Fel vid installation


Fel vid installation

Försöker installera ett program men jag lyckas inte.

Detta är felen som rapporteras i loggen


2009-11-04 14.53.00 Installer[786] PackageKit: *** Missing bundle identifier: /Library/Receipts/DjVu Browser Plugin.pkg
2009-11-04 14.53.00 Installer[786] PackageKit: *** Missing bundle identifier: /Library/Receipts/DjVu Plugin Host.pkg
2009-11-04 14.53.00 Installer[786] PackageKit: *** Missing bundle identifier: /Library/Receipts/Flip4Mac QuickTime Components.pkg
2009-11-04 14.53.00 Installer[786] PackageKit: *** Missing bundle identifier: /Library/Receipts/Flip4Mac Web Plugins.pkg
2009-11-04 14.53.06 Installer[786] <ZeroSliderSplitView: 0x1003cd920>: the delegate <TargetSelectPage: 0x1001742d0> was sent -splitView:resizeSubviewsWithOldSize: and left the subview frames in an inconsistent state:
2009-11-04 14.53.06 Installer[786] Split view bounds: {{0, 0}, {402, 104}}
2009-11-04 14.53.06 Installer[786] Subview frame: {{0, 0}, {0, 32}}
2009-11-04 14.53.06 Installer[786] Subview frame: {{0, 0}, {402, 104}}
2009-11-04 14.53.06 Installer[786] The outer edges of the subview frames are supposed to line up with the split view's bounds' edges. NSSplitView is working around the problem, perhaps at the cost of more redrawing. (This message is only logged once per NSSplitView.)
2009-11-04 14.53.09 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[637] (com.apple.pbs) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
2009-11-04 14.53.21 Installer[786] Installeraren stötte på ett fel som förhindrade installationen. Kontakta programtillverkaren och be om assistans.

Någon som får ut något från detta?

Visa signatur

tack o bock


Kräver programmet att Apels QuickTime är förinstallerat med senaste version ?:

Eller är det "DjVu Browser Plug-in" som krävs från:

Visa signatur

Windows 10 Pro x64 | inwin A1 Plus White | AMD Ryzen 9 3900X | Asus ROG Strix X570-I Gaming | Corsair 3600MHz 16GB | Sapphire Radeon RX 5700XT | Samsung SSD M.2. 960 Pro. 1TB | LG 4K OLED55C9PLA


Hittade bättre loggar:


2009-11-04 22.52.42 installd[1298] PackageKit: ----- Begin install -----
2009-11-04 22.52.47 installd[1298] PackageKit: Install Failed: PKG: post-flight scripts for "com.econtechnologies.pkg.ChronoSyncApplication"
Error Domain=PKInstallErrorDomain Code=112 UserInfo=0x100164cc0 "An error occurred while running scripts from the package “ChronoSync Application.pkg”." {
NSFilePath = "./postflight";
NSLocalizedDescription = "An error occurred while running scripts from the package \U201cChronoSync Application.pkg\U201d.";
NSURL = "file://localhost/Volumes/ChronoSync/Install.mpkg/Contents/Resources/ChronoSync%20Application.pkg";
PKInstallPackageIdentifier = "com.econtechnologies.pkg.ChronoSyncApplication";
2009-11-04 22.52.48 Installer[1286] Install failed: Installeraren stötte på ett fel som förhindrade installationen. Kontakta programtillverkaren och be om assistans.

Tror inte den saknar qt och djvu... har nämligen det, och senaste ver.

Hmmm.. Går det att gå ännu djupare i loggarna?

