Skrivet av AntiChrist:

Hmm, om det inte fungerar att aktivera X.M.P (vilket brukar vara lösningen), kolla denna tråd (svaret längst ner i tråden):

"If this isn't too late, i just found the solution. I use a sabertooth z97 mark 2 with 2x8 gb of corsair ram at 1866 mhz. At first the bios showed that the ram was 1300 mhz, but all i did is i went into EZ mode and change the performance mode on the top right corner from normal to ASUS whatever... the highest performance one. Then i rebooted and my ram was set to 1866 mhz automatically. I don't know why the bios was designed in this nonsense way but at least there is an easy way around it. Hope this helps anyone that is getting the same issue.

On a side note, the ASUS bios also has a setting that adds a 3 second waiting time by default. It is not disabled even if you enabled fast boot. The only way to get rid of it is to go into advanced mode, then booting, then scrol down until you find the setting showing 3 seconds. Change that into 0 and your boot time is now magically 3 seconds faster."

Det där lät väldigt logiskt men även fast jag ändrade till Asus optimal mode så gick dom i 1333Mhz, gick heller inte att ändra till 1600Mhz. Finns inte ens något alternativ för 1600.


Hmm, har de skickat rätt minne? Vad står på minnena?

Visa signatur

P4NW 1.8A@2.4B | 1GB DDR (2, 5, 2, 2) | Leadtek A250 Ultra TD |
WD 120GB-SE + SG Ba.IV 40GB| 18,1 TFT | Audigy m. Inpire 5300 5.1 |


Beställde det som ni länkade.
Corsair Vengeance lp 2x4gb 1600MHZ

Så står det på förpackningen.


Ok. Skulle föreslå att du skapar en ny tråd i ämnet. Kanske i ASUS-forumet?

Visa signatur

P4NW 1.8A@2.4B | 1GB DDR (2, 5, 2, 2) | Leadtek A250 Ultra TD |
WD 120GB-SE + SG Ba.IV 40GB| 18,1 TFT | Audigy m. Inpire 5300 5.1 |


Okej! Tack så hemskt mycket för all hjälp hittils!