CryENGINE 2™ / Crysis


Orkar inte läsa igenom hela tråden, undrar om min pc orkar köra crysis över huvud taget, har en quad-6600 4 gb ram, vista 64 men endast ett geforce 6600 GT-grafikkort, det ská uppgraderas men inte inom tt par månader.


Ursprungligen inskrivet av M4ts
Mina specs: Q6600 2.4 GHz, 8800GTX, 4GB 800MHz RAM

Mina inställningar: allt på high förutom physics som är på very high, DX10, 1280*960 eller något sånt.

Fps 15-30

Borde inte jag få lite mer fps? Det är helt ospelbart på very high....

Ja det kan du enkelt, spela spelet i DX9.

Visa signatur

LG OLED77CX • Intel i9 10900K @ 5.0GHz • Noctua NH-D15 • ASUS Strix Z490-H • Corsair 32GB DDR4 3200MHz • GIGABYTE RTX 4080 • Phanteks Evolv X • Corsair RM 850W V2


Ursprungligen inskrivet av Legoloppa
hej grabbar ni som kör DX10 och nån nu gör det med HD3870 ser nin nån skillnad i prestanda eller är det bara SLI som får mer kräm i Crysis efter patchen?

om så får jag nog sälja mitt moderkort köpa ett för SLI och köpa 2xG100 när de kommer om de inte är 7K klasssen/st

så nån CF som kör Crysis efter patchen om så skillnad?

är det "snyggare" i DX10 nu än förut?

jag ska testa börja från scratch tror inte mina gamla save riktigt funkar av nån anledning

Jag kör med Crossfire i Dx10 och det fungerar över förväntan faktiskt Har ca 25-30 FPS för det mesta. Dock har jag ett störande problem med att FPS:en alltid sjunker något fruktansvärt när jag använder siktet eller kikaren och jag tror det beror på texturstreamingen då spelmotorn ska ladda texturer med högre upplösning om man zoomar in.

Hade jag haft 4gig minne hade det nog varit mindre hackigt. Dock kan jag leva med det då det är fullt spelbart när jag går omring och skjuter som vanligt även om jag kör i 1600*1200. Hacket händer för det mesta bara då jag zoomar in på något längre bort än typ 30-40m bort och då är det ju ganska lugnt. Tror det fungerar ännu bättre om jag skulle köra 1280*1024 då det lär vara lättare på videominnet. Dock är detta bara spekulationer och det kan vara så att det är ett problem med vista och MGPU-lösningar då jag inte tyckte mig märka av det när jag testade med ett kort.

Visa signatur

"Aurora" Intel Core i5-4670K@4,2GHz - 8GB Corsair Vengeance 1600MHz - MSi Z87-G55 - Sapphire AMD R9 290 Tri-X - 2*Samsung 1TB (RAID 0) - Antec P182 - Corsair HX620 - Noctua NH-U12P
"Mirage" Macbook Pro 13" - 16GB RAM - dualboot OSX/Win7
Hä lön's int' förklar' för dem söm int' begrip'


Ursprungligen inskrivet av Pontus_mRI
Något som måste ses... snubben har 6GB RAM iallafall...

Crysis Gaming in 1680x1050 Very High - Dual 32" + 22" Screen

Hehehe snacka om wannabee:))))))
Väx upp:)

Visa signatur

Fractal Design Refine R2 Asus Commando(1901) Q6600@3600mhz@Vattenkylning Corsair HX620W 4Gb 2x2 dominator 8500 Powercolor HD4870X2 Ikari Laser WD MyBook 500Gb@E-Sata 3dmark06@20436+/-
Win xp sp3/win 7 ultimate


Ursprungligen inskrivet av M4ts
Mina specs: Q6600 2.4 GHz, 8800GTX, 4GB 800MHz RAM

Mina inställningar: allt på high förutom physics som är på very high, DX10, 1280*960 eller något sånt.

Fps 15-30

Borde inte jag få lite mer fps? Det är helt ospelbart på very high....

