
Hjälp med överklockning :)


Vill VERKLIGEN klocka min CPU..
Lite info:

Manufacturer : Intel Corporation
MP Support : No
Model : D845PESV


Model : Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.70GHz
Speed : 2.70GHz
Performance Rating : PR2970 (estimated)
Type : Standard
Package : FC µPGA478
Rated Speed/FSB : 2700MHz / 4x 100MHz
Multiplier : 27/1x
Minimum/Maximum Multiplier : 0/1x / 27/1x
Generation : G8
Name : P4C (Northwood) Celeron 130nm 2GHz+ 1.525V
Revision/Stepping : 2 / 9 (A)
Stepping Mask : D1
Core Voltage Rating : 1.525V
Maximum Physical / Virtual Addressing : 36-bit / 32-bit
Native Page Size : 4kB
Part Number : To Be Filled By O.E.M.
Asset Tag : To Be Filled By O.E.M.
Serial Number : To Be Filled By O.E.M.


Nått mer som behövs veta..
Sen HUR jag ska göra.te.x om det finns nått haxxat bios eller.. :s
eller....T.ex hur men höjer FSBn ?

tackar för ALL hjälp.