Android App: Temple run


Android App: Temple run

Är detta den äkta releasen? får bara att man måste dela på fb och att spelet är tillgängligt om 2 dagar. tycker den påminner väldigt mycket om "tempel run fan app" känner jag lukten av skam eller inte?

Det sista som skrevs på Tempels runs fb sida.

"Lots of people are asking when Temple Run is coming out for Android. We originally hoped it would be ready in February, but it's taking a little bit longer than expected. We are actually beta testing it now, so it's getting very close. We hope to announce a release date soon, but want to be 100% sure first. We promise that as soon as we know, we'll post here and give you at least a week's notice before it comes out.

Until we make an official announcement here, any app claiming to be Temple Run or a Temple Run Countdown app on Android is a scam. Please don't download these apps, as they may infect your phone with malware. We are working with Google to get these apps removed.

You will be the first to know the real release date.

Thanks for your patience and we're excited to get things finished up soon!"


Det ser ut som att spelet är nedtaget från android market.

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