
Problem med Paralellport

Håller på att bygga ett inbrottsalarm med en mikroswitch och har tänkt koppla denna till datorn via Paralellporten. När strömmen bryts (mikroswitchen öppnas) så ska datorn känna av detta. Frågan jag har är hur jag ska kunna programmera VB 6.0 att läsa av paralellporten. Jag har Något kallat DLPortIO men jag får inte riktigt koden att funka.

Min kod:

Dim Value As Long If DLPortIO.DlPortReadPortBufferUchar(Val("&H301"), 0, 0) = 16 Then

DLPortIO.BAS (inkluderad och fin)

'**************************************************************************** '* @doc INTERNAL '* @module dlportio.bas | '* '* DriverLINX Port I/O Driver Interface '* <cp> Copyright 1996-1999 Scientific Software Tools, Inc.<nl> '* All Rights Reserved.<nl> '* DriverLINX is a registered trademark of Scientific Software Tools, Inc. '* '* Win32 Prototypes for DriverLINX Port I/O '* '* @comm '* Author: RoyF<nl> '* Date: 09/26/96 14:08:58 '* '* @group Revision History '* @comm '* $Revision: 2 $ '* <nl> '* $Log: /DLPortIO/API/DLPORTIO.BAS $ ' ' 2 3/03/99 5:25p Kevind ' Removed any reference for customer to call us when encountering bugs, ' also removed our old address info. ' ' 1 9/27/96 2:03p Royf ' Initial revision. '* '**************************************************************************** Public Declare Function DlPortReadPortUchar Lib "dlportio.dll" (ByVal Port As Long) As Byte Public Declare Function DlPortReadPortUshort Lib "dlportio.dll" (ByVal Port As Long) As Integer Public Declare Function DlPortReadPortUlong Lib "dlportio.dll" (ByVal Port As Long) As Long Public Declare Sub DlPortReadPortBufferUchar Lib "dlportio.dll" (ByVal Port As Long, Buffer As Any, ByVal Count As Long) Public Declare Sub DlPortReadPortBufferUshort Lib "dlportio.dll" (ByVal Port As Long, Buffer As Any, ByVal Count As Long) Public Declare Sub DlPortReadPortBufferUlong Lib "dlportio.dll" (ByVal Port As Long, Buffer As Any, ByVal Count As Long) Public Declare Sub DlPortWritePortUchar Lib "dlportio.dll" (ByVal Port As Long, ByVal Value As Byte) Public Declare Sub DlPortWritePortUshort Lib "dlportio.dll" (ByVal Port As Long, ByVal Value As Integer) Public Declare Sub DlPortWritePortUlong Lib "dlportio.dll" (ByVal Port As Long, ByVal Value As Long) Public Declare Sub DlPortWritePortBufferUchar Lib "dlportio.dll" (ByVal Port As Long, Buffer As Any, ByVal Count As Long) Public Declare Sub DlPortWritePortBufferUshort Lib "dlportio.dll" (ByVal Port As Long, Buffer As Any, ByVal Count As Long) Public Declare Sub DlPortWritePortBufferUlong Lib "dlportio.dll" (ByVal Port As Long, Buffer As Any, ByVal Count As Long)

Felmeddelande = "Expected Function or Variable på rad If DLPortIO..."

Vore tacksam för svar!


Kanske borde flyttas till programmering, ska jag posta ett nytt där eller hoppas att någon snäll admin flyttar det åt mig?


Mejla och be dem flytta den ?

Visa signatur

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