Kör med nästan allt på very high, till och med lite Anti-aliasing. Och då får jag typ 31fps average i dx10, och hela mitt system är oklockat, så jag vetefan :/

Det jag gjorde är att sätta Shadows på medium/high (gör dem bara suddigare, det är fortfarande skuggor på allt och alla, verkligheten har inte knivskarpa skuggor ändå så enligt mig är det t.o.m. snyggare, lol).

Samt det viktigaste, att sätta Shaders på High (det stänger tyvvär av parralax occlusion mapping, och använder vanlig normal mapping istället, men kom igen, det ser ändå sjukt bra ut, och nu är det spelbart! det är värt mer än våta stenar )

Såg nyss efter återinstallationen att det fortfarande är folktomt på alla servrar ^_^ Gäsp..

Visa signatur

CPU: Ryzen 7 5800H RAM: 32gb DDR4 GPU: nVidia 3070 8gb vRam


Det jag tycker är konstigt är att spelet inte stödjer Quad Core? Stödjer det ens Dual Core? För när jag spelar ligger den summerade CPU användingen för mig på c:a 36%.

Visa signatur

< :: Intel i9 9900ks@5.0Ghz/Ring@4.5Ghz | 32Gb DDR4@3600Mhz | Geforce RTX 4070 :: >


Bumpar min fråga lite:

Orkar inte läsa igenom hela tråden, undrar om min pc orkar köra crysis över huvud taget, har en quad-6600 4 gb ram, vista 64 men endast ett geforce 6600 GT-grafikkort, det ská uppgraderas men inte inom tt par månader


det lär inte bli roligt då cpun är ju fin och minnet men grafikkortet är ju blä


Hej, jag är inte så insatt i Crysis här, jag vill bara ha lite små tips.

Min dator:
P4 3.6 ghz
2 gb ram
geforce 7800gtx

Just nu spelar jag med allting på medel i Crysis och i 800x600 upplösning och fungerar okej.

Hur skulle jag kunna få den bästa kvaliten på spelet, grafik/flyt?

Vilka alternativ i advanced options är onödiga att ha på, som kräver mycket av datorn?

Tacksam för alla tips. Dock har inga planer på att uppgradera min dator just nu.


shadows kanske inte är så döds viktiga att ha på max, sen hjälper det att dra ned shaders ett hack...

Visa signatur

Ryzen 5900X @ Stock, MSI Suprim X 3080 @ game mode.


Ursprungligen inskrivet av Baleur
Kör med nästan allt på very high, till och med lite Anti-aliasing. Och då får jag typ 31fps average i dx10, och hela mitt system är oklockat, så jag vetefan :/

Det jag gjorde är att sätta Shadows på medium/high (gör dem bara suddigare, det är fortfarande skuggor på allt och alla, verkligheten har inte knivskarpa skuggor ändå så enligt mig är det t.o.m. snyggare, lol).

Samt det viktigaste, att sätta Shaders på High (det stänger tyvvär av parralax occlusion mapping, och använder vanlig normal mapping istället, men kom igen, det ser ändå sjukt bra ut, och nu är det spelbart! det är värt mer än våta stenar )

Såg nyss efter återinstallationen att det fortfarande är folktomt på alla servrar ^_^ Gäsp..

Ok tack så mkt. Ska testa tweaka lite mer. Har edge aa istället för riktig aa.






Fin liten bugg jag hittade...

Ramlade ner under något träd, vipps så var jag under hela ön, kunde simma runt överallt utan att få ett enda skott på mig även om fienden såg och sköt emot mig.

Visa signatur

R.I.P Robert 2004-01-29 (klasskompis) Läs: Artikel Nr 1. | Artikel Nr 2. | Artikel Nr 3.


Vilken otrolig fysikmotor det är egentligen.

Visa signatur

i7 920 | 12GB DDR3 | GTX 480 | GA-X58A-UD7 | 160GB SSD X25-M G2 | 1TB F3 HD103SJ | W7 64-bit | Mac Mini


Ursprungligen inskrivet av save
Vilken otrolig fysikmotor det är egentligen.

