Battle royale-fenomenet har spritt sig som en löpeld över spelmarknaden, där några av världens mest populära spel återfinns i genren. Tidigare i år gick Epic Games gratisspel Fortnite om PUBG i popularitet, där förstnämnda finansieras av mikrotransaktioner istället för intäkter från spelförsäljning.

Nu presenterar Lendedu en undersökning med över 1 000 amerikanska Fortnite-spelare, vilka svarat på en rad frågor om och hur de spenderar sina pengar i spelet. Där uppgav 69 procent av de tillfrågade att de spenderar pengar på kosmetiskt innehåll i Fortnite.

Kanske mest anmärkningsvärt är att genomsnittsköparen lagt 760 kronor på diverse innehåll, vilket är mer pengar än vad de flesta fullprisspel kostar. Populärast är olika utstyrslar och karaktärer, medan glidflygare, dansrörelser och verktyg hamnar längre ned i listan. För 37 procent av köparna är det första gången de lägger pengar på mikrotransaktioner i ett spel.

Hela 20 procent av köparna vet inte om att mikrotransaktionerna enbart är kosmetiska och inte ger några spelmässiga fördelar. Vidare kompletterar 25 procent av de tillfrågade sitt Fortnite-spelande med en prenumeration på streamingtjänsten Twitch, där Fortnite är mycket populärt.

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1. Have you ever spent money on in-game purchases for Fortnite?

a. 68.8 percent of respondents answered "Yes"

b. 28.7 percent of respondents answered "No"

c. 2.5 percent of respondents answered "I'd rather not say"

2. (Asked only to those who answered "A" to Q1) In your estimation, how much money have you spent on in-game purchases for Fortnite?

a. The average Fortnite player who has spent money on the game has spent $84.67.

b. Encompassing all Fortnite players (spenders & non-spenders), the average amount spent on the game was $58.25.

3. (Asked only to those who answered "A" to Q1) How much of your total spending in Fortnite goes towards outfits or characters?

a. 58.9 percent ($49.87) of Fortnite spending goes towards outfits or characters.

4. (Asked only to those who answered "A" to Q1) How much of your total spending in Fortnite goes towards gliders?

a. 18.06 percent ($15.29) of Fortnite spending goes towards gliders.

5. (Asked only to those who answered "A" to Q1) How much of your total spending in Fortnite goes towards harvesting tools?​

a. 13.52 percent ($11.45) of Fortnite spending goes towards harvesting tools.

6. (Asked only to those who answered "A" to Q1) How much of your total spending in Fortnite goes towards emotes (dance moves)?

a. 9.52 percent ($8.06) of Fortnite spending goes towards emotes (dance moves).

7. (Asked only to those who answered "A" to Q1) Have you purchased a $10 Battle Pass in Fortnite?​

a. 79.51 percent of respondents answered "Yes"

b. 20.49 percent of respondents answered "No"

8. (Asked only to those who answered "A" to Q1) Have you purchased a $25 Battle Pass in Fortnite?

a. 45.64 percent of respondents answered "Yes"

b. 54.36 percent of respondents answered "No"

9. (Asked only to those who answered "A" to Q1) Are you aware that in-game Fortnite purchases do not give you an advantage on other players?

a. 80.09 percent of respondents answered "Yes"

b. 19.91 percent of respondents answered "No"

10. (Asked only to those who answered "A" to Q1) Did you ever pay for in-game purchases before you started playing Fortnite?

a. 59.88 percent of respondents answered "Yes, I have always done this."

b. 36.78 percent of respondents answered "No, Fortnite was the first game where I started purchasing in-game."

c. 3.34 percent of respondents answered "I'd rather not say."

11. Do you pay for a Twitch account to watch other people (ex. Ninja) play Fortnite?

a. 25.3 percent of respondents answered "Yes"

b. 72.3 percent of respondents answered "No"

c. 2.4 percent of respondents answered "I'd rather not say."

12. (Asked only to those who answered "A" to Q11) How much money do you pay per month as part of your Twitch subscription?

a. 41.11 percent of respondents answered "$4.99"

b. 43.48 percent of respondents answered "$9.99"

c. 15.41 percent of respondents answered "$24.99"

13. Are you currently attending school at the high school or college level?

a. 33.6 percent of respondents answered "Yes"

b. 26.5 percent of respondents answered "No"

c. 31.4 percent of respondents answered "No, I now have a full-time job."

d. 8.5 percent of respondents answered "No, and I do not have a full-time job."

14. (Asked only to those who answered "A" to Q13) Have you ever missed school time to play Fortnite instead?

a. 14.58 percent of respondents answered "Yes, a lot."

b. 20.54 percent of respondents answered "Yes, but not much."

c. 64.88 percent of respondents answered "No"

15. (Asked only to those who answered "C" to Q13) Have you ever missed work to play Fortnite instead?

a. 5.73 percent of respondents answered "Yes, a lot."

b. 15.92 percent of respondents answered "Yes, but not much."

c. 78.35 percent of respondents answered "No"

16. In your best estimation, how many hours per week do you spend playing Fortnite?

a. 29.4 percent of respondents answered "Zero to five hours"

b. 32.5 percent of respondents answered "Six to 10 hours"

c. 17.3 percent of respondents answered "11 to 15 hours"

d. 13.1 percent of respondents answered "16 to 20 hours"

e. 7.7 percent of respondents answered "21 hours or more"

17. What do you mainly play Fortnite on?

a. 35.2 percent of respondents answered "Xbox One"

b. 42.2 percent of respondents answered "PlayStation 4"

c. 13.9 percent of respondents answered "Computer"

d. 8.7 percent of respondents answered "Mobile phone"

18. Have you stopped playing other games because you are only focused on Fortnite?

a. 27.3 percent of respondents answered "Yes, Fortnite is the only game I play."

b. 46.7 percent of respondents answered "Sort of, the amount of time I spend playing other games has drastically reduced."

23.3 percent of respondents answered "No, my game playing tendencies have remained the same."

2.7 percent of respondents answered "unsure"

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Avslutningsvis rapporterar Superdata att Fortnite under maj beräknas ha dragit in 318 miljoner USD, motsvarande strax under 3 miljarder kronor. Jämfört med månaden innan är detta en ökning på 7 procent, och merparten av tillväxten härstammar numera från smarta telefoner och konsoler.