
Inlägg som HTC_Superkoz har skrivit i forumet
Av HTC_Superkoz

Om du missade erbjudande från butikerna i Sverige (på Vive), så kan du fortfarande hitta Vive erbjudande@ €100 rabatt och gratis frakt.

Av HTC_Superkoz

Om du missade erbjudande från butikerna i Sverige (på Vive), så kan du fortfarande hitta Vive erbjudande@ €100 rabatt och gratis frakt.

Av HTC_Superkoz

Om du missade erbjudande från butikerna i Sverige, så kan du fortfarande hitta Vive erbjudande@ €100 rabatt och gratis frakt. Det finns också erbjudanden på Vive spel och appar på

Av HTC_Superkoz
Skrivet av ekkn:

Det ska finnas möjlighet att byta ut batteriet mot ett kraftigare.

Skickades från

Ja, det är korrekt. Ett störra batteri kommer snart, med fem timmar speltid tror jag.

Av HTC_Superkoz

Big database of Vive (and all other VR headset) games:

Found it the other day, hopefully you guys can get some use out of it too.

Av HTC_Superkoz
Av HTC_Superkoz

Hi, sorry for replying in English, but I hope I can be of some help anyway.

Had a brief look around our Viveport store and found a few apps that could be useful for you, quite a few have some kind of game like elements but they all seem to showcase some sort of unique features that could be useful for business applications of the technology.

This is the Automotive Customization Experience. It allows the user to get a feel for a potential car that they might want to buy. It is available for free at the above link.

Think Space is a multi user meeting and brainstorming apps that allows you to write on virtual whiteboards with ideas that can then be exported and used in normal work environment. This app costs 86.18KR in the store.

This is Architects Home, a virtual showhome. While not filled with features it gives an impression of what a real architects tool could be created for VR systems and used commercially. It costs 8.54KR in the Viveport store.

Onion Room is similar to the above, but available for free. Could be good to showcase the Real Estate applications of VR tech.

VR Kitchen Experience shows what could be done for Kitchen Fitter retailers, similar to the IKEA app. It is available for free on the Viveport Store.

The Body VR is an educational experience that allows the user to learn about the internal systems of the human body. It is a good showcase of how educational applications of the technology could be used. it is available for free at Viveport.

This is just a few select apps that could showcase various things, there are many more and some other important ones I may have missed. Check out and see the whole range.

Thanks and I hope this is of some help to you.

Av HTC_Superkoz

Just a quick note to let you know that I haven't forgotten about this thread, just waiting for some feedback and hopefully I will be able to give you an answer some time this week. Apologies for the delay.

Av HTC_Superkoz


The cable is currently only available (it seems, I did a little search on Webhallen and Elgiganten) on the Vive Accessory store . I noticed that the price is listed in Euro's also and not KR. I will pass this info over to my higher ups and ask whether there is a plan to start selling the accessories in local electronics retailers around the region. Apologies for only being able to provide you with this half answer, but I will be back once I am better informed on the situation.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention, it's great to get this kind of feedback from our user base and it can help us to spot issues we otherwise may not have thought about.

Av HTC_Superkoz


Hi Kvist1, I apologise for replying in English. I have searched a little and found that there is a way to reduce the brightness settings, but not directly through the Vive. It seems like this is a common problem many others around the world are having. I found this thread on the Elite:Dangerous UK forums where one user has come up with a solution, although I couldn't personally recommend doing this.!

I hope this can help you with your issue, but like I said, I can't personally recommend this action.


Av HTC_Superkoz

@SweViver: Sorry, I missed the r/ part of the address this one should work

Av HTC_Superkoz

Nytt HTC Vive Community

Hej allihop, jag kommer från HTC Vive. Jag skulle vilja bjuda in er till ett nytt Reddit community för HTC vive och det officiella HTC Vive forumet. Vi kommer prata engelska men med andra skandinaviska människor (finnar, norrmän, danskar, islänningar). Vi hoppas att skapa en gemenskap för fans och utvecklare. Vänligen gå till eller om ni är intresserade. Tack på förhand! HTC_Superkoz