
Inlägg som JMicke har skrivit i forumet
Av JMicke

$30 miljoner passerat! (vilket innebär ny omröstning)

Letter from the Chairman: $30 Million!


Greetings Citizens,

Another one bites the dust! Since the bombers made this goal possible, I’m sharing a gallery of Gladiator artwork created to show how the rear-facing turret can be changed with different upgrades. It’s a small reminder of how you’re going to be able to make each hull YOUR ship in Star Citizen.

  • Origin 890 JUMP – The rumors are true: Origin Jumpworks has a larger ship in the works! The Origin 890 JUMP is an interstellar super-yacht with exquisite styling and an array of high quality upgrade options. Travel the stars in style with multiple decks, high visibility windows and a small boat bay. Whether you’re outfitting it to explore new worlds or to take a pleasure cruise through Terra, the 890 JUMP is the epitome of luxury, class and refinement!

Salvage handily won the $32 million ‘ship role’ poll, which means that the next ship we hope to be developing for you will be oriented around exploring and recovering derelict starships and other hidden treasures! Here’s the first description:

  • Aegis Surveyor – The Surveyor, from noted military contractor Aegis, is an industrial-quality salvage ship. Equipped with a reinforced cargo bay, a long-range jump drive and launch pods for unmanned drones, the Surveyor is an ideal ship for taking advantage of deep space wrecks. Tractor beams, floodlights, scanner options and docking ports round out the tool chest on this capable, utilitarian spacecraft.

Now it’s time to vote for the $33 million stretch goal ship! We have three manufacturers left, so choose wisely. And thank you, truly, for making this all possible. Let’s make sure no one ever forgets that when publishers wouldn’t spend a cent on AAA PC games, real gamers went above and way, way beyond to make Star Citizen happen.

— Chris Roberts

Av JMicke
Skrivet av Znurf:

Jag röstade på Exploration, men tycker att Exploration och Salvage lite hör ihop

Och jag hade gärna köpt en Caterpillar men känner inte för att lägga yttligare 200 dollar på spelet Men det är ett coolt skepp Imo

Tyvärr så verkar det redan vara avgjort vad nästa typ av skepp blir ... salvaging har ca 40 % av rösterna, så det är väl avgjort. Teoretiskt så kan ju det fortfarande bli ändringar, eftersom bara omkring 23 700 av Star Citizens omkring 300 000 backers har röstat ... men det brukar ju bara vara omkring en bråkdel som röstar så det är i princip redan avgjort...

Det blir dock välldigt spännande vad för typ av skepp som byggs efter det, eftersom det är väldigt jämt mellan 2, 3 och 4:e platsen i röstningen. (Exploratinon 13 %, smuggling och information runner 10 % vardera )

Själv kommer jag nog att rösta på Cargo Hauling i nästa omröstning) Kan vara intressant, ett slags frakt fartygs skepp ... borde kunna frakta 100 tals ton ... (förhoppningsvis)

Cargo Hauling har 8 % så hoppet är inte ute för den, vid nästa omröstning ...

Av JMicke

Kan tillägga att nästa skepp efter Orion 890 Jump blir:


Last time we asked you to vote on a role for the next ship we build, and the resounding answer was that Citizens want to have a mining ship. We’re happy to oblige, but I’ll go ahead and warn you that mining in Star Citizen is going to be a lot more immersive than what you’ve seen before; you won’t be clicking on an asteroid until you’ve collected metal!

  • RSI Orion – Roberts Space Industries’ goal has always been to make the stars available to individual Citizens. Now, with the RSI Orion mining platform, RSI is letting individuals take over a process formerly controlled by megacorporations. The Orion’s features include high-grade turret-mounted tractor beam arrays, durable exterior-accessible ‘saddlebags’ for mineral storage and a cabin designed by the team that brought you the Aurora and Constellation

Av JMicke

Wing Commander: Armada finns numera hos GOG.

Dessutom så såg jag att även Wing Commander: Academy finns där.

Av JMicke

Ja, jag tycker också han gör bra videos, trots att jag inte sett så många av dem.
Skall nog försöka spela lite mer i helgen ... så många spel att spela ... så lite tid att spela bort ...

Anyhow, här är ett meddelande från Egosoft's boss, Bernd:



today I want to give an update on our latest progress and an overview of what we are going to work on in the near future. I am sorry that I can not reply to every complaint and report.

Immediate work:

Priority #1: Fixing crashes
Right now we are still getting a lot of crash reports. We believe that we already have fixed the most common ones with the updates 1.13 to 1.15 but there are still crashes that are caused by the game code and it goes without saying that fixing these has the highest priority.

