Tävla och vinn Geforce RTX 5080 från Asus!

Varför måste jag ha PCIE GPU för att APU skall fungera? (AMD 5500GT, ASUS Prime B550M-K) [LÖST]


Varför måste jag ha PCIE GPU för att APU skall fungera? (AMD 5500GT, ASUS Prime B550M-K) [LÖST]

Håller på att bygga ihop en liten server här hemma oc har ett litet problem, inte haft AMD och inte heller nån CPU dom senaste 15 åren med APU.

Har precis införskaffat en AMD 5500GT med Integrerad grafik (https://www.inet.se/produkt/5306640/amd-ryzen-5-5500gt-3-6-gh...) och ett ASUS Prime B550M-K (https://www.inet.se/produkt/1903236/asus-prime-b550m-k) moderkort med stöd för integrerad grafik, kör även 64GB DDR4 minnen.

Nu till problemet, jag måste ha en GPU i PCIE slotten för att det skall komma nån bild ur HDMI kontakten på moderkortet vilket känns helt bakvänt, hela anledningen till den integrerad grafiken va att jag skulle slippa en GPU.

Har försökt ändra i BIOS till "primary grapichs" till iGFX eller nåt liknande, men den defaultar tillbaka till "PCIE" hela tiden.

Är detta nåt någon känner till, eller är det bara att börja mecka med BIOS uppdateringar mm..

Tack på förhand.

Visa signatur

NZXT H6 Flow | Intel i7 14700KF | ASUS PRIME Z790 | 32GB 6000MHz Fury |
Seasonic Prime GX 1300W | 27" LG 27GN750-B


Kolla först att du har BIOS 3402 eller senare. Tag sedan ur grafikkortet och gör en BIOS reset. Starta sedan upp som vanligt. Jag tror att du misstagit saknad grafik med att den jobbar med minnesträningen. Låt den stå ett tag medans du gör något annat.
Synd att kortet inte har några support-leds som berättar vad den pysslar med..

Skrivet av mc68000:

Kolla först att du har BIOS 3402 eller senare. Tag sedan ur grafikkortet och gör en BIOS reset. Starta sedan upp som vanligt. Jag tror att du misstagit saknad grafik med att den jobbar med minnesträningen. Låt den stå ett tag medans du gör något annat.
Synd att kortet inte har några support-leds som berättar vad den pysslar med..

Tack för svaret, jag testade precis att uppdatera BIOS till senaste (3702).
Problemet verkar kvarstå, riktigt skummt.

Stoppar i mitt 3060Ti i PCIE, MEN har kvar HDMI kabeln i moderkortet, då får jag bild, och den bootar som den skall.
Stänger av datorn, tar ut mitt 3060, låter HDMI kabeln sitta kvar i moderkortet och startar, ingen bild, och den bootar liksom inte heller riktigt, då det är en server så ser jag att den aldrig kommer igång (går inte att ssha in på den osv), inte heller tänds tangetbords belysningen, vilket den gör den jag har mitt 3060 inkopplat och när den bootar riktigt.

Edit: ang minnes träning, hur lång tid kan det ta ? 5min 30min ? aldrig varit med om det innan nämligen. Jag låter den stå på här nu så får vi se vad som händer.

Visa signatur

NZXT H6 Flow | Intel i7 14700KF | ASUS PRIME Z790 | 32GB 6000MHz Fury |
Seasonic Prime GX 1300W | 27" LG 27GN750-B


Eftersom moderkortet saknar Leds så är det svårt att få fram nån felkod, på moderkortet sitter det en COM_debug port, googlade lite och det verkar vara en port som spottar ut Asus QCODEs.

Hittade en lista över QCODEs, men vet inte om det är generella koder eller om det är moderkort specifikt, så man kanske får ta meddelandena med en nypa salt.

Skrev ett litet python program, kopplade på mig på COM_debug och dumpade outputen.
Det jag kan se som skiljer sig är just att den inte gör nån enumeration av PCI bussen när jag kör utan grafikkort, vilket verkar vara rätt då det inte sitter nåt där, men sen hamnar den liksom i nån loop och försöker om och om igen, ser också att den inte lyckas hitta USB enheterna när jag inte har nåt grafikkort i PCI slotten.

