whole chassis. And the HDD's do need cold air, how much is subjective when you factor in the value of your data, quality of HDD i.e it's expected lifespan and it's cost also. Plus they don't just need cooling, they also generate heat that could affect other parts - this system takes that air hot air away without it passing over other parts that can fail through the affects of heating.

And, of course, the channels are there because (I think) they 'look' like there's an emphasis on cooling - sure it's easy to say aesthetics can be considered superficial and irrelevant when you're talking about a function but if you consider your thought process when you look at something while trying to figure out how it works, or how you hope it works, you tend to look for some visual re-assurance that it functions well - in this instance the function is cooling and in the aesthetics I'm trying to convey that I guess

thanks for the comments!


oh and I'd love to do some practical experiments to prove the theory! Now..all I need are lots of hard drives....


Like Dan says it's not a complete solution for the whole case. That's why it lacks some detail.

I totally agree with you on the looks Dan, It's nice when things look like they work the way it's intended and those air canals look really nice.

I should've put the 5,25" unit in but i simply forgot. If I would've put one in it would be on top of the PSU facing the right side of the case, when watching it from the front, or perhaps a slimdrive where the bottom harddrive is now, facing right or to the front. I don't wanna spoil the clean front by carving up a hole for it so i rather to put it facing to one of the sides.