Jo, jag vet texten i början, men det känns ändå som en parodi på WTC.


Ursprungligen inskrivet av Centura
Jo, jag vet texten i början, men det känns ändå som en parodi på WTC.


Ursprungligen inskrivet av save
Vilken otrolig fysikmotor det är egentligen.

mmm gillar låten ... Serj Tankian är hur grym som helst ensam ^^

Visa signatur

LG OLED77CX • Intel i9 10900K @ 5.0GHz • Noctua NH-D15 • ASUS Strix Z490-H • Corsair 32GB DDR4 3200MHz • GIGABYTE RTX 4080 • Phanteks Evolv X • Corsair RM 850W V2


Ursprungligen inskrivet av Sanazin
mmm gillar låten ... Serj Tankian är hur grym som helst ensam ^^

Han från SOAD, hehe.

Visa signatur

Intel Core 2 Q6600 G0 2.4Ghz@3,6Ghz | Tuniq Tower 120 |Gigabyte GA-P35-DQ6 | 4x1gb Corsair XMS2-6400 CL4
| XFX GTX260+ 896MB | Antec Three Hundred | Corsair HX520 | Intel 510 120GB | Samsung Spinpoint F1 750GB | Samsung Spinpoint F3 1TB | Windows 7 Pro x64


Är det någon här som har haft problem med uppstart av Crysis? Min dator startar om innan jag har kommit in i menyerna ens. Benchmarken funkar klockrent i flera rundor men som sagt. Jag har testat att installera om och att patcha utan lycka. Även att klocka ner cpu och gpu utan någon förändring. Alla andra spel och testprogram funkar klockrent.

Visa signatur

Is it "for fucks sake" or "for fuck sake"? Its for a work email so it has to sound professional.


Ursprungligen inskrivet av The Sweeper x
Han från SOAD, hehe.

Just därför jag skrev "ensam" ..

Visa signatur

LG OLED77CX • Intel i9 10900K @ 5.0GHz • Noctua NH-D15 • ASUS Strix Z490-H • Corsair 32GB DDR4 3200MHz • GIGABYTE RTX 4080 • Phanteks Evolv X • Corsair RM 850W V2


Går det att köpa Crysis online någonstans? Ungefär som att köpa via Steam eller något.

Visa signatur

Hur kan syltkakor överleva i det vilda utan ögon?


Ursprungligen inskrivet av x-per
Går det att köpa Crysis online någonstans? Ungefär som att köpa via Steam eller något.;jsessionid=1b...


Ursprungligen inskrivet av Centura
Jo, jag vet texten i början, men det känns ändå som en parodi på WTC.

Är ju det som gör den så bra. han har en liten poäng med den. Kan ju fan inte vara av slump iaf när han tar upp oljepriser med.

Grymt cool video!

Ville skriva här nu igen men kunde inte då mitt meddelande var det sista.

Tänkte i alla fall tipsa om de nya cryengine demona på . Sjukt imponerande, har klagat på motorn innan men ska det se ut såhär så kan jag vänta på bättre hårdvara! Hoppas fler utvecklare vill använda motorn bara.


finns en ikon där det står crysis 64. vad är det egentligen för skillnad mot 32bitars versionen? bättre grafik eller vad är skillnaden??


Nej, det finns ingen skillnad. Det är inte lönt att köra x64 om du har 2gb ram. Du måste ha över 4gb för att kunna hantera det.