Dump från när det fungerar:

Klicka för mer information

00: Not used
15: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
10: PEI Core is started
4F: DXE IPL is started
00: Not used
06: Microcode loading
07: AP initialization after microcode loading
11: Pre-memory CPU initialization is started
01: Power on. Reset type detection (soft/hard).
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
30: Reserved for ASL (see ASL Status Codes section below)
31: Memory Installed
E0: PEI Core is started
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
51: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
94: PCI BUS Enumeration
A7: SCSI Enable
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
11: Pre-memory CPU initialization is started
16: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
18: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
19: Pre-memory PCH initialization is started
36: CPU post-memory initialization
E1: S3 boot script execution
E0: PEI Core is started
54: Unspecified memory initialization error
32: CPU post-memory initialization
33: CPU post-memory initialization
32: CPU post-memory initialization
33: CPU post-memory initialization
33: CPU post-memory initialization
55: Memory not installed
7C: Reserved for future AMI DXE codes
7D: Reserved for future AMI DXE codes
08: System Agent initialization after microcode loading
09: PCH initialization after microcode loading
33: CPU post-memory initialization
3B: Post-Memory PCH initialization is started
A7: SCSI Enable
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
4F: DXE IPL is started
5D: Reserved for future AMI error codes
60: DXE Core is started
61: NVRAM initialization
9A: USB initialization is started
62: Installation of the PCH Runtime Services
55: Memory not installed
03: System Agent initialization before microcode loading
07: AP initialization after microcode loading
39: Post-Memory System Agent initialization is started
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
0D: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
0E: Microcode not found
0F: Microcode not loaded
16: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
17: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
55: Memory not installed
90: Boot Device Selection (BDS) phase is started
91: Driver connecting is started
94: PCI BUS Enumeration
95: PCI BUS Request resources
96: PCI BUS Assign resources
0B: Cache initialization
56: Invalid CPU type or Speed
63: CPU DXE initialization is started
68: PCI host bridge initialization
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
69: System Agent DXE initialization is started
6A: System Agent DXE SMM initialization is started
14: Pre-memory CPU initialization is started
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
57: CPU mismatch
51: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
15: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
70: PCH DXE initialization is started
04: PCH initialization before microcode loading
79: CSM initialization
59: CPU micro-code is not found or micro-code update is failed
36: CPU post-memory initialization
18: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
19: Pre-memory PCH initialization is started
35: CPU post-memory initialization
02: AP initialization before microcode loading
36: CPU post-memory initialization
3D: Post-Memory PCH initialization is started
2D: Memory initialization
2E: Memory initialization
5D: Reserved for future AMI error codes
39: Post-Memory System Agent initialization is started
3A: Post-Memory System Agent initialization is started
90: Boot Device Selection (BDS) phase is started
94: PCI BUS Enumeration
95: PCI BUS Request resources
96: PCI BUS Assign resources
1B: Pre-memory PCH initialization is started
9B: USB Reset
5E: Reserved for future AMI error codes
5A: Internal CPU error
5B: Reset PPI is not available
07: AP initialization after microcode loading
99: Super IO initialization
91: Driver connecting is started
92: PCI BUS initialization is started
97: Consol output devices connect
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
B2: Legacy Option ROM initialization
52: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
98: Consol input device connect
99: Super IO initialization
98: Consol input device connect
9D: USB Enabled
9C: USB Detect
9D: USB Enabled
9C: USB Detect
B4: USB hot plug
98: Consol input device connect
B4: USB hot plug
9D: USB Enabled
9C: USB Detect
B4: USB hot plug
98: Consol input device connect
B4: USB hot plug
92: PCI BUS initialization is started
A0: IDE initialization is started
A2: IDE Detect
99: Super IO initialization
98: Consol input device connect
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
95: PCI BUS Request resources
95: PCI BUS Request resources
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
01: Power on. Reset type detection (soft/hard).
02: AP initialization before microcode loading
57: CPU mismatch
94: PCI BUS Enumeration
56: Invalid CPU type or Speed
08: System Agent initialization after microcode loading
78: ACPI module initialization
B0: Runtime Set Virtual Address MAP Begin
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
94: PCI BUS Enumeration
2F: Memory initialization
30: Reserved for ASL (see ASL Status Codes section below)
14: Pre-memory CPU initialization is started
94: PCI BUS Enumeration
AD: Ready To Boot event
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
95: PCI BUS Request resources
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
95: PCI BUS Request resources
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
2B: Memory initialization
2C: Memory initialization
AF: Exit Boot Service event
B0: Runtime Set Virtual Address MAP Begin
B1: Runtime Set Virtual Address MAP End
A0: IDE initialization is started
AC: Reserved for ASL see ASL statuc codes

