Computer case feedback: Jennifer Hiller


Computer case feedback: Jennifer Hiller

Hej everyone!
I'm also an exchange student, so sorry for not writing in swedish
That's my first try of visualizing my concept, but sure it's not not finished yet, so maybe I can explain it a little bit more.

It is somehow a combination of 2 ideas: Airflow and accessibility.
The arrangement of the inner components assures a straight and also natural airflow from the bottom to the top. The HDD's e.g. are positioned vertically and also the motherboard is turned around, so that the graphic card can't stop the fresh air coming up. The breakthrough at the lower part creates a big area for cold air as well. In those images the grills for the in and outcoming air is missing, but it will be mostly at the lower part of the chassi (but not on the bottom itself). Thereby the fans on top can suck the air mainly from the bottom and transport it directly to the top.

The other thing is a removable module consisting of an optical drive and the most commonly used ports such as USB, audio etc... The user has the chance to pull it out of the case an position it on the table however they like. If you just want to have a "all in one" case or want to transport it, you can easily integrate it again. The extra box would be connected with a cable coming directly from the mainboard to assure enough performance and speed.
As the motherboard is turned, all the ports at the back are now located on the top, which is more handy. But to avoid to see a mess of cables, they're covered by a lid and guided to the back. So you have easy access as well as a nice appearance. I will show that as soon as possible maybe it sounds a bit strange...

It would be great to hear your opinions and proposals about it! And please don't hesitate to ask me!


Hi Jenny!

Love the look of the case, feels fresh and sleek.

But I would like to see some more picture on placements of HDD's and such, and the ports for graphic-cards.
What size's fans are being fitted in to the case?


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this case looks very interesting. I can't really see how the removable part will be connected in a convenient way, but I guess that's why you're the designer and not me

I saw some pictures over on webhallens project page where you had some kind of mosaic pattern going which looked really cool, have you dropped that idea? that would be a shame.

good luck!


Hi Jenny,

Your design looks really neato, very minimalistic which can be nice.

A question, what happened to those funky cool looking mosaics you had on your concept drawing, I really liked those

Also, what kind of material are you thinking about for the case, aluminum, steel or something new?


Hej, thanks your for your opinions! I hope I can upload some more pictures tomorrow, with all the inner components and some more details.
And yes - I want to integrate the pattern in this concept. I just wanted to start with the shape and the inner arrangements. But I try to visualize them as well!


Sleek design, however not an applicable design that would work in real life.

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ASUS P5Q Pro | Core 2 Duo E8400 | 4GB Corsair XMS2 1066Mhz CL5 | XFX GeForce GTX 260 216SP 55nm | Corsair VX450W | Intel X25-M G2 80GB Retail | 500GB Samsung Spinpoint | DVD-RW | Dell U2311H | Benq FP241W | Philips 200WP7ES | Windows 7 RTM | Samsung ML-1640


Ursprungligen inskrivet av sthlmskille82
Sleek design, however not an applicable design that would work in real life.

Interesting statement.. perhaps you should elaborate that reply a bit on "why" it wouldn't work in real life.

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Ursprungligen inskrivet av Axly
Interesting statement.. perhaps you should elaborate that reply a bit on "why" it wouldn't work in real life.

First of all, the hollowness at the bottom, what function does that play? And the plack thing coming out of the top, what's that? Also, that would get in the way of the optical drives.

It just doesn't look like he knows how a computer case works. Like I said, the design is sleek and very good looking, but it wouldn't work in real life. That's not meant as a negative comment. His vision and design-skills (which I assume is what's important here anyway) are amazing. It just looks like he took something he knew nothing about and though "Ok, how can I make this in to a piece of art?".

Tell me I'm wrong.

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ASUS P5Q Pro | Core 2 Duo E8400 | 4GB Corsair XMS2 1066Mhz CL5 | XFX GeForce GTX 260 216SP 55nm | Corsair VX450W | Intel X25-M G2 80GB Retail | 500GB Samsung Spinpoint | DVD-RW | Dell U2311H | Benq FP241W | Philips 200WP7ES | Windows 7 RTM | Samsung ML-1640


If you had bothered to read her descriptions you would know what the opening in the bottom is for, air intake.
Again, if you had bothered to read the descriptions you would know that "the black thing coming out of the top" would not get in the way of the optical drive as that is the optical drive.
Whether or not that idea by Jennifer is feasible and usable is a good question, but atleast she is willing to think outside the normal box.