Visa signatur

Intel Core 2 Q6600 G0 2.4Ghz@3,6Ghz | Tuniq Tower 120 |Gigabyte GA-P35-DQ6 | 4x1gb Corsair XMS2-6400 CL4
| XFX GTX260+ 896MB | Antec Three Hundred | Corsair HX520 | Intel 510 120GB | Samsung Spinpoint F1 750GB | Samsung Spinpoint F3 1TB | Windows 7 Pro x64


här är mina benchmarks på Crysis i DX9 WIN XP

this is Crysis vanilla 1.0 no CFG files no tweaks as straight as it comes

2008-03-01 23:31:22 - XP
Beginning Run #1 on Map-island, Demo-benchmark_gpu
DX9 1280x1024, AA=No AA, Vsync=Disabled, 32 bit test, FullScreen
Demo Loops=3, Time Of Day= 9
Global Game Quality: High
================================================== ============
TimeDemo Play Started , (Total Frames: 2000, Recorded Time: 111.86s)
!TimeDemo Run 0 Finished.
Play Time: 49.29s, Average FPS: 40.58
Min FPS: 15.84 at frame 140, Max FPS: 53.62 at frame 979
Average Tri/Sec: 39960432, Tri/Frame: 984805
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: 0.93
!TimeDemo Run 1 Finished.
Play Time: 42.97s, Average FPS: 46.54
Min FPS: 15.84 at frame 140, Max FPS: 56.61 at frame 1002
Average Tri/Sec: 46343172, Tri/Frame: 995694
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: 0.92
!TimeDemo Run 2 Finished.
Play Time: 42.93s, Average FPS: 46.58
Min FPS: 15.84 at frame 140, Max FPS: 56.61 at frame 1002
Average Tri/Sec: 46456816, Tri/Frame: 997278
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: 0.92
TimeDemo Play Ended, (3 Runs Performed)
================================================== ============

Completed All Tests


2008-03-01 23:31:22 - XP

Run #1- DX9 1280x1024 AA=No AA, 32 bit test, Quality: High ~~ Overall Average FPS: 4656

Crysis 1.1

2008-03-01 23:41:11 - XP
Beginning Run #1 on Map-island, Demo-benchmark_gpu
DX9 1280x1024, AA=No AA, Vsync=Disabled, 32 bit test, FullScreen
Demo Loops=3, Time Of Day= 9
Global Game Quality: High
================================================== ============
TimeDemo Play Started , (Total Frames: 2000, Recorded Time: 111.86s)
!TimeDemo Run 0 Finished.
Play Time: 49.57s, Average FPS: 40.34
Min FPS: 16.84 at frame 139, Max FPS: 53.65 at frame 977
Average Tri/Sec: 39733756, Tri/Frame: 984892
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: 0.93
!TimeDemo Run 1 Finished.
Play Time: 42.68s, Average FPS: 46.86
Min FPS: 16.84 at frame 139, Max FPS: 56.33 at frame 1018
Average Tri/Sec: 46638548, Tri/Frame: 995360
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: 0.92
!TimeDemo Run 2 Finished.
Play Time: 42.68s, Average FPS: 46.87
Min FPS: 16.84 at frame 139, Max FPS: 56.76 at frame 995
Average Tri/Sec: 46660088, Tri/Frame: 995623
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: 0.92
TimeDemo Play Ended, (3 Runs Performed)
================================================== ============

Completed All Tests


2008-03-01 23:41:11 - XP

Run #1- DX9 1280x1024 AA=No AA, 32 bit test, Quality: High ~~ Overall Average FPS: 4686,5

now Crysis with a thing called CCC 1.31

2008-03-01 23:56:29 - XP
Beginning Run #1 on Map-island, Demo-benchmark_gpu
DX9 1280x1024, AA=No AA, Vsync=Disabled, 32 bit test, FullScreen
Demo Loops=3, Time Of Day= 9
Global Game Quality: High

================================================== ============
TimeDemo Play Started , (Total Frames: 2000, Recorded Time: 111.86s)
!TimeDemo Run 0 Finished.
Play Time: 65.68s, Average FPS: 30.45
Min FPS: 25.52 at frame 144, Max FPS: 59.42 at frame 1016
Average Tri/Sec: 28897134, Tri/Frame: 949050
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: 0.97
!TimeDemo Run 1 Finished.
Play Time: 42.82s, Average FPS: 46.71
Min FPS: 25.52 at frame 144, Max FPS: 61.81 at frame 1015
Average Tri/Sec: 44453864, Tri/Frame: 951749
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: 0.96
!TimeDemo Run 2 Finished.
Play Time: 42.81s, Average FPS: 46.72
Min FPS: 25.52 at frame 144, Max FPS: 61.81 at frame 1015
Average Tri/Sec: 44513532, Tri/Frame: 952774
Recorded/Played Tris ratio: 0.96
TimeDemo Play Ended, (3 Runs Performed)
================================================== ============