Visa mer

Dump från när det INTE fungerar:

Klicka för mer information

00: Not used
15: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
10: PEI Core is started
4F: DXE IPL is started
00: Not used
06: Microcode loading
07: AP initialization after microcode loading
11: Pre-memory CPU initialization is started
01: Power on. Reset type detection (soft/hard).
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
30: Reserved for ASL (see ASL Status Codes section below)
31: Memory Installed
E0: PEI Core is started
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
51: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
94: PCI BUS Enumeration
A7: SCSI Enable
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
11: Pre-memory CPU initialization is started
16: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
18: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
19: Pre-memory PCH initialization is started
36: CPU post-memory initialization
E1: S3 boot script execution
E0: PEI Core is started
54: Unspecified memory initialization error
32: CPU post-memory initialization
33: CPU post-memory initialization
32: CPU post-memory initialization
33: CPU post-memory initialization
33: CPU post-memory initialization
55: Memory not installed
7C: Reserved for future AMI DXE codes
7D: Reserved for future AMI DXE codes
08: System Agent initialization after microcode loading
09: PCH initialization after microcode loading
33: CPU post-memory initialization
3B: Post-Memory PCH initialization is started
A7: SCSI Enable
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
4F: DXE IPL is started
5D: Reserved for future AMI error codes
60: DXE Core is started
61: NVRAM initialization
9A: USB initialization is started
62: Installation of the PCH Runtime Services
55: Memory not installed
03: System Agent initialization before microcode loading
07: AP initialization after microcode loading
39: Post-Memory System Agent initialization is started
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
0D: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
0E: Microcode not found
0F: Microcode not loaded
16: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
17: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
55: Memory not installed
90: Boot Device Selection (BDS) phase is started
91: Driver connecting is started
94: PCI BUS Enumeration
95: PCI BUS Request resources
0B: Cache initialization
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
E1: S3 boot script execution
E2: Video repost
EB: S3 OS Wake Error
0F: Microcode not loaded
98: Consol input device connect
99: Super IO initialization
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F2: Recovery process stared
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
01: Power on. Reset type detection (soft/hard).
03: System Agent initialization before microcode loading
02: AP initialization before microcode loading
3E: Post-Memory PCH initialization is started
3E: Post-Memory PCH initialization is started
3E: Post-Memory PCH initialization is started
3E: Post-Memory PCH initialization is started
FA: Invalid recovery capsule
B4: USB hot plug
B7: Configuration Reset (reset of NVRAM settings)
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
D4: PCI resource allocation error. Out of Resources
D5: No Space for Legacy Option ROM
90: Boot Device Selection (BDS) phase is started
91: Driver connecting is started
04: PCH initialization before microcode loading
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
D2: PCH initialization error
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
D1: System Agent initialization error
14: Pre-memory CPU initialization is started
15: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
14: Pre-memory CPU initialization is started
15: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
D1: System Agent initialization error
14: Pre-memory CPU initialization is started
15: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
D2: PCH initialization error
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
B0: Runtime Set Virtual Address MAP Begin
51: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
52: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
B4: USB hot plug
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
98: Consol input device connect
99: Super IO initialization
98: Consol input device connect
99: Super IO initialization
98: Consol input device connect
99: Super IO initialization
D2: PCH initialization error
4F: DXE IPL is started
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
D3: Some of the Architectural Protocols are not available
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
03: System Agent initialization before microcode loading
55: Memory not installed
56: Invalid CPU type or Speed
02: AP initialization before microcode loading
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
53: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
54: Unspecified memory initialization error
59: CPU micro-code is not found or micro-code update is failed
5A: Internal CPU error
57: CPU mismatch
58: CPU self test failed or possible CPU cache error
00: Not used
04: PCH initialization before microcode loading
00: Not used
11: Pre-memory CPU initialization is started
00: Not used
15: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
10: PEI Core is started
4F: DXE IPL is started
00: Not used
06: Microcode loading
07: AP initialization after microcode loading
11: Pre-memory CPU initialization is started
01: Power on. Reset type detection (soft/hard).
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
30: Reserved for ASL (see ASL Status Codes section below)
31: Memory Installed
E0: PEI Core is started
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
51: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
94: PCI BUS Enumeration
A7: SCSI Enable
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
11: Pre-memory CPU initialization is started
16: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
18: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
19: Pre-memory PCH initialization is started
36: CPU post-memory initialization
E1: S3 boot script execution
E0: PEI Core is started
54: Unspecified memory initialization error
32: CPU post-memory initialization
33: CPU post-memory initialization
32: CPU post-memory initialization
33: CPU post-memory initialization
33: CPU post-memory initialization
55: Memory not installed
7C: Reserved for future AMI DXE codes
7D: Reserved for future AMI DXE codes
08: System Agent initialization after microcode loading
09: PCH initialization after microcode loading
33: CPU post-memory initialization
3B: Post-Memory PCH initialization is started
A7: SCSI Enable
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
4F: DXE IPL is started
5D: Reserved for future AMI error codes
60: DXE Core is started
61: NVRAM initialization
9A: USB initialization is started
62: Installation of the PCH Runtime Services
55: Memory not installed
03: System Agent initialization before microcode loading
07: AP initialization after microcode loading
39: Post-Memory System Agent initialization is started
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
0D: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
0E: Microcode not found
0F: Microcode not loaded
16: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
17: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
55: Memory not installed
90: Boot Device Selection (BDS) phase is started
91: Driver connecting is started
94: PCI BUS Enumeration
