
Cod 4 pb kick

Jag får kick utav denna anledning när jag spelar cod 4 multiplayer: Punkbuster kicked player '...' (for 0 minutes) ... RESTRICTION: service communication failure: pnkbstrb.exe heartbeats stopped. Finns det någon som har en lösning till detta problem?

jag har redan provat: uppdatera punkbuster, ta bort punkbuster och installera det igen och installerat om hela cod 4 inget har hjälpt.


Se till så att brandväggen tillåter punkbuster genom att sätta pb som ett tillåtet program i brandväggens inställningar.

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[Fractal Design R5] [Intel i7 4790k + CM 212 Evo] [8Gb DDR3] [Asus Z97-A] [MSI GTX 970]
[Samsung Chronos 7] Intel i5-3210M (2,5Ghz), 6Gb DDR3, 1Tb, nVidia GT 640M 1024Mb GDDR5


Någon brandvägg eller något?


jo det har jag också gjort. brandväggen tillåter cod 4 så det ska inte vara några problem.


Fraps och PB har en konstig tendens att krocka med varandra när man lirar CoD 4. Om du kör med Fraps igång så är det i alla fall värt att prova att stänga av.


tack för tipset men jag använder inte fraps.


Vilket operativ system?


Mjo har sett att en massa blivit kickade nuförtiden, de hände en gång för nåra år sen i RtCW när just PnkbstrB å PnkbstrA kom, många blev kickade för "losing keypackets", prova å "gnäll" här:

Hitta de här

(Länk: )

"If your receiving these errors, there could be several reasons for this. Most likely you just need to add the service components to your Anti-Virus/Firewall/Security software allow list or you may need to reinstall the Punk Buster service components .

Viruses/Malware could also be effecting the services, so please make sure your system is clean and remember that sometimes the only way to clean up after Virus or Malware is a total reformat of the system. In fact for any Virus/Trojan/Rootkit and some very nasty malware its extremely highly recommended.

First give this simple fix a try. Open Windows Explorer (My Computer) and navigate to C:\Windows\System32\
Find "PnkBstrB.exe" and delete. Reboot the PC and go into your game. (Note: You may have to do this two or three times for the B component to be properly/fully updated, and this only works if its complaining about the B component.)

If the above doesn't work try the following procedure.

Download the Service Installer from Even Balances website.

Download the Client File Updater.

Save both a folder with nothing else in it and remember their location.

As with any application install its recommended to disable any Anti-Virus/Security Applications that might interfere with the installation process for the duration of the installation. If they cannot be disabled or you don't know how please consult the vendor or the applications help system.

Start by right clicking the pbsvc.exe you just downloaded and choosing Run As (XP) or Run As Administrator (Vista). You will get a dialog similar to Attached File runasxp.jpg ( 20.59K ) Number of downloads: 86

Chose "The Following User" and use "Administrator" (XP) or chose a user with administrator privileges in Vista.
Enter the password for the Administrator account.
Click OK
If the services are already installed you will be given the option to reinstall or uninstall.

Now do a quick search of your hard drive for the following term: "Pnk" (no quotes).
Delete any files that have similar file names of PnkBstr*.exe or PnkBstr*.sys you might find them in game directory's and/or the System32 folder.
Reboot your machine.

Now do the same for the Punk Buster Setup Program.

Right click pbsetup.exe and chose Run As Attached File runasxp.jpg ( 20.59K ) Number of downloads: 86

Chose "The Following User" and use "Administrator" (XP) or chose a user with Administrator privileges in Vista.
Enter the password for the Administrator account.
Click Ok
The program will check for application updates (fresh download shouldn't have any)
Configure it to update every Punk Buster Enabled game you have.
Click "Check for Updates"

Note1: If you are getting Windows Error messages about the Services (very rare) you need to open a ticket with Even Balance Ticket System and report the exact word for word error message. A PB kick message is not a Windows Error Message don't open a ticket for a Window Error message and then give them a PB Kick message.

Note2: Some firewall/AV solutions can not be disabled even when you use the built in menu option to disable the software. Known vendors are anything from Symantec, Zone Alarm, Panda and possibly others. In these cases the only sure way to disable the security software is to uninstall them and use a better software. Grisoft's AVG AV/Firewall/Spyware solution seems to be one of the few that does not conflict with PB and uses way less resources then the others also.

Note3: All games who's PB client is newer then 1.5xx are using the PB Service version of Punkbuster. Which is pretty much every game now."

En liten länk till

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|| Intel Core i5 2500K || Corsair Cooling Hydro H60 || Asus Maximus IV Gene-Z || Asus GeForce GTX 570 DirectCU II || Corsair 8GB 1600Mhz VENGEANCE || Corsair HX 650W || Fractal Design Define Mini || 500GB WD Caviar Black || OCZ SSD Agility 3 60GB || Windows 7 Premium 64-bit [thread="1004219"][/thread]

ASUSMaximus IV GENE-Z Owners Club


hadde det problemet med innan men jag börja lira över garena istället

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antec mini p180 mATX asus p5kpl-am, shappire 5770, e7650 @ 3.2 ghz, corsair 450w, 4gb 6400 corsair, Windows 7 64 bit


Dubbelpost erik??nu kommer tråden stoppas...

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Fractal Design Refine R2 Asus Commando(1901) Q6600@3600mhz@Vattenkylning Corsair HX620W 4Gb 2x2 dominator 8500 Powercolor HD4870X2 Ikari Laser WD MyBook 500Gb@E-Sata 3dmark06@20436+/-
Win xp sp3/win 7 ultimate