Planetside 2 bug, haft sedan beta.


Planetside 2 bug, haft sedan beta.

Hejsan, god afton och halloj.

Jag har vänt mig mot SOE's egna General Technical Support forumsdel och inte fått någon respons alls. Så jag tänkte: någon på sweclockers måste veta, kunna eller förstå, helst alla tre. Eftersom det är en lång historia jag skrivit tar jag och kopierar denna hit under denna fliken:

First and foremost: I've had this since BETA and now I am truly tired of it.

Hello good sirs and gentlewomen of the internet. I am Zizoor, a planetside 2 player with a bug that will not go away. Ever. My in game voice chat does not work, and have never been working but for a single time (see below in section 1) and now I am set for it to go away.

The problem I am having is that when someone talks (or is supposed to talk, anyway) nothing happens.
Simple right? Well okay, it all depends on what mood planetside is on when I log in, because sometimes I can hear sentences being cut of after 1-2 seconds, granted this is depending on the mood of planetside at that time.
Sometimes I can see the little indicator that someone is talking down at the bottom left corner, and hey, sometimes when I try to communicate same thing happens. But can anyone hear me? Well... It (AGAIN...) depends on the mood of planetside at that time. Sometimes they do, sometimes (most times) they don't.

If I try to record my own voice (It also says in the menues that there's no errors detected btw) and then play it all I hear is a 0.3 (yes I timed it somewhat) seconds of my voice. Sometimes I too hear this if others speak in the chat.

As you might have figured out this impeeds my progress as a planetside 2 player, as a teammember and as a squad leader. Whom am I to lead a couple of lads into war if I cannot speak to them? Or hear them?

A quick briefing of the events shall we?

1) The only time It have worked (i.e I can hear others and they can hear me) was a time in beta. A bug one might call it. A bug whence I was stuck in limbo, whereas the world was as red and distorted as if I were dead still after I respawned. See this image for how it looked at the time. (I probably have more pictures in that library if you start scrolling through it)

After I restarted the game (beta at the time) my voice chat was silent one more, and has never worked since.

2) I have tried every option there is in the game, I'm not stupid. I have rebuilt my computer, switched components in hope of results. The current rig I am on is:

Intel core i5 2500k @ 4.4 Ghz
8 GB Corsair Vengeance 1600mhz DDR3 RAM
2 x XFX Radeon HD 6870
ASUS Sabertooth Z77

The audio rig and headset is:
Cambridge Soundworks: MEGAWORKS THX 550 (5.1)
Corsair Vengeance 1500 (7.1)

I have also installed windows anew on the computer, removing every single bit of evidence that planetside ever has been on this machine before. I have done this three seperate times.
I have removed planetside at least 4 times not counting the formating of my computer.

I have personally reached the conclusion that It cannot be because of my audio rig, since it worked when in this mysterious limbo state, right?

I hope you can help me on this. I've tried everything that I can think of, please.. Suggest me some kind of help.

/ A confused and rather sad swedish teen.

Dold text

Förlåt för jag inte översatte det men är lite trött och skulle mer eller mindre gladeligen krama personen som kan ge mig ett halvt svar.. Google är inte min vän i detta sammanhanget...

Visa signatur

Ignorance is voluntary misfortune.


Jag har haft ett liknande problem när jag spelar Planetside 2. Jag hör andra men ingen hörde mig, spelet uppfattade aldrig min röst. Tyvärr så kommer jag inte ihåg hur jag löste problemet.
Jag använder Logitech G35.
Jag skriver igen när (om) jag kommer på hur jag löste mitt problem.

Mvh Skingken

Visa signatur

Bara för att du inte hittar ett virus så betyder det inte att det inte finns där.

Jag anmäler mina egna kommentarer för att någon ska läsa dem.
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