
Looking for help in Webdesign!

Hello guys, So im a big big noob when it comes down to creating websited etc etc.
I am just looking for help on how to make a website the easiest and fastest way without puting to much money into it. I want the website to look like this:
With a musicvideo and my name that have my steamprofile connected to it. Yeah i know this is probably really easy stuff but im a bigg newbie when it comes to this.
Thank you guys so much for the help!

Sorry for my bad english !

*I do have the code he is using, Or i think it is the right one. But if im going to copy paste it how do i paste my own logo and video etc?

Livsnjutare 😎

So... short video clips, music and a re-direct to your steam profile ?

Whats to point of that "website" if i might ask ?

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@andreas_dock: not really any purpose, I stream on twitch and i would just like a small website with a musicvideo and re-direct to my steam profile. Simple and clean.


You can do this easily with the video element in html5.

When it comes to that logo that redirects you to your steam profile just go with:
<a href=""><div class="my-icon"></div></a>
and set your background image in your css file.

To sum it up you'll only need:
Basic HTML5 and CSS3 knowledge, a webhosting and a domain to host your files.