Completed All Tests


2008-03-01 23:56:29 - XP

Run #1- DX9 1280x1024 AA=No AA, 32 bit test, Quality: High ~~ Overall Average FPS: 4671,5

C2D E6600@stock
2gb ram

Visa signatur

|- ASUS P6T deluxe v2-|- Intel Corei7 920 stock speed stock cooling-|- XFX HD4890 i CF|- Corsair dominator 1600mhz DDR3 -|- ANTEC P190-|- samsung 226bw-|


Patch 1.2 Finns nu på EA's FTP och kommer säkerligen upp på snart.

tills dess....
Storlek = 361,06 MB



Optimizations and Stability

*Corrected a number of memory leaks with FSAA modes.
*Optimized Object Motion Blur for DX10 Very High Spec
*Destroying objects will now properly remove their decals from the world under DX10.
*Fixed a number of memory leaks with some procedural vegetation and destroyable objects physicalization.
*Fixed issue in windowed mode where the map or weapon attachment UI cursor can leave the game window.
*Fixed potential server exploit that could cause servers to crash
*Fixed crash with AI triangulation in the editor

General Fixes/tweaks

*Added new effects for vehicle shattering after being frozen
*Player movement will now be cancelled if the player is shooting while moving in prone mode.
*Fixed issue where player will exit VTOL from closed rear hatch irrespective of seat.
*Continuously firing the VTOL machine gun in 3rd person mode no longer causes the VTOL to descend.
*Fixed an issue where vehicle 3rd person camera could break when switching the player “ControlledTurret” flag while using the gun.
*Fixed identical swimming sounds being used on surface, underwater and swimming in different directions.
*Frogs will no longer block the player’s view after being picked up
*Fixed an issue where in unarmed mode, the character's arms will suddenly reappear and disappear when picking up and dropping an object.
*Fixed health recharge rate when computing drowning damage.
*If climbing a ladder while cloaked, energy no longer depletes at the same rate as if player were standing still.
*Mouse cursor will no longer be permanently removed on attaching gamepad.
*Fixed issue where resetting gamepad control with Default button doesn't enable Force Feedback.
*Fixed issue where the Clear All and Back Keys do not function properly when creating a profile on the gamepad.
*Fixed the "Back" key in the on-screen keypad not deleting the first character in the keypad text box.
*Fixed the "Clear All" key not functioning for text input in the on-screen Keypad.
*Waterfalls can now be viewed from underwater.
*Virtual keyboard now functions correctly when a game pad is connected
*Fixed an issue where users can lose the ability to look around with the Right Stick.
*Player no longer continues to move forward when prone on roof of bunker after letting go of button.
*Mouse cursor now hidden when virtual keyboard is enabled
*Fixed an issue where key bindings were not saved until the player resumed the game
*Fixed a number of chainlink fences/barbwire that could not be shot through.
*Fixed a broken LOD1 on electricity pylon object
*Fixed player receiving damage from ragdolls.
*Decoupled basic speed-mode movement speed from current suit energy level. Sprinting still takes up energy.
*Fixed bolting/pumping sound not playing when firing shotgun, precision rifle and gauss rifle in scope view.
*Fixed issue with vehicle mounted MOAR reload sound being audible for all players.
*Added mouse wheel scrolling support for server browser