Edit: Hittade mer och jag fattar bara mindre


Nov 4 22:52:42 timmacbook installd[1298]: PackageKit: ----- Begin install -----
Nov 4 22:52:42 timmacbook installd[1298]: PackageKit: request=PKInstallRequest <5 packages, destination=/>
Nov 4 22:52:42 timmacbook installd[1298]: PackageKit: packages=(\n "PKJaguarPackage <file://localhost/Volumes/ChronoSync/Install.mpkg>",\n "PKJaguarPackage <file://localhost/Volumes/ChronoSync/Install.mpkg/Contents/Resources/ChronoAgentLocal.pkg>",\n "PKJaguarPackage <file://localhost/Volumes/ChronoSync/Install.mpkg/Contents/Resources/ChronoSync%20Application.pkg>",\n "PKJaguarPackage <file://localhost/Volumes/ChronoSync/Install.mpkg/Contents/Resources/Update%20All%20Users.pkg>",\n "PKJaguarPackage <file://localhost/Volumes/ChronoSync/Install.mpkg>"\n)
Nov 4 22:52:42 timmacbook installd[1298]: PackageKit: Extracting /Volumes/ChronoSync/Install.mpkg/Contents/Resources/ChronoAgentLocal.pkg/Contents/Archive.pax.gz (destination=/var/folders/zz/zzzivhrRnAmviuee+++++++++++/-Tmp-/PKInstallSandbox-tmp/Root, uid=0)
Nov 4 22:52:43 timmacbook installd[1298]: PackageKit: Extracting /Volumes/ChronoSync/Install.mpkg/Contents/Resources/ChronoSync Application.pkg/Contents/Archive.pax.gz (destination=/var/folders/zz/zzzivhrRnAmviuee+++++++++++/-Tmp-/PKInstallSandbox-tmp/Root, uid=0)
Nov 4 22:52:46 timmacbook installd[1298]: PackageKit: Extracting /Volumes/ChronoSync/Install.mpkg/Contents/Resources/Update All Users.pkg/Contents/Archive.pax.gz (destination=/var/folders/zz/zzzivhrRnAmviuee+++++++++++/-Tmp-/PKInstallSandbox-tmp/Root, uid=0)
Nov 4 22:52:47 timmacbook installd[1298]: PackageKit: Executing script "./preflight" in /Volumes/ChronoSync/Install.mpkg/Contents/Resources
Nov 4 22:52:47 timmacbook installd[1298]: ./preflight: No matching processes were found
Nov 4 22:52:47 timmacbook installd[1298]: PackageKit: Executing script "./preflight" in /Volumes/ChronoSync/Install.mpkg/Contents/Resources/ChronoSync Application.pkg/Contents/Resources
Nov 4 22:52:47 timmacbook installd[1298]: ./preflight: preflight: removing //Applications/ChronoSync.app
Nov 4 22:52:47 timmacbook installd[1298]: PackageKit: Shoving /var/folders/zz/zzzivhrRnAmviuee+++++++++++/-Tmp-/PKInstallSandbox-tmp/Root (2 items) to /
Nov 4 22:52:47 timmacbook installd[1298]: PackageKit: Executing script "./postflight" in /Volumes/ChronoSync/Install.mpkg/Contents/Resources/ChronoSync Application.pkg/Contents/Resources
Nov 4 22:52:47 timmacbook installd[1298]: ./postflight: /Volumes/ChronoSync/Install.mpkg/Contents/Resources/ChronoSync Application.pkg/Contents/Resources/postflight: line 10: ./Volumes/ChronoSync/Install.mpkg/Contents/Resources/ChronoSync Application.pkg/Contents/Resources/ChronoSyncUpdater: No such file or directory
Nov 4 22:52:47 timmacbook installd[1298]: PackageKit: Install Failed: PKG: post-flight scripts for "com.econtechnologies.pkg.ChronoSyncApplication"\nError Domain=PKInstallErrorDomain Code=112 UserInfo=0x100164cc0 "An error occurred while running scripts from the package “ChronoSync Application.pkg”." {\n NSFilePath = "./postflight";\n NSLocalizedDescription = "An error occurred while running scripts from the package \U201cChronoSync Application.pkg\U201d.";\n NSURL = "file://localhost/Volumes/ChronoSync/Install.mpkg/Contents/Resources/ChronoSync%20Application.pkg";\n PKInstallPackageIdentifier = "com.econtechnologies.pkg.ChronoSyncApplication";\n}
Nov 4 22:52:47 timmacbook Installer[1286]: install:didFailWithError:Error Domain=PKInstallErrorDomain Code=112 UserInfo=0x100175b40 "An error occurred while running scripts from the package “ChronoSync Application.pkg”."
Nov 4 22:52:48 timmacbook Installer[1286]: Install failed: Installeraren stötte på ett fel som förhindrade installationen. Kontakta programtillverkaren och be om assistans.
Nov 4 22:52:48 timmacbook Installer[1286]: IFDInstallController 52C0F0 state = 7
Nov 4 22:52:48 timmacbook Installer[1286]: Displaying 'Install Failed' UI.
Nov 4 22:52:48 timmacbook Installer[1286]: 'Install Failed' UI displayed message:'Installeraren stötte på ett fel som förhindrade installationen. Kontakta programtillverkaren och be om assistans.'.

Visa signatur

tack o bock