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Hej again,
@Nandai: thanks That's what I wanted to say...
So, I have some more pictures of the inner arrangements and the lid in top I was talking about. Is there something I forgot to think about especially concerning the functionality? I think the black bar in the middle would be integrated in the side panel and not staying there when you open it. There are two 120 mm fans on the top and so far one (120) at the lower part. Do you think thats enough?

I'm sorry for the bad quality of the "pattern"pictures, but I hope you can see what I mean. That were my first suggestions..

I'm not really sure about the material so far, but I thought about aluminium and maybe the black part in a lightly tranlucent material. I'll work on it!


Ursprungligen inskrivet av sthlmskille82
Tell me I'm wrong.


Ursprungligen inskrivet av DanShort
your wrong

Excellent start on this morning

So, Jenny.. I'll try to do a tiny little bit more constructive in my comment than some others.

The detachable optical unit+extra ports is a very nice idea, I made a box like that myself ages ago, where I also added the power button and status LEDs. In my case it was simply because my computer was so damn big and ugly, something I can't say about your concept, it looks great!
Though, a problem with this is that you'd need to cram a lot of functions into a multi function cable that also has some sort of connection that can handle usb, extra power and others all in one. I had a bunch of cables hanging out from my home-made box, and that's not pretty.. Tricky one, but that's up to you to solve

(The empty space next to the detachable unit.. is that thought for cable management perhaps?)

It's quite clear that you've focused on the traditional placement of the computer (on the floor), and for that the idea with the placement of the motherboard is great. However, the flip-up lid needs some thinking... Most high-end graphics cards have their hot-air exhaust on the back, so no matter how much i like that you're hiding that ugly i/o plate, it should proably be at least perforated to let the hot air out.

Overall, a very very nice idea, creative thinking and it looks so nice

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Mata inte Trollen.


Hej Jenny,

Love the patterns, specially the last two.

Regarding the fans, from what I understand it is better to have more fans sucking in air than blowing it out, as this creates an overpressure which keeps dust out of the case. Having more fans blowing air out creates an negative pressure which instead makes it easier for dust to come in through every small hole that might exist in the case.
I think that is the theory anyway. So if you could add another fan on the other side of the opening in the bottom of the acse that would be great


At first when I saw the lid covering the IO-plate/connectors I thought that it would be a bad idea having it, since it would be open all the time. Also, I don't like the IO-plate pointing up, because then you see the "back" of a motherboard with all the connected cables.

Then I saw the little passage where cables are going through, keeping the case neat, with the lid closed!

Now, I love the concept of a lid covering the IO-plate/connectors! At least if the connectors are supposed to be bent 90 degrees with a lid covering.

I'm just a little worried that a DVI-cable might be hard to bend (because of it's rather large connector). Just keep that in mind if this concept would go to production.


Ursprungligen inskrivet av Nandai
Whether or not that idea by Jennifer is feasible and usable is a good question, but atleast she is willing to think outside the normal box.

Well put!

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ηλί, ηλί, λαμά σαβαχθανί!?


Really like the design. I will focus on my potential "issues" however.

1. There seems to be no cooling for the HDD's.
2. From the size of this thing (compared to the components), it looks like a mid-tower design with potential high-end components inside. The ventilation seems to be borderline for handling the heat. Its really good having the front inlet fan behind something as this will block the noise.

Something that would add functionality while maintaning some of the design is raising the "gap" in the middle so that it is about one inch wide and 24cm high. On the front end of this gap, you can place one or two 12cm fans for HDD cooling. On the back end of the gap, you can place two more. On the very back end of the chassis, place the last two (removing the back/top fan). This way you will have no visible in- or outlets on the top or front, you will have sufficient airflow and also have a postive pressure (4 fans in, 3 fans out including the PSU-fan). You will probably keep the overall design somewhat intact and also reduce the noise from the fans. And I agree with Leedow that the space underneath the lid must be deep enough to bend DVI-cables. Also remember that people use VG/DVI-adapters. This could be solved by simply placing the motherboard further down.

Don't forget dust filters, easily removable, my suggestions will do nicely as a vacuum cleaner.