95: PCI BUS Request resources
0B: Cache initialization
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
E1: S3 boot script execution
E2: Video repost
EB: S3 OS Wake Error
0F: Microcode not loaded
98: Consol input device connect
99: Super IO initialization
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F2: Recovery process stared
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
01: Power on. Reset type detection (soft/hard).
03: System Agent initialization before microcode loading
02: AP initialization before microcode loading
3E: Post-Memory PCH initialization is started
3E: Post-Memory PCH initialization is started
3E: Post-Memory PCH initialization is started
3E: Post-Memory PCH initialization is started
FA: Invalid recovery capsule
B4: USB hot plug
B7: Configuration Reset (reset of NVRAM settings)
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
D4: PCI resource allocation error. Out of Resources
D5: No Space for Legacy Option ROM
90: Boot Device Selection (BDS) phase is started
91: Driver connecting is started
04: PCH initialization before microcode loading
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
D2: PCH initialization error
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
D1: System Agent initialization error
14: Pre-memory CPU initialization is started
15: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
14: Pre-memory CPU initialization is started
15: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
D1: System Agent initialization error
14: Pre-memory CPU initialization is started
15: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
D2: PCH initialization error
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
B0: Runtime Set Virtual Address MAP Begin
51: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
52: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
B4: USB hot plug
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
98: Consol input device connect
99: Super IO initialization
98: Consol input device connect
99: Super IO initialization
98: Consol input device connect
99: Super IO initialization
D2: PCH initialization error
4F: DXE IPL is started
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
D3: Some of the Architectural Protocols are not available
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
03: System Agent initialization before microcode loading
55: Memory not installed
56: Invalid CPU type or Speed
02: AP initialization before microcode loading
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
53: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
54: Unspecified memory initialization error
59: CPU micro-code is not found or micro-code update is failed
5A: Internal CPU error
57: CPU mismatch
58: CPU self test failed or possible CPU cache error
00: Not used
04: PCH initialization before microcode loading
00: Not used
11: Pre-memory CPU initialization is started
00: Not used
15: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
10: PEI Core is started
4F: DXE IPL is started
00: Not used
06: Microcode loading
07: AP initialization after microcode loading
11: Pre-memory CPU initialization is started
01: Power on. Reset type detection (soft/hard).
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
30: Reserved for ASL (see ASL Status Codes section below)
31: Memory Installed
E0: PEI Core is started
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
51: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
94: PCI BUS Enumeration
A7: SCSI Enable
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
11: Pre-memory CPU initialization is started
16: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
18: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
19: Pre-memory PCH initialization is started
36: CPU post-memory initialization
E1: S3 boot script execution
E0: PEI Core is started
54: Unspecified memory initialization error
32: CPU post-memory initialization
33: CPU post-memory initialization
32: CPU post-memory initialization
33: CPU post-memory initialization
33: CPU post-memory initialization
55: Memory not installed
7C: Reserved for future AMI DXE codes
7D: Reserved for future AMI DXE codes
08: System Agent initialization after microcode loading
09: PCH initialization after microcode loading
33: CPU post-memory initialization
3B: Post-Memory PCH initialization is started
A7: SCSI Enable
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F1: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)
F3: Recovery firmweare image is found
4F: DXE IPL is started
5D: Reserved for future AMI error codes
60: DXE Core is started
61: NVRAM initialization
9A: USB initialization is started
62: Installation of the PCH Runtime Services
55: Memory not installed
03: System Agent initialization before microcode loading
07: AP initialization after microcode loading
39: Post-Memory System Agent initialization is started
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
0D: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
0E: Microcode not found
0F: Microcode not loaded
16: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
17: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
55: Memory not installed
90: Boot Device Selection (BDS) phase is started
91: Driver connecting is started
94: PCI BUS Enumeration
95: PCI BUS Request resources
0B: Cache initialization
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
E1: S3 boot script execution
E2: Video repost
EB: S3 OS Wake Error
0F: Microcode not loaded
98: Consol input device connect
99: Super IO initialization
F0: Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
F2: Recovery process stared
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
01: Power on. Reset type detection (soft/hard).
03: System Agent initialization before microcode loading
02: AP initialization before microcode loading
3E: Post-Memory PCH initialization is started
3E: Post-Memory PCH initialization is started
3E: Post-Memory PCH initialization is started
3E: Post-Memory PCH initialization is started
FA: Invalid recovery capsule
B4: USB hot plug
B7: Configuration Reset (reset of NVRAM settings)
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
D4: PCI resource allocation error. Out of Resources
D5: No Space for Legacy Option ROM
90: Boot Device Selection (BDS) phase is started
91: Driver connecting is started
04: PCH initialization before microcode loading
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
D2: PCH initialization error
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
D1: System Agent initialization error
14: Pre-memory CPU initialization is started
15: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
14: Pre-memory CPU initialization is started
15: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
D1: System Agent initialization error
14: Pre-memory CPU initialization is started
15: Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
D2: PCH initialization error
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
B0: Runtime Set Virtual Address MAP Begin
51: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
52: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
B4: USB hot plug
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
98: Consol input device connect
99: Super IO initialization
98: Consol input device connect
99: Super IO initialization
98: Consol input device connect
99: Super IO initialization
D2: PCH initialization error
4F: DXE IPL is started
50: Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
0C: Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes

Visa mer


Klicka för mer information

import serial qcodes = { "00": "Not used", "01": "Power on. Reset type detection (soft/hard).", "02": "AP initialization before microcode loading", "03": "System Agent initialization before microcode loading", "04": "PCH initialization before microcode loading", "06": "Microcode loading", "07": "AP initialization after microcode loading", "08": "System Agent initialization after microcode loading", "09": "PCH initialization after microcode loading", "0B": "Cache initialization", "0C": "Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes", "0D": "Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes", "0E": "Microcode not found", "0F": "Microcode not loaded", "10": "PEI Core is started", "11": "Pre-memory CPU initialization is started", "12": "Pre-memory CPU initialization is started", "13": "Pre-memory CPU initialization is started", "14": "Pre-memory CPU initialization is started", "15": "Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started", "16": "Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started", "17": "Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started", "18": "Pre-memory System Agent initialization is started", "19": "Pre-memory PCH initialization is started", "1A": "Pre-memory PCH initialization is started", "1B": "Pre-memory PCH initialization is started", "1C": "Pre-memory PCH initialization is started", "2B": "Memory initialization", "2C": "Memory initialization", "2D": "Memory initialization", "2E": "Memory initialization", "2F": "Memory initialization", "30": "Reserved for ASL (see ASL Status Codes section below)", "31": "Memory Installed", "32": "CPU post-memory initialization", "33": "CPU post-memory initialization", "34": "CPU post-memory initialization", "35": "CPU post-memory initialization", "36": "CPU post-memory initialization", "37": "Post-Memory System Agent initialization is started", "38": "Post-Memory System Agent initialization is started", "39": "Post-Memory System Agent initialization is started", "3A": "Post-Memory System Agent initialization is started", "3B": "Post-Memory PCH initialization is started", "3C": "Post-Memory PCH initialization is started", "3D": "Post-Memory PCH initialization is started", "3E": "Post-Memory PCH initialization is started", "4F": "DXE IPL is started", "50": "Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed", "51": "Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed", "52": "Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed", "53": "Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed", "54": "Unspecified memory initialization error", "55": "Memory not installed", "56": "Invalid CPU type or Speed", "57": "CPU mismatch", "58": "CPU self test failed or possible CPU cache error", "59": "CPU micro-code is not found or micro-code update is failed", "5A": "Internal CPU error", "5B": "Reset PPI is not available", "5C": "Reserved for future AMI error codes", "5D": "Reserved for future AMI error codes", "5E": "Reserved for future AMI error codes", "5F": "Reserved for future AMI error codes", "E0" : "PEI Core is started", "E1" : "S3 boot script execution", "E2" : "Video repost", "E3" : "OS S3 wake vector call", #E4-E7 reserved for future AMI progress codes "E8" : "S3 Resume Failed", "E9" : "S3 Resume PPI not Found", "EA" : "S3 Resume Boot script error", "EB" : "S3 OS Wake Error", #EC-EF Reserved for future AMI error codes "F0" : "Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)", "F1" : "Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Forced recovery)", "F2" : "Recovery process stared", "F3" : "Recovery firmweare image is found", "F4" : "Recovery firmweare image is loaded", #F5-F7 Reserved for future AMI progress codes "F8" : "Recovery PPI is not available", "F9" : "Recovery capsule not found", "FA" : "Invalid recovery capsule", #FB-FF Reserved for future AMI error codes "60": "DXE Core is started", "61": "NVRAM initialization", "62": "Installation of the PCH Runtime Services", "63": "CPU DXE initialization