Priority #1: Improving performance
We are at work on a number of problems that cause the performance to drop to unusually low framerates. Some of these are very specific to certain situations only, while others slow the game down on specific configurations of hardware. Right now we are looking at where we can make fast improvements that will help as many people as possible achieve a better framerate and then we will work our way down to the more specific cases. Just to give you an idea of how crazy the measurements sometimes are: I have seen a very busy zone of the game today on a laptop with Intel HD4000 acceleration (an onboard integrated 3D accelerator which is not really inside the min specs of our game) achieving 10 fps at minimum graphics settings. This is not much of course, but I was surprised that it did run at all on that machine. At the same time I saw a YouTube video where somebody demonstrated performance problems in a very similar zone and also with minimum settings, achieving almost the same FPS, but this time running on a high-end PC with GT780 card. Clearly we have to focus on improving our performance on higher end machines. Another example of performance problems are machines with multiple GPUs, like laptops that have an integrated GPU and a second faster one. In some cases X Rebirth lists only the integrated GPU on these machines and this makes the game run extremely slow. One possible fix for one type of driver was already added to 1.15, but we continue to investigate this problem too.

Priority #1: Fixing gameplay showstoppers
There are unfortunately several areas of the game where gameplay features are not working as intended. In some situations these even block the plot (which makes an already bad bug a total showstopper bug for us). I am just listing them here because it is beyond the scope of this posting to explain trigger conditions and exceptions as well. But let me just say that not all bugs affect all customers and many can be worked around even if they happen. But please do not take this the wrong way, this is not an excuse: We are aware that bugs of this category are always very fustrating to everybody affected by them and you should not be forced to search for a workaround online to play our game. We are really sorry for problems of this nature.
- Trade ships that stop reacting to orders (this is not one bug but a number of special cases that all lead to the same result)
- Problems with repairing ships including a very common case where certain transporter ships that cannot be repaired after they were captured (small "non capital" ships with modular engines where you cannot place an engineer to do emergency repairs)

Priority #2: Adding small but important features that are requested by many of you

- Adding support to delete the order queue of ships (partially done already)
- Improving joystick configuration
- Adding fixed target mode (t/e from X3) as alternative to soft targets.
- Fixing character animation errors (work in progress)
- Giving you a choice of NPCs with good known skills after "winning" a smalltalk (so the reward is no longer random)
- Crates on platforms will be re-balanced
- Improve readability of menus
- Improve how NPCs are labeled to make it clearer who does what
- Improve the "asking for people" conversation
- Adding a logbook menu
- Autosave support (work in progress)
- Improve feedback when NPC can not be hired (e.g. ship is full / NPC is busy)
- Adding some crucial commands to captain and pilot conversations
- Ship trader does not clearly show if he is busy - shipyard busy output
- Showing minimap (gravidar) on event monitor instead of "no signal"
- Option to modify FOV (limited to a small range at first, maybe more freedom later)
- Unbinding a key to nothing
- Fix bug that sometimes you see negative cargo amounts

There are a lot more requests for this list and I will update it ASAP. Some people on the team are already working on #2 priority things.

Priority #3

AFTER all of the above are done (and these lists are probably not complete), we want to start discussing with you which bigger features we should work on first. You may know some of the candidates which had been mentioned in interviews before the release, like turning your head in the cockpit, external camera views, improved map features etc. We have a long list of things that we would like to add, but we want to listen to you and let you decide about the priorities. Before it makes any sense to discuss this in any more detail however, we have to fix all of the above.

I will post an update next week in this thread and inform you about our progress. In the meantime I can only thank you all and repeat my apology to everybody who does not yet have a good experience in the game.


Av JMicke

Efter att ha läst en del om X Rebirth på andra forum så kan jag konstatera att det är nog ingen bra ide att köpa X Rebirth just nu, vänta hellre ett halvår, eller så, tills det hunnit komma en massa patchar till spelet.

Hursomhellst, här är de senaste Let's play videona från OperationDx1:

Av JMicke

Dags att rösta!
Letter from the Chairman: $28 Million!


Star Citizen backers have a need for speed! Sales of the Origin M50 and 350R have pushed us over the $28 million mark! At $28 million, you unlocked an entirely new starter ship, which we believe is going to significantly improve the Star Citizen experience:

  • New Starter Ship – The team at Consolidated Outland has decided to take Roberts Space Industries head on in 2944 by premiering the Mustang personal spacecraft. We will use these additional resources to create another ship company and starter ship for Star Citizen. The new ship will be offered for sale alongside the Aurora, so players have a choice between two options to begin the game!

We’re excited to get to work on the Mustang. As the next step in the process, the design team will turn the broad concept into a detailed set of specifications. Then those will go to one of our world-class concept artists for the first visuals. We’ll share that process with you as it happens!

For our next several stretch goals, we’re going to try something different. We are constantly asked where the additional money goes. Surely new mocap hardware or a new starship design doesn’t cost a million dollars. The answer is that the stretch goals are an example: one big thing we will be doing with some of the money. Every additional million means that we’re hiring additional artists and programmers, equipping the team with better development tools and increasing the size of the talented outsource groups being trusted with aspects of Star Citizen’s development. It means more actors and time for mocap studios, more reference for designers, greater variety in game characters, more options in clothing and armor and a large array of ship items and weapons.

