
Inlägg som Dennis.ECS har skrivit i forumet
Av Dennis.ECS

Hi Guys

In English (sorry)

1st Price: this is the top-end model, there are cheaper options and when people compare it to a NUC, they forget that they need to add memory&storage which pushes a cheap NUC alternative to double the cost.

2nd Performance: We are putting in there what we can considering we want to keep the unit PASSIVELY cooled. This means, only <5W SoCs for this kind of form-factor. This is all with the idea that you can use the LIVA (or just its motherboard) anywhere without requiring fans. If you think ComputeStick is fast enough, this blows a computestick out of the water.

3rd Processor Options: In the coming months you'll see updated and newer versions with faster CPUs, of course the Core M is one of the logical options to actually allow light gaming (think LoL) on a fanless mini-PC.

All-in-all we're creating LIVA at different price-points, I saw the suggestions here for more options but you need to realize that we are trying to keep the price around $200 for our high-end model.

If you have any more questions, I'll be happy to answer them.

Av Dennis.ECS

We've set up a poll on our Facebook page to ask you guys and girls if we should bring the contest back or not:

It would be very much appreciated if you helped to fill it out since we want to have a real answer from the people that actually visit DreamHack!

And if you're there next month, drop by and say Hi!



P.S, If you have any question regarding MSI, for instance, you want to know if 75% of our employees are female and if the Marketing Manager for this action is actually a woman, give a shout!

Av Dennis.ECS
Skrivet av Zapy:

Så tycker det mesta verkar ren BS från MSI för att smutkasta.

I'm sorry I have to use Google Translate for this (I'm not Swedish ) so please be gentle if I make any interpretation mistakes.

But if you need any explanation, please feel free to ask because I'll be happy to explain some of the technicalities behind PCI Express Gen3 compatibility, switching etc.