is started", "64": "CPU DXE initialization is started", "65": "CPU DXE initialization is started", "66": "CPU DXE initialization is started", "67": "CPU DXE initialization is started", "68": "PCI host bridge initialization", "69": "System Agent DXE initialization is started", "6A": "System Agent DXE SMM initialization is started", "6B": "System Agent DXE initialization (System Agent module specific)", "6C": "System Agent DXE initialization (System Agent module specific)", "6D": "System Agent DXE initialization (System Agent module specific)", "6E": "System Agent DXE initialization (System Agent module specific)", "6F": "System Agent DXE initialization (System Agent module specific)", "70": "PCH DXE initialization is started", "71": "PCH DXE SMM initialization is started", "72": "PCH devices initialization", "73": "PCH DXE Initialization (PCH module specific)", "74": "PCH DXE Initialization (PCH module specific)", "75": "PCH DXE Initialization (PCH module specific)", "76": "PCH DXE Initialization (PCH module specific)", "77": "PCH DXE Initialization (PCH module specific)", "78": "ACPI module initialization", "79": "CSM initialization", "7A": "Reserved for future AMI DXE codes", "7B": "Reserved for future AMI DXE codes", "7C": "Reserved for future AMI DXE codes", "7D": "Reserved for future AMI DXE codes", "7E": "Reserved for future AMI DXE codes", "7F": "Reserved for future AMI DXE codes", "90": "Boot Device Selection (BDS) phase is started", "91": "Driver connecting is started", "92" : "PCI BUS initialization is started", "93" : "PCI BUS Hot Plug controller initialization", "94" : "PCI BUS Enumeration", "95" : "PCI BUS Request resources", "96" : "PCI BUS Assign resources", "97" : "Consol output devices connect", "98" : "Consol input device connect", "99" : "Super IO initialization", "9A" : "USB initialization is started", "9B" : "USB Reset", "9C" : "USB Detect", "9D" : "USB Enabled", #9E-9F Reserved "A0" : "IDE initialization is started", "A1" : "IDE Reset", "A2" : "IDE Detect", "A3" : "IDE Enable", "A4" : "SCSI Runtime Set Virtual Address MAP Begin is started", "A5" : "SCSI Reset", "A6" : "SCSI Detect", "A7" : "SCSI Enable", "A8" : "Setup verifying password", "A9" : "Start of Setup", #AA "AB" : "Setup Init wait", "AC" : "Reserved for ASL see ASL statuc codes", "AD" : "Ready To Boot event", "AE" : "Legacy Boot event", "AF" : "Exit Boot Service event", "B0" : "Runtime Set Virtual Address MAP Begin", "B1" : "Runtime Set Virtual Address MAP End", "B2" : "Legacy Option ROM initialization", "B3" : "System Reset", "B4" : "USB hot plug", "B5" : "PCI bus hot plug", "B6" : "Clean-up NVRAM", "B7" : "Configuration Reset (reset of NVRAM settings)", "C2" : "OEM BDS initialization - NOT SURE", #B8-BF "D0" : "CPU initialization error", "D1" : "System Agent initialization error", "D2" : "PCH initialization error", "D3" : "Some of the Architectural Protocols are not available", "D4" : "PCI resource allocation error. Out of Resources", "D5" : "No Space for Legacy Option ROM", "D6" : "No Console Output Devices are Found", "D7" : "No Console Input Devices are Found", "D8" : "Invalid Password", "D9" : "Error loading Boot Option (LoadImage retured error)", "DA" : "Boot Option is failed (StartImage returned error)", "DB" : "Flash update is failed", "DC" : "Reset protocol is not available", } acpi_acl_os = { "03" : "System is entering S3 sleep state", "04" : "System is entering S4 sleep state", "05" : "System is entering S5 sleep state", "30" : "System is waking up from the S3 sleep state", "40" : "System is waking up from the S4 sleep state", "AC" : "System has transitioned into ACPI mode. Interrupt contoller is in PIC mode", "AA" : "System has transitioned into ACPI mode. Interrupt contoller is in APCI mode", } PORT = "COM8" BAUDRATE = 115200 serial_port = serial.Serial(port=PORT, baudrate=BAUDRATE, timeout=1) def main(): while True: qbyte = serial_port.read(1) if qbyte: qcode = qbyte.hex().upper() if qcode in qcodes: print(f"{qcode}: {qcodes[qcode]}") else: print(f"{qcode}") main()

