
Inlägg som jojjeeee har skrivit i forumet
Av jojjeeee
Av jojjeeee

jag får fortfarande warning: job finished, miner is idle

Av jojjeeee

får sjukt mycket connections problems när jag minar på förlorar drygt 100 mhash/s pga det..
Vad beror det på? Får aldrig så när jag minar på swepool
Meddelandet är: problems communicating with bitcoin rpc

Av jojjeeee

varför får man inte betalt för den del man har lagt ner på att lösa ett block? alltså om man slutar mina mitt under ett block så får man inte betalt för det man gjort på swepool, varför då?

Av jojjeeee

jag började på swepool igen känns som att bara ger mig problems communicating with bitcoin rpc och warning; job finished; miner is idle.
Hoppas jag slipper detta på och undrar om swepool kommer vara uppe nu i åtminstone en månad? löser ni många block per dag?

Av jojjeeee

Får alltid problem communicating with bitcoin rpc på och jag har öppnat porten 8080 i routern.

Skickades från

Av jojjeeee

Betyder det att alla mina coins är borta på mtgox också?

Av jojjeeee

2011-06-20 00:08:30: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:08:30, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:08:30: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:08:30, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:09:17: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:09:17, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:09:18: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:09:18, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:09:26: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:09:26, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:09:31: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:09:31, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:09:32: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:09:32, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:10:15: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:10:15, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:10:16: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:10:16, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:10:24: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:10:24, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:10:29: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:10:29, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:10:30: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:10:30, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:11:03: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:11:03, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:11:28: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:11:28, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:11:29: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:11:29, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:11:38: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:11:38, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:11:57: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:11:57, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:11:59: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:11:59, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:12:08: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:12:08, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:12:10: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:12:10, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:12:32: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:12:32, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:12:32: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:12:32, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:12:38: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:12:38, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:12:44: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:12:44, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:12:53: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:12:53, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:13:33: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:13:33, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:13:34: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:13:34, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:13:39: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:13:39, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:13:52: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:13:52, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:13:53: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:13:53, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:14:26: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:14:26, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:14:27: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:14:27, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:14:33: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:14:33, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:15:29: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:15:29, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:15:30: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:15:30, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:15:35: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:15:35, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:15:41: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:15:41, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:16:11: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:16:11, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:16:17: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:16:17, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:16:49: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:16:49, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:17:25: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:17:25, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:17:26: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:17:26, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:17:32: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:17:32, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:17:38: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:17:38, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:17:51: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:17:51, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:17:51: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:17:51, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:18:10: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:18:10, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:18:16: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:18:16, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:18:16: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:18:16, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:18:22: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:18:22, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:18:27: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:18:27, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:18:33: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:18:33, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:18:38: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:18:38, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:18:54: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:18:54, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:18:59: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:18:59, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:19:00: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:19:00, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:19:06: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:19:06, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:19:12: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:19:12, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:19:18: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:19:18, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:19:24: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:19:24, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:19:30: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:19:30, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:19:35: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:19:35, long poll: new block 00000423bbb9c9b5
2011-06-20 00:19:36: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:19:36, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:19:45: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:19:45, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:19:59: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:19:59, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:19:59: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:19:59, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:21:00: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:21:00, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:21:01: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:21:01, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:21:14: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:21:14, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:21:14: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:21:14, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:21:21: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:21:21, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:22:00: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:22:00, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:22:00: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:22:00, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:22:05: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:22:05, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:22:42: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:22:42, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:22:57: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:22:57, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:23:03: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:23:03, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:23:04: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:23:04, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:23:10: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:23:10, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:23:59: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:23:59, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:24:00: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:24:00, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:24:06: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:24:06, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:24:57: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:24:57, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:24:57: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:24:57, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:25:02: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:25:02, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:25:15: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:25:15, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:26:01: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:26:01, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:26:01: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:26:01, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:26:06: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:26:06, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:26:12: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:26:12, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:26:51: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:26:51, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:26:51: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:26:51, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:26:57: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:26:57, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:27:03: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:27:03, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:27:37: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:27:37, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:27:37: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:27:37, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:27:42: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:27:42, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:28:04: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:28:04, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:28:04: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:28:04, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:28:10: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:28:10, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:29:08: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:29:08, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:29:08: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:29:08, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:29:48: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:29:48, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:29:48: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:29:48, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:29:54: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:29:54, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:30:00: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:30:00, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:30:06: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:30:06, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:30:12: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:30:12, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:30:41: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:30:41, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:30:44: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:30:44, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:30:51: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:30:51, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:31:06: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:31:06, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:31:09: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:31:09, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:31:17: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:31:17, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:31:24: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:31:24, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:31:30: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:31:30, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:31:31: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:31:31, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:31:36: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:31:36, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:31:43: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:31:43, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:32:08: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:32:08, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:32:09: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:32:09, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:32:15: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:32:15, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:32:46: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:32:46, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:32:46: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:32:46, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:32:52: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:32:52, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:32:58: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:32:58, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:33:04: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:33:04, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:33:10: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:33:10, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:33:16: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:33:16, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:33:22: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:33:22, long poll: new block 00000ec8109d5fca
2011-06-20 00:33:22: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:33:22, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:33:47: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:33:47, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:09: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:09, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:09: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:09, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:10: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:10, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:11: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:11, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:12: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:12, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:14: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:14, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:15: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:15, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:16: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:16, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:17: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:17, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:18: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:18, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:19: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:19, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:20: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:20, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:21: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:21, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:22: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:22, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:23: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:23, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:24: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:24, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:25: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:25, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:26: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:26, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:27: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:27, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:28: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:28, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:29: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:29, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:30: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:30, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:31: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:31, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:32: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:32, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:33: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:33, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:34: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:34, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:35: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:35, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:36: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:36, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:37: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:37, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:38: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:38, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:39: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:39, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:40: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:40, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:41: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:41, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:42: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:42, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:43: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:43, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:45: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:45, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:49: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:49, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:34:55: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:34:55, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:35:01: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:35:01, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:35:02: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:35:02, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:35:03: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:35:03, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:35:04: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:35:04, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:35:05: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:35:05, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:35:06: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:35:06, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:35:07: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:35:07, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:35:08: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:35:08, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:35:09: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:35:09, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:35:10: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:35:10, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:35:11: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:35:11, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:35:12: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:35:12, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:35:13: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:35:13, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:35:15: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:35:15, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:35:16: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:35:16, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:35:17: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:35:17, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:35:18: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:35:18, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:35:19: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:35:19, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:35:20: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:35:20, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:35:21: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:35:21, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:35:22: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:35:22, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:35:23: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:35:23, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:35:58: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:35:58, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:35:58: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:35:58, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:36:04: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:36:04, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:36:10: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:36:10, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:36:16: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:36:16, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:36:22: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:36:22, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:36:42: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:36:42, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:36:43: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:36:43, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:36:56: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:36:56, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:36:57: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:36:57, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:37:02: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:37:02, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:38:01: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:38:01, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:38:02: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:38:02, warning: job finished, miner is idle
2011-06-20 00:38:07: Listener for "jojje": 20/06/2011 00:38:07, Problems communicating with bitcoin RPC
2011-06-20 00:38:27: Listener for "jojje" shutting down