*Added “overfreezing” sounds to handheld and vehicle mounted MOAR/MOAC
*C4 will now stick to doors correctly
*C4 can no longer stick to the surface of water
*Fixed an issue where the player could shorten the shot duration of the MOAR near the edges of a map.
*Fixed an issue when using dual handguns and switching to 3rd person view, a pair of arms will remain when running devmode or in editor
*Fixed an issue where the player could force firing after reloading if player clicks and keeps pressing fire button while reloading.
*Explosive charges no longer clip through the top of the NK tanks located in the munitions dump in mission tank.
*The ice beam animation from the moar gun no longer clips through the walls of tunnels.
*Grenade Launcher projectile is no longer invisible.
*When freezing a dual-SOCOM player, the second pistol will now be properly frozen.
*Freezing a player that is shooting a MOAR will now properly stop the MOAR's beam.
*Nano-Disruptor grenade will no longer disrupt the revive invulnerability effect.
*Fixed claymore/mine limit not being applied properly.
*Added an empty landmine animation.
*Players are no longer revealed to enemy on enemy minimap when using silencers on weapons unless they are within 5 meters of another player.
*When prone with a sniper rifle, the attachments menu should no longer be cut off.
*Fixed issue where dual wielding SOCOMs the pistol equipped in main hand doesnt automatically reload if weapon switched whilst empty.
*The crosshair for the TAC no longer disappears after the player zooms in and out of ironsight mode.
*Added missing animations for FY71 and SMG when holding an enemy and using the melee attack.
*Fixed issue when the player dropped last picked up SOCOM, even if that is the pistol with the most ammo.
*Scaled grenade launcher projectile for better visibility.
*Added smoke trail to grenade launcher shell for better visibility.
*Adjusted odd looking random rotation values for grenade launcher projectile
*Adjusted explosion radius of grenade launcher to be more efficient vs players
*Decreased air speed of grenade launcher projectile for better readability.
*Reduced initial visibility time of grenade launcher shell very slightly
*Improved the behavior of guided rockets, when aiming through player collision proxies. This should reduce instances of rockets flicking away from targets occasionally.
*Improved the HUD Grenade Indicator - Players will now be able to track one enemy and one friendly grenade. Enemy grenades show up as red, friendly as blue.
*Fixed a number of issues where the grenade indicator was not showing up on multiplayer clients.
*Added new grenade indicator icon.
*Improved the behavior of the Repair Kit, when repairing rotating turrets.
*Update singularity explosion effect.
*Fixed an issue with some weapon effects that would cause explosions not to be rendered.
* Moved assault scope further away from the camera to allow for a better peripheral view while zoomed


*Added first person view limits for helicopter, VTOL and APC rear seats.
*Fixed an issue with incorrect "friendly fire" icon in multiplayer VTOLs
*Helicopter wind effect no longer plays after vehicle is destroyed.
*Fixed a number of issues where players getting out of vehicles would get stuck in walls.
*Fixed issue where the AA cannon only produces tracers from the left side barrels
*Fixed issue with friendly fire setting not affecting vehicle-actor collisions
*Components can no longer be more than 100% damaged.
*Correct firemode now displayed when switching seats in Gauss Tank in Multiplayer.
*Improved vehicle handling under braking and boosting
*Tweaked damage for players hit by vehicles at lower speeds
*Reduced collision damage multiplier for actor-vehicle collisions in MP.
*Smooth out change between vehicle views when changing seats.
*Adjusted wall collision damage for civilian car.
*Reduced damage to trucks during slow collisions.
*Added new shell ejection effect for air vehicles.
*Vehicle lights will now turn off vehicle lights after player leaves vehicle.
*Vtol cannon now has correct spin up or spin down sounds
*Fixed issue with the amphibious apc taking far longer to repair than any other vehicle
*Fixed potential issue with tank turret rotation when a second player takes control of vehicle, the turret could be unsync’d between server and clients.
*Increased VTOL vulnerability to being hit by other aircraft cannons
*Added seat entry point for gunner position from roof of cab of Truck
*Fixed an issue where vehicle ammo could become greyed out when in a vehicle in a valid buyzone.
*Increased visibility of friendly player name tags by 3 times when in vehicles
*Fixed issue where players hands were not touching the hovercraft steering bars correctly
*Disabled vehicle exploding above a certain speed threshold in MP and SP when there isn’t a player in the vehicle.
*Locked camera in 3rd person view when player is using a vehicle mounted weapon in difficulty settings that allow driver controlled mounted weapons on vehicles.
*Fixed issue where explosions had no sound when hitting VTOL or helicopter
*Added overheat sounds for VTOL and helicopter guns
*Fixed issue with VTOL weapons not overheating correctly
*Greatly increased AAA damage vs VTOL and Helicopter
*Adjusted damage of rockets vs. AAA
*Fixed a number of issues where players would not get the correctly awarded/deducted amount of prestige points for team kills or enemy kills


*Fixed an issue with "Escort Prophet out of sphere" objective failure causing reloading issues.
*Player will now be prone if loading a level that was saved while they were prone.
*Fixed an issue with troopers missing shield fx if the player was holding them when the level was saved and loaded.
*Fixed issue where after saving the game manually while in the shell, the save will not immediately appear in the save list.
*Player no longer has grenade controls during cutscenes
*Player is no longer able to carry enemies into cut scenes.
*Fixed issue where player weapon loses shadow on loading save game.
*Fixed player view aligning to horizon on loading.
*Helmets on the Navy personnel on the flight deck now fit their heads.
*Added a missing texture at the base of doorway leading to schoolhouse roof from staircase in village.
*The paper on all of the clipboards through out fleet no longer appears to be upside down.
*Improved AI machinegun handling (both stationary and mounted machineguns on vehicles.)
*Increased player melee damage and decreased AI melee damage
*Increased damage of most player-fired weapons and decreased damage of most AI-fired weapons.
*Helmets will never deflect shots when the player hits them while using weapon sights.
*Halved suit energy required for punching in strength mode.
*Adjusted AI vehicle coax gun pitch limits


*Fixed issue where death effects were only showing on remote players.
*Server admins can now remove the server password with 'sv_password 0'.
*Clients with a password set can now correctly connect to unpassworded servers.
*Fixed some game states not properly resetting after game restart.
*Fixed an issue where factory vehicle marker was not showing up for clients. The vehicle you purchased is now visible with a blue icon.
*Fixed an issue where scores could change after the game has ended.
*Fixed issue where sometimes demotions would not be properly announced.
*Radio commands will now be properly played as a voice sound.
*Fixed an issue in spectator mode where the player's view could clip through the top of objects
*Fixed an issue where vehicle shattering effects were not playing on clients
*Fixed an issue where standing on a crouched squadmate would cause model clipping.
*Fixed an issue where the player was unable to purchase additional mines or claymores through load out menu if one already in inventory.
*Fixed issue with missing subtitles in French version of PowerStruggle tutorial.
*Player can now no longer create and save unpurchasable custom loadouts by including multiple pieces of kit equipment.
*Player can now no longer create custom loadouts with more weapons than the player can carry.
*Fixed issue where player was automatically assigned armor mode when switching to spectator team.
*Fixed issue where tutorial message warning player of an enemy base is played too late.
*Fixed issue where tutorial message starts too soon when player gets to the aviation factory.
*Player no longer gains 1 free grenade when he uses up all ammo in a grenade launcher and purchases a different weapon.
*Fixed a potential negative ammo hurricane issue.
*Fixed an issue where if the player picks up a claymore after placing two claymores, player's weapon will not switch to claymore upon pick up.
*Player can no longer suicide when already dead.
*The loadout menu no longer changes to the weapons menu when an alert event occurs in the game.
*When using PDA, if any player captures a location it will no longer revert to the first page of the PDA.
*Players will no longer be banned for team killing while in pre-game period.
*Players will now be able to pick up a respawned MOAR attachment.
*Fixed not being able to scroll player names on end of game scoreboard.
*Fixed an issue where the character's hands immediately disappears when attempting to throw a grenade with dual socoms equipped.
*When grabbing an enemy while Dual SOCOMs are equipped the right hand SOCOM will no longer disappear.
*Fixed an issue where the parachute is not seen by players when deployed in Powerstruggle.
*Fixed issue where VOIP doesn't work properly on non-dedicated servers.
*Tweaked spectator camera so view is more horizontal.
*Delayed manual switching to spectator mode right after death.
*Fixed issue where spectators don't see player names in IA.
*Map filter no longer allows the user to input an infinite amount of characters.
*Removed ability to highlight players on instant action scoreboard.
*Fixed issue where the player score was not the default view when pressing the 'Tab' button in MP.
*Fixed a number of issues where projectiles are not playing explosion effects and sounds on clients.
*Added team colors to kill/death messages
*Purchasing SMG and SCAR ammo now gives the correct amount of bullets in each clip
*Increased FY71 Incendiary ammo damage slightly
*Teamkilled players will no longer drop their weapon.
*Fixed an issue where enemy HQ flag icon would disappear.
*Added some additional clamping and protection to some console variables that could be used to cheat.
*Added a number of warnings for incorrect map version and missing maps when connecting to servers.
*Added a number of missing additional entities to the network scheduler
*Fixed an issue where players could be killed with AV mines placed above vehicles but not in contact with the vehicle.
*TAC icon for enemy players will now disappear when the player who is carrying a TAC launcher cloaks.