Visa mer
Visa signatur

NZXT H6 Flow | Intel i7 14700KF | ASUS PRIME Z790 | 32GB 6000MHz Fury |
Seasonic Prime GX 1300W | 27" LG 27GN750-B

Skrivet av Sebb:

Håller på att bygga ihop en liten server här hemma oc har ett litet problem, inte haft AMD och inte heller nån CPU dom senaste 15 åren med APU.

Har precis införskaffat en AMD 5500GT med Integrerad grafik (https://www.inet.se/produkt/5306640/amd-ryzen-5-5500gt-3-6-gh...) och ett ASUS Prime B550M-K (https://www.inet.se/produkt/1903236/asus-prime-b550m-k) moderkort med stöd för integrerad grafik, kör även 64GB DDR4 minnen.

Nu till problemet, jag måste ha en GPU i PCIE slotten för att det skall komma nån bild ur HDMI kontakten på moderkortet vilket känns helt bakvänt, hela anledningen till den integrerad grafiken va att jag skulle slippa en GPU.

Har försökt ändra i BIOS till "primary grapichs" till iGFX eller nåt liknande, men den defaultar tillbaka till "PCIE" hela tiden.

Är detta nåt någon känner till, eller är det bara att börja mecka med BIOS uppdateringar mm..

Tack på förhand.

Om du i bios väljer enbart igpu och stänger av externt medan du har ditt 3060 inkopplat då?


Prova också att jacka ur/i HDMI-kabeln (om det är den du använder?) och se om den snappar upp den aktiviteten på moderkortets anslutningar. Om du kör en annan anslutningstyp så kan det vara värt att prova just HDMI mot t.ex. TVn. (Jag hade en gång ett grafikkort som inte gick att väcka via VGA.) Men jag förmodar att det är just HDMI du använder?

Kul script, jag ser att du förstår hur man använder datorer på riktigt.
Är det denna lista du använt? https://www.asusqcodes.com/index.php

Normalt så minnestränar den högst några minuter, men jag har läst om skräckexempel uppåt timmar.

Skrivet av Sebb:

Tack för svaret, jag testade precis att uppdatera BIOS till senaste (3702).
Problemet verkar kvarstå, riktigt skummt.

Stoppar i mitt 3060Ti i PCIE, MEN har kvar HDMI kabeln i moderkortet, då får jag bild, och den bootar som den skall.
Stänger av datorn, tar ut mitt 3060, låter HDMI kabeln sitta kvar i moderkortet och startar, ingen bild, och den bootar liksom inte heller riktigt, då det är en server så ser jag att den aldrig kommer igång (går inte att ssha in på den osv), inte heller tänds tangetbords belysningen, vilket den gör den jag har mitt 3060 inkopplat och när den bootar riktigt.

Edit: ang minnes träning, hur lång tid kan det ta ? 5min 30min ? aldrig varit med om det innan nämligen. Jag låter den stå på här nu så får vi se vad som händer.

Pensionerade min gamla i7-3770k-burk och byggde ny dator förra sommaren. Det tog tillräckligt lång tid för att jag skulle hinna bli riktigt frustrerad och få ångest över garantiärenden och sådant innan den kom igång vid första uppstarten. Minst 5 minuter. Uppdaterade BIOS ganska omedelbart, och sedan dess har det blivit bättre.

Ser dock ingen anledning till varför det skulle vara skillnad på tidsåtgången för RAM training etc beroende på om man kör med iGPU eller något diskret. Hade börjat med förslaget du fick tidigare, att uppdatera BIOS med det diskreta grafikkortet i, ladda setup defaults, spara och stänga av, plocka ur det diskreta grafikkortet, och försöka boota upp.