Hmm, maybe you could place a built in fan-controller in the cable trap...

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1. My screen cord needs an adapter which requires a total of 11 cm clearance before it can be bent in another direction. So I'd be forced to always have that lid open. + My GFX card has it's exhaust there.

2. Don't include fans, but make holes of freedom
"I've heard" that positive air pressure increases air flow and prevents dust from being drawn into the case from glitches. So i'd vote for more possible air inlets!
I think the dust question is important becouse:
A. I have astma
B. Once after cleaning all my fans and heatsinks I gained 33% performance. Since then I have to clean my case every 6 months.
C. This is not good since I've now destroyed 2 gfx- and 1 soundcard with my dishcloth.

3. Material
Brushed aluminium is still Al but not Applecopycat. It's timeless. It doesn't get scratched since scratches simply vanish into the current surface. The cost for coloring magically disappears.

Or anodized Al, because it looks best and has a premium-ish finish.

Oak wood case and the black part in stainless steel. Just a dream.

4. HDD & Passive cooling
I know you get this q a lot and that it is said to don't matter. But since these kind of cases are aimed towards cooling paranoid semi-nerds (no offence), are there ventilation holes above the HDD/left of CD-case?

5. I should have applied to konstfack I miss the lessons there..

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Whales are nice!


Thank you so much for all your inputs!! It's so much to do, and I'm trying to fulfill as many as possible. As soon as I have new pictures I will upload it!


What's that hatch doin on top of the case? "Hangin out"..


Your chassi is by far the best looking one at the presentation. Except for looks the construction seems well though of as well. Vertical placement of hard-drives is a very good idea when it comes to cooling. To be able to reach the connectors from motherboard and expansion-cards without reaching to the back of the box, actually seeing which cable you're holding is also a very good idea.

I'd buy this one if it was silent = had rubber-holdings for fans and drives (if it wasn't too expensive of course).

Post here when it's in production :-).


Hej hej! Thank you siikah!! I know I really have to work on the sound.
You really helped me al lot, thank you everybody! Here are some pictures of my final presentation..



Damn, when looking at that I can't help but regret that I bought this a few months back ( Id say that your chassi is 1. Good looking and stylish 2. Enough cooling and airflow for the standard "gamer" (maybe not for someone that overclocks) 3. Looks easy to install hardware in.

Make one in a fulltower version and I would buy it instantly. I can't decide if I should vote for you or Daniel Shorts.. And Emil Håkansson got a good one too.


I could help you with the decision for the voting


Hi Jenny

I have to agree with the rest, your case is the best one, Debbie comes in at a close second place. It really looks like a case that could be put into production and work. I think you have done a really good job here, specially if you hadn't given computer cases much thought before, it is always good to get new fresh ideas from people "outside" of the business.

Love your paintshop skills at the latest image


very sexy chassi

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| ASUS P8Z77-V DELUXE | Intel Core i7 2700K @ 4.7Ghz | 16GB Corsair Vengeance 1600Mhz @ 8-8-8-24 |
| ATi Radeon HD 6950@6970 (900|1350Mhz @ 1.14v) | Corsair Force GT 120GB | Corsair HX 650W |
| Nvidia's GT300 yields are less than 2% | Min ArmA2 YouTube Kanal |



If the chassi is going to stand on the floor, why do you have the PSU fan directed so it sucks air in to it from the botton which will generate pretty much dust. (Own experience.)

Most graphicscard today doesn't have ATI/nVidia referencecooler that blows out the hot air. That might be a problem if you don't have a good airflow with a specfic way for the air to go.

Anyway, this will be my no. 1 chassi among these three compedetives.


Congratulations for going through to the next round! This one was my favourite of the three that made it.

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Är det inte Fingal Olsson som sitter där borta?


Congratulations for making it to the next round, I totally love your ideas!

Not only that, I have a small idea that might help you with your potential problem regarding the clearance some adapters for graphics cards needs (normally that would be DVI to VGA). Simply design and include an angled adapter or a adapter with a flexible cord.

Here is a picture about a not-so-designed solution:

I totally love the accessibility of the cable connectors on top of the chassi but it would be even better if I could choose in what direction to wire them. But I guess its a bit to late to ask for a way to wire them towards the front of the chassi.

Good luck in the final round, I hope this baby will see the light at the end of an assembly line!