Av jojjeeee

problems communicating with bitcoin rpc

Börjat få fel meddelandet på sistonde, det står problems communicating with bitcoin rpc och jag förlorar mycket på att det varje 60 sekunder blir så, jag har öppnat portarna i routern..

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Av jojjeeee

menar utan att föra över dem till sitt konto, låta dem vara kvar där.

Av jojjeeee

Kan man på något sätt göra satt mina btc blir dollar på mtgox?

Av jojjeeee

Fan att det tar 3 dagar att föra in pengar till Mt Gox

Av jojjeeee
Skrivet av Ekzzor:

Precis så jag gjorde.

Testade nu att ta 1000 iställe för 300 och kryssade ner rutan och startade afterburner där står det att de fortfarande är på 1250, testade därefter att dra ner till 800 i afterburner, apply ingen skillnad.

kryssade afterburner gick tillbaka till trixx valde default där apply kryssa, sedan in i afterburner och valde 800, apply, och då får jag ner det till 800.

Det strular ibland, jag startar dp om datorn startar sapphire trixxx klockar trycker apply och kör sedan igång msi afterburner (efter att jag stängt sapphire trixxx).

Av jojjeeee
Skrivet av treeo:

Var hittar jag dessa upplåsta bios? Jag har ett powercolor 6850 som jag kör i 990/300 med 1230 mV...

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Av jojjeeee

ANVÄND ALLTID SAPPHIRE TRIXXX OM DU VILL UNDERKLOCKA SAMT ÖVERKLOCKA HUR MYCKET DU KÄNNER FÖR DET! Gör såhär: ladda ned sapphire trixxx och gå in på overclocking skriv in värderna du vill ha. Stäng ned programet och starta msi afterburner om du använder det till fläktkurvan. Där ser du även ditt korts klockning som du ändrat i sapphire trixxx

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Av jojjeeee

Bra betalt från idag

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Av jojjeeee

Erik har ej fått betalt för igår natts mining, heter jojjeee.jojjeee

Av jojjeeee

på proportionellt får man mer lön ju mindre det är på poolen eller tvärtom??

Av jojjeeee

Jag har fått pengar till mitt konto från MtGox, skrev:

Minadress 12
12345 Minort

Av jojjeeee

Minat hela natten ingen betalning från swepool

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