New Features

*Added auto team balance. Players will now be moved from full teams to the opposing side when dead if the numbers are unbalanced.
*Added multisample shading for shadows.
*Added vehicle-specific shatter effects when vehicles have been frozen.
*Logitech G15 display now fully supported in MP and SP
*Added free-rotation support for spectator camera.
*Added zooming support for spectator camera.
*Added mod loader to the main menu. User created content can now be loaded and unloaded through this menu.
*Added some additional audio hitfeedback functionality to multiplayer and singleplayer bullet impacts. Headshots will include an audible ding in multiplayer games.
*Improved red near-death HUD effect and visual feedback for player being hit.
*Added additional audio feedback for player hitting enemies. The feedback can be disabled with "g_useHitSoundFeedback 0".
*In single player, AI can now be knocked over while running into them in speed mode.
*Added numbers to energy bar in PowerStruggle for quicker reference
* Allow loading of custom objectives.xml files inside the respective level folder.

Visa signatur

| HAF932 | Ryzen 3700X @ 4,3 GHz | Gigabyte X570 Aorus Ultra | 32 GB G.Skill @ 3600 MHz | RTX 2070 @ 2 GHz | O2 + ODAC | MP600 1TB + 2x 2TB RAID 1 + 2x 2TB RAID 1 | Win10 Pro 64-bit |


Vafan lägger ni in prestandaresultat i den här tråden? Finns redan en tråd om det i graffeforumet...


Patch 1.2 ihop med 169.44 gör underverk för det här spelet, så här bra skulle det ha flutit när de släppte det. DX10-prestandan är finemang nu.

Fan vet om man inte borde spela om hela liret nu.


Ursprungligen inskrivet av korda
Patch 1.2 ihop med 169.44 gör underverk för det här spelet, så här bra skulle det ha flutit när de släppte det. DX10-prestandan är finemang nu.

Fan vet om man inte borde spela om hela liret nu.

coolt måste man prova,är de beta då på 169.44?
se om man kan få de och flyta på lite i sandbox

Visa signatur

Desktop|Intel i5 12600|Asus Prime B760 Plus|Nvidia RTX 3070|Corsair DDR5 2x16GB|1TB M.2/1TB SSD
Mouse|Sensei Ten|Keyboard|Xtrfy K4|Monitor|Asus PG279QM|Asus PG279QZ
Laptop|HP ProBook 4320s I3|525GB SSD|4GB DDR3|NAS|Synology 412+ 30TB
Phone|iPhone 13 128GB|Tab|Mi Pad 4 64GB|HTPC|Google TV|Server|Intel Nuc