Every dollar improves the project. That isn’t as sexy as spending large amounts of money on impressive, headline-grabbing stretch goals… but it means a significantly better game in the end. So, for the next several stretch goals, we’re going to leave you with the knowledge that the money goes to improving all aspects of Star Citizen’s development. Instead of specifying some new development goal, we’re going to add a new ship to the game as a reward.

The design team has imagined a new set of Star Citizen ships, one from each of our big manufacturers. Each ship will have a new role to play in the Star Citizen universe, and unlocking these stretch goals will make it possible to go ahead and start building them. Since the M50 and 350R got us to this point, we’re starting with the Origin Jumpworks design. After that, it’s going to be up to you: the $31 million stretch goal ship will be decided by the poll below!

  • Origin 890 JUMP – The rumors are true: Origin Jumpworks has a larger ship in the works! The Origin 890 JUMP is an interstellar super-yacht with exquisite styling and an array of high quality upgrade options. Travel the stars in style with multiple decks, high visibility windows and a small boat bay. Whether you’re outfitting it to explore new worlds or to take a pleasure cruise through Terra, the 890 JUMP is the epitome of luxury, class and refinement!

I hope you enjoy hearing about these new ships and getting to have a say in what content we are adding to Star Citizen’s with your support!

As always, thank you for your continued enthusiasm and belief. Together we’re making something special!

Av JMicke

Kul att det faktiskt finns folk som gillar spelet. Är det ditt första spel i X serien?

Personligen har jag inte spelat så mycket, kommit nästan till slutet på episod 2 i ovanstående let's play videos. Jag spelar fn Star Wars The Old Empire. (Började subba för ca 1 mån sedan, har inte fått mitt ex av Xcom Enemy within ännu)

Av JMicke

Tja, hade jag funderat på att köpa spelet idag, så hade jag väntat ett tag till, åtminstone ett par veckor, så man hinner höra intrycket av spelare som faktiskt har spelat spelet ett tag, dessutom så fixar de förhoppningsvis de värsta buggarna...

Del 8 & 9

Av JMicke

Nu har det börjat! Origin M50 finns till salu.
Få se hur länce det tar innan vi når $30 miljoner ...

Av JMicke

Har varit bortrest över helgen så jag har inte hunnit spela me, dessutom så väntar jag på Xcom Enemy within, så det kan hända att det blir att spela den istället, när den väl anländer ...

Här är dock del 4, 5 & 6 i Let's play serien från OperationDx1:

Av JMicke

Lyckades till slut docka när jag avände min xbox controller till detta.
För mig flyter spelet på bra men jag har hyffsat bra dator så jag vore förvånad om det inte gjort detta. (I7 3930K samt 2 st radeon 7970)

Av JMicke

Del 2 och 3 i hans Let's play serie:

Har inte sett någon review uppe ännu ...

Av JMicke

Hittade en tidig Let's play video för X Rebirth ... för den som vill veta hur spelet börjar ...

Har själv ännu inte lyckats docka på första stationen ännu ...

Av JMicke

X Rebirth release trailer:

I morgon släpps spelet, då får vi äntligen reda på om det varit värt att vänta på ...

Av JMicke

Humble store har korttids erbjudanden:


What is the Humble store?
Great games.

The Humble Store offers a great selection of games at great prices for PC, Mac, Linux and Android with new games added daily.
Fantastic prices.

The Humble Store will have many more games than could possibly fit in a Humble Bundle, but still with fantastic limited-time discounts.
Support charity.

Get your games and contribute to awesome causes. Here’s where your Humble Store dollars go*: 10% Charity, 75% Creator, 15% Humble Tip

Av JMicke

Shroud Of The Avatar 6 månader in i utvecklingen:

Mer info:

Av JMicke

Någon som funderar på att skaffa en Banu Merchantman skepp den 26:e November ?
Jag är verkligen sugen på den. Den bilden jag får upp när jag tänker på det är ett handelsskepp i storleksklassen någonstans mellan Starfarer och Idris ...
Dock så har vi ju ännu inga fakta om skeppet.

Hursom hellst jag tror inte kartan över Star Citizen universum är postad i denna tråd tidigare ... kan iaf inte minnas att jag sett den här.
Kartan vann titeln MVP i episod 39 av Wingman's Hangar:

Förhoppningsvis dröjer det dock inte så länge innan de gjort klart funktionerna "Galactapedia" och "Starmap" som finns i menyn "Star citizen" på RSI's website. (Dessa går inte att klicka på ännu)

Av JMicke

Intervju med Guido Henkel hos Rock, Paper, Shotgun:
Interview: Guido Henkel On Deathfire: Ruins Of Nethermore

Av JMicke

Gratis expansion till FTL på gång:
Bye Life, FTL Getting Free, Avellone Penned Expansion