prince of persia warrior within ..HJÄLP!!


prince of persia warrior within ..HJÄLP!!

hej behöver hjälp!!!snälla har kollat på nätet efter en bra de beskriver inte mitt problem på något ställe!!
Ok.jag har fastnat [Fates dark hand Past:Cliff]man ska hoppa mellan flera olika skeppsmaster som kollapsar.sen hoppar man över till broar som rasar i en grotta ovanför vattnet.sen när man har kommit högst upp ser det ut som en grottöppning som man ska ha sönder har jag missat något vapen eller? ...har testat med allt där.vad skall man göra ..snälla hjälp mig :\


hmm i slutet av hela den sekvensen ska du hamna på en plattform med en kista. Precis till höger om kistan kan du förstöra väggen med ditt svärd.


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Chapter 06: "Fate's Dark Hand"

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Objective 3: Reach The Hourglass Chamber (Past)

2. Head for the Statue at the top of the stairs behind you. Pull (R1) the
statue towards the stairs. This will open up a door behind the statue. Go
into that doorway and down the stairs to the right. To your right you will
need to move quickly through this hallway to avoid the spikes coming out
of the floor and avoid the spinning poles. As you turn the next corner you
will see a spinning pole going up and down. Run at the correct time to avoid
the spikes coming out of the floor and then roll under the spinning pole (I
recommend that you run along side of one of the walls and right after you
roll under the spinning pole do a wall run to avoid the blades trap). Wall
run along the left wall of the gap to your right at the correct time to avoid
the spinning saw blade and when you turn the next corner near the blade trap
you will see the red symbol on the wall in the distance. Run towards the red
Symbol at the correct time to avoid the spikes that come out of the floor and
then roll under the spinning poles. Go over to the Red symbol on the wall.


You now have Life Upgrade #2.

3. Go back out the way you came now that the traps are deactivated. Go back
out to where the statue is and smash open the Chest near to the left of the
stairs to unlock Artwork #7. Go down the stairs in front of it. Climb up on
the rock ledge to your left and then up onto the ledge to your right. Jump
to the narrow ledge to your left and sidestep to your right. You need to jump
to the pole you see to your right and swing/jump from this pole to the narrow
ledge above the one you were on. Sidestep to the Prince's left and then jump
to the pole you see to your left. Swing/jump to the wall to your left and
jump off that wall to the pole that is above the one you were swinging on.
Turn yourself to face the wall to your left and swing/jump to the ledge you
see at the top of that wall on the left. Climb up and run up the wall to grab
the rope. Swing on the rope (R1) and release when you are near the beam
you see up ahead to grab/land on it. Jump to the balcony near you and use the
fountain you find here.

4. Facing the fountain go towards the broken walkway directly behind you.
Hang off the edge and drop down to the little broken beam below you. Jump to
the broken beam to your right and follow the narrow ledge in front of you to
the right. Walk all the way out onto that narrow ledge to your right and jump
to the Prince's left and you should grab onto a narrow ledge near the wall.
Sidestep left until your back is facing the pole to your left. Jump to the
pole on your left and swing/jump to the narrow ledge to your left. Walk over
to the narrow ledge that you can see higher up on the wall to your right and
climb up onto it. Jump up and grab the hole above you and shimmy to your

5. Climb up and then climb up onto the rocks on this balcony. Run up the wall
to grab the rope higher up on the wall. Climb all the way up this rope and
then jump to the pole/lever you can see directly behind the Prince. This will
shut the shutters that are near the rope. Jump back to the rope and slide down
the rope. Drop off the rope and wall run to the Prince's right to get to the
next balcony that those shutters were blocking. Run up the wall on this
balcony to grab the rope. Swing on the rope and wall run towards the balcony
up ahead. Go in the doorway to your right (If you are wondering what is the
point of the button on the wall I will tell you in a moment). Once you go
into the middle of the room the female minions will start dropping from the
ceiling. You can fight, avoid them or use that button outside for them. Lead
them towards the wall with the button on it and when they are over the holes
of the spiked floor run up the wall and hit the button this will raise the
spikes to kill them instantly. It is up to you on how you want to deal with
them. You need to run up the wall on the right and grab the narrow ledge here
to continue on. Jump up and climb up the next narrow ledge. Jump to the pole
to your right and use that pole to swing/jump to the pole to your right. Turn
yourself to face the higher pole to your left and swing/jump to that pole.
Swing/jump to the hallway/ledge to your left and quickly run across this
floor to avoid the spikes coming out of the floor. Run up the wall in front
of you to grab a narrow ledge. Jump up and climb up the narrow ledge above
you. Jump to the pole directly behind the Prince and then swing/jump onto the
wall that you just came from to jump off it to get up onto the higher pole
above you. Face yourself towards the wall you came from and do another
swing/jump to the narrow ledge where the spinning pole is above. Shimmy to
the Prince's right and when you reach the end of this narrow ledge wait for
the spinning pole to be going away from you before you pull yourself up. Jump
to the ledge to your right and then sidestep to safety to the Prince's right.

6. Follow this hallway here and when you turn the corner you will need to
wall run along the wall to the right while avoiding the saw blade to grab the
rope. You don't want to swing on this rope just let it become still and then
jump to the rope to your left. Swing on this rope and wall run to the
hallway/ledge when the saw blade isn't in your way up ahead. Go around the
corner to your left and you will see a four spinning pole trap. Go between
the middle ones to avoid getting hit when getting by them. Go into the
doorway of water. Use the fountain here to heal/save your game.

7. Run up the walls that have the buttons on them you may notice that some
light up and others only flash. You need to push them in a specific order. If
the button stays lit that means you hit the right one. If the button only
flashes that means you hit the wrong one and will unlight any buttons you may
have lit up. Try various combinations until you have lit up all of the
buttons. Go over to the sand portal to use it. These are random and that is
why I don't have an easier answer for them.


You now have the Eye of the Storm power (it slows things down around you).

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Ursprungligen inskrivet av Ansgarr
hmm i slutet av hela den sekvensen ska du hamna på en plattform med en kista. Precis till höger om kistan kan du förstöra väggen med ditt svärd.

ok har testat det men är det nåt specielt svärd man ska ha har fått det första men när jag slår stdsar den bara tillbaka..mvh johan


Hmm, jag ska aktivera det första tornet jag, har itne den blekaste om vad jag ska göra, är där, men kommer ingen vart. någon hjälpa?

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(PS. Ja det går bra att läsa FAQ's till PS2 eller Xbox även om man spelar på PC.)

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Om du svarar på mitt inlägg, citera, tack!