Visa signatur

Nu lurade jag dig att slösa bort ett par värdefulla sekunder av ditt liv på att läsa denna fullständigt poänglösa signatur!


En tanke eftersom den integrerade grafiken helt använder DDR-minnet: Har du provat med bara en sticka i taget i olika slot?


Fortfarande ingen framgång, gått igenom varenda BIOS inställning utan att det har blivit nån skillnad.

Det jag har kommit fram till är att den måste ha nåt form av grafikkort i PCIE slotten.

Kör jag mitt 3060 i PCIe och HDMI kabeln i grafikkortet, då ser jag allt på skärmen, från första boot screen till att om man vill trycka på DEL/F2 för bios, sen så tuggar den vidare in och bootar OSet.

Kör jag med HDMI kabeln i moderkortet men fortfarande grafikkortet inkopplat så ser jag inget på skärmen förens jag kommer till OSet.

Har jag kvar HDMI kabeln i moderkortet och plockar ur 3060 kortet, då bootar den aldrig till OSet, och jag ser att den inte enumererar USB eller nåt.

förstår ingenting.

Testat att stänga av FAST boot, blockat ut en RAM sticka, flyttat runt RAM stickorna, (har verifierat att båda funkar också)

Jag hade inte brytt mig så mkt om jag inte fick nån bild på det integrerade grafikkortet under uppstart, men att jag inte ens kan boota datorn utan ett grafikkort i PCI slotten förstår jag inte.

Edit: Även testat med ett riktigt gamalt kort jag hade liggande NVIDIA GeForce 8500 GT, samma sak där, HDMI i moderkortet.. då bootar datorn (dock inte testat grafikkortet i sig då jag inte har tillgång till DVI just nu)

Visa signatur

NZXT H6 Flow | Intel i7 14700KF | ASUS PRIME Z790 | 32GB 6000MHz Fury |
Seasonic Prime GX 1300W | 27" LG 27GN750-B


Jag fortsätter ...
Nu har jag kommit till ett annat läge.

Plockar jag ur PCIe GPUn och startar systemet så kommer jag längre, den kör nu så att tangenbord och mus tänds, och loggen är snarlik den loggen jag postade tidigare då systemet fungerar MED GPU. skillnaden nu är bara att det dyker upp "95: PCI BUS Request resources" som det inte gör i den fungerande loggen.

Men när jag kommer till slutet då den skall boota OSet då stänger datorn av sig, och den går inte att starta igen om jag inte bryter strömmen till nätagget.

Ett liiiiitet steg fram, men såhär bökigt skall det inte vara.

Visa signatur

NZXT H6 Flow | Intel i7 14700KF | ASUS PRIME Z790 | 32GB 6000MHz Fury |
Seasonic Prime GX 1300W | 27" LG 27GN750-B


Eftersom du får bild via hdmi-porten på moderkortet EFTER boot så skulle det kunne vara så att passthrough fungerar från PCIe GPU -> moderkortet men av oklar anledning så fungerar inte iGPU på processorn.

Testa ta ur och sätt i CPU'n och se om det hjälper.
Om det inte hjälper finns det två saker kvar som jag kan se:
Moderkortet är defekt (mest troligt)
iGPU på CPU är defekt (inte särskilt troligt men inte omöjligt). Alternativt saknas det pins på processorn men det borde du märkt vid installation.


Då har jag äntligen fått igång allt, allt berodde på en mängd olika saker.
1. Ändrade minnes inställningarna
2. Fixade en längre HDMI kabel och anslöt till min primära skärm, då dök BIOS upp direkt, och jag såg hela boot förfarandet. (den gamla skärmen kommer få flytta till tippen)

Så nu när jag kunde se vad som hände så va det lättare.

Har nu installerat proxmox på burken men inte helt utan problem, när installationen skulle börja så dog allt, resulterade i att man fick ändra lite i installations filerna, åter igen, grafik relaterat.

Slutsats, mitt första AMD system sen Athlon 1.2Ghz 1999, inte den bästa upplevelsen, MEN problem är APU relaterade och inte AMD i sig.

Tack för svar från er alla.

Visa signatur

NZXT H6 Flow | Intel i7 14700KF | ASUS PRIME Z790 | 32GB 6000MHz Fury |
Seasonic Prime GX 1300W | 27" LG 27GN750-B


Tack för att du delat med dig, jag har ingen erfarenhet med APUer men